♤ 7 ♤

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Third Person Pov:

"Had to survive on scraps, canned food, cockroaches...I did everything we had to survive" Five says looking at the floor. "You know that rumour that Twinkies have an endless shelf life...it's bullshit" Five says making Y/n mad about the runours. "Aw shit why the Twinkies. The FUCKING Twinkies?!" Y/n says making Five give her a look. "What...Twinkies were amazing so don't give me that look asshole. Now continue your story." Y/n says dismissing Five 'They act like an old married couple' Vanya thinks in her mind as Y/n let's out a little laugh "no Vanny no, you know I can read minds" Y/n says to Vanya making Five look up in confusion. Y/n let's out a awkward laugh while scratching her wrist.

"Wow I can't even imagine" Vanya says "You do whatever it takes to survive, or you die" Five says making Y/n look up at Five. "So we adapted. Whatever the world threw at us, we found a way to overcome it" Five says causing Y/n to wonder 'who is we?' 'is he talking about delores?' "We?" Vanya and Y/n say at the same time. "You got anything stronger?" Five says ignoring the both of them.

Five sips his drink, probably vodka or some shit. Y/n downs her cup of vodka not caring what stares she's getting from Vanya and Five. "You both think I'm crazy" Five says causing Y/n to breathe out a laugh. "You've always been crazy Numero Cinco" Y/n says being a bit tipsy from downing her vodka. Vanya takes the cup from Y/n causing her to scoff and walk towards the apartment window. "No...I um...it's a lot to take in" Vanya says worried about Five. "Exactly what don't you understand" Five says with a bit of bitterness. "I mean, why didn't you time travel back?" Vanya says causing Y/n to shake her head and Five scoffing. "Gee wish I thought of that. Time travel is a crapshoot. I went through the ice but never acorn-ed. You think I didn't try everything to get back to my family, you...Y/n..." Five says mumbling the last part looking at Y/n who was admiring the stars out the window of Vanya's apartment.

Y/n's Pov:

Looking out the window...the city lights...cars...the beautiful stars in the night sky. Hearing Five and Vanya in the back talking and the busy cars traveling at night. Remembering all the torture and experiments Dad did to me. I grab my headphones I left the last time I was at Vanya's and plug them into my phone and play 'Daddy Issues by The Neighbourhood'.

♤ play the song at the top now ♤

Swaying to the music...feeling free...a little tipsy...I walk over to the kitchen in Vanya's apartment and get another drink of vodka. Pouring the liquid in the cup downing it feeling the burning liquid down ny throat. Starting to feel a bit tingly...'Number Eight! What have I said, NO drinking!' 'Yeah well you said a lot of things that's just a bunch of bullshit in my brain' Flashbacks...I need it out of me please...I ignore Five and Vanya's worried and concerned looks. Drinking the vodka...the tingly feeling comes back...the numbness...I needed this...real bad...Dancing my way over to the couch plopping myself on the couch and darkness consumes me...

Five's Pov:

Y/n plops herself on the couch falling into deep sleep. "What's wrong with her she never acted like this" I say still talking to Vanya.
"She changed...ever since you left. She got drunk, high with Klaus, always talked back to Dad with loads of bullshit between them." Vanya says making me look back at Y/n who's arm is hanging off the couch and head facing the ceiling.
"You like her don't you and don't even deny it. We've all seen how you look at her and you both used to be the closest" Vanya says making me look down at the floor. Silence fills the room.
"Okay well don't leave, just stay here for the night, you can sleep on the couch well..." Vanya says as we look over at Y/n who's mumbling and chuckling quietly to herself.
"Okay fine I guess I'll stay here for the night plus can't leave dumbass here by hers-" I get cut off by Y/n falling off the couch. "who turned the bed upside down" Y/n mumbles in her sleep slurring her words as she's still laying on the floor. Vanya and I stifle our laughs so bad. Vanya walks off saying goodnight as I do the same. Walking over to help Y/n off the floor onto the couch. I sit next to her as her head is laying on the armrest of the couch. I take her headphones off and put them on the end table by her.
🎶you ask me what I'm thinking about🎶

