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I heard my door creak open . I didn't think anything of it until I heard small sniffles and hics . I open my eyes to see kam standing over my bed crying . He crawled into bed with me griping onto my shirt . He was shaking . "Kam?..... " I felt him jumps a little. " y-yes?" He hid his face . " are you okay? Why are you crying ? " I look at him , he shook his head not responding. He just kept holding onto me crying into my chest . I decide to just leave it and wrap my arms around him. " okay.... " I stay there till he eventually falls asleep again . I kept him close feeling him jerk a few times . He looked scared and sad . I didn't know why but I felt like it was because of me . I held him until the sun came up about 3 hours later .

I don't remember falling back asleep . I remember the dreams getting worse and worse . More gore and blood . More of my boyfriend dying . I wake up groaning a bit , having a bad headache along with the sun burning my eyes . I rollover peeling my eyes open to the sight of  Kat silently working out . The sight was yet again hot as hell . I gasp a bit and look away feeling my face heat up . His muscles were getting bigger and more defined . I feel the bed dip beside me and a rough hand softly cores my cheek " you awake kam? " I slowly nod looking at him " yeah I am " he smiles leaning down softly kissing my cheek . I smile feeling a little bit better . He gets up   Grabbing some cloths going to the bathroom to take a shower I assume .I sit up stretching wincing a little as my shoulders start to sting . "Oh yeah... " I remember the multiple cuts on my shoulders . I'm such and idiot .

( idk what else to Write


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