Looking at the glass eye in my hand. I have to find who's responsible for the apocalypse. I try to wake up Y/n so we can leave and I can find who this eye belongs to. She doesn't wake up so I get a glass of cold water and throw it at dumbass here. Y/n gasps shooting up on the couch causing her to fall on the floor...again. "Ow what the hell" Y/n says rubbing her head. "Good you're awake. Now we have to leave" I say going by the window. "Okay then...how did this water get on me" Y/n says as I try to hide my smile. "Five Hargreeves! Get your ass back here you dickwad!" Y/n says as I spacial jump out the window. Wait where's Y/n- "OW WHAT THE FUCK ASSHOLE" I say to Y/n who zapped me with her energy flames in the flick of her wrist (a/n: Swish and Flick)
"Well that's what you get for being an ass" Y/n says causing me to chuckle. Y/n groans from her hangover headache. "You enjoyed that vodka didn't you" I say smirking as Y/n just glares at me. "Well come on we're going to the house so you can get over that hangover" I say grabbing her hand to spacial jump but she uses her powers to travel all the way to the house.
"We both know you can't spacial jump to the house from where we're at now" Y/n says as she walks in her bedroom as I follow her scoffing. She pulls the covers of the sheets over her. "What are you just gonna stand there staring at my beautiful self sleeping...creep" Y/n says as my face goes red "Night bitch" I say to Y/n chuckling. "Goodnight dickwad" Y/n says turning to face the wall to sleep. I smile a bit and go back to my room to solve equations or whatever shit I need to do to end this apocalypse.


Y/n's Pov:

I wake up from my little hangover sleep when I hear Five talking to Vanya in his room. I get up off my ass and walk over there. Knocking on the door leaning on the doorframe "Morning everybody" I say with a tired voice. "Oh hey Y/n, you're awake" Vanya says "What y'all talking about?" I say being half awake. "Oh nothing much just the fact we left in the middle of the night to go to this shithole" Five says causing me to chuckle a bit. "well um..okay" Vanya says leaving the room as Five closes the door and Klaus bursts out of the closet. "Aww what you said about all the family stuff and Y/n AWW THAT'S CUTE FIVE" Klaus says making me give him a questionable look.
"Shut up or she'll hear you" Five says annoyed with Klaus "I'm moist" Klaus says causing me to stifle my laugh and Five just disgusted. "Pardon me, what did Mr. Five Dickwad Hargeeves say about me?" I say with curiosity.
"OH Five said that-" "Shut up right now or I'll tie you on the rope outside the window" Five says cutting Klaus off while blushing.
'Kinky' I hear Klaus say in his mind causing me to be disgusted. "Ew Klaus just ew. WHY WOULD THAT I- nevermind I don't wanna know" I say walking down the stairs
"So I just got to be your dear old dad?" Klaus says as Five just nods. "Oh so what's our cover story" "OKAY WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW?!" I say looking at Klaus and Five with a 'wtf' look.
"I'll tell you later but Klaus we don't need a cover story idiot" Five says annoyed obviously.
"So I had you when I was 17 totally misguided...and we met uh we met at the uh..." "THE DISCO!" I say to Klaus with Five rolling his eyes and sighing loudly.
"Yeah the disco...OMG the sex was AMAAAAAZINGGGG" Klaus says causing me to crack up laughing even worse with what Five responded with "I would hate to know what goes on in that brain of yours" "TELL ME ABOUT IT I HEAR KLAUS'S WEIRD THOUGHTS ALL THE DAMN TIME" I say cracking up laughing even worse. "Oh and Y/n can be your little girlfriend" Klaus says making me stop laughing.
"Hell no" "No" Five and I say at the same time.
"COME ON IT'LL BE FUN plus it's acting...unless yall do have feelings for each other then- OW WHAT THE FUCK Y/N!" Klaus says but with a flick of my wrist I zap energy at Klaus. "Okay well time to go I'm tired and I need food so let's go" I say leaving "You must be hungry for something else Y/n" Klaus says as I open my hand which has a purple energy flame coming out of it.
"Say anything else and I won't hesitate to blast you to that damn wall" I say then energy traveling to the car. Leaving Klaus and Five shocked as we all go into the car going to wherever Five needs to go.

a/n: sorry I havent updated in a while I was busy with finals week but SCHOOL IS OVER NOW YAYYY! so I hope you enjoyed this chapter and don't forget to vote.
~ bella ♡

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