Chapter 12

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Ryujin's POV

I laid on the couch with my tears streaming from my eyes. God knows how much I've hoped. Scrolling to my phone gallery every hour of my life, watching the girl I loved and I still keep on loving.

The girl who accepted my flaws. The girl who was an angel sent from above. The strawberry scented girl. The Yeji who was quiet and shy. The Yeji who would read a book while laying on my lap. The Yeji who would hug me when I'm having panic attack because of my phobia.

"Are you seriously crying because of that bitch?" Yeonjun suddenly popped out of nowhere.

Now I know what that girl felt when I called Yeji a bitch. Because right now, I wanna punch Yeonjun for calling her one but I've got no force to do so.

"Are you fucking serious, Ryu? Of all people, why Yeji? Why didn't you tell me before?" he asked, sounding so problematic.

"What if I told you before? Then what?" I sarcastically said before grabbing a throw pillow to cover my face.

"Then everything would be different..." he said in a low voice. I laugh while gripping on the throw pillow so tight, so tight that I hope it'd suffocate me.

"What can you do?" I got up and heavily breathed.

"Why won't you find someone else? Ryu, you're so fine. You're successful, everyone would be head over heels for you." Yeonjun pushed the jigger on the table here to my direction which I quickly stopped before it could even fall to the floor.

I drank the brandy before passing the jigger back to him. "Dude, you see, I can move on but everything is haunting me. I have a lot of unspoken words and unasked questions. I just want to know why she cheated because I'm not contented with her answers. We were going so fine...I just want to know why she ended up like that when she was that miracle in my life because it's all keeping me from moving on." I said as I brushed my palm on my hopeless face.

"We don't need an answer to everything, Ryujin. Sometimes there's questions that's better left unanswered." he stated, "cut the crap now and stop with that vlogs about your 'dear girlfriend' because she's not the girl you once had. She's everyone's girl now, Ryu." Yeonjun said which brought me to reality. He's right. Maybe he's right.

She's not the girl I once had. How did she turn out like that? They say those modest girls are often bitches than the bitch. I never knew I'd believe that.

"AHHH!" I screamed that's why Yeonjun laughs.

"AHHHHHHH!" we both screamed together. We ended up laughing at ourselves since we look like a fool.

I'm lucky to have friends by my side. A supportive parents and my dear twin who goes along with me pretty well. I realized that we never had a serious fight since everytime we're almost coming to that point, he would crack some joke. He's the best brother ever.

"Hello Sinb-ah?" I approached when she accepted the call.

[What's up? I visited Yeji and she told me you had fight with her, what's wrong with you Ryujin? If that's about the past, I truly understand your feelings, but it's different now. You have different lives, please refrain from barging in Yeji's condominium out of the blue just to hurt her, okay?]

"Stop scolding me and listen," I said. Why is Sinb so in favor of her? It's me who Yeji hurt. It's me who Yeji brought in pain.

[Okay, fine. Just don't forget what I said]

"I wanna stop vlogging with her. People will eventually forget about her and they would think that Yeji's just not fond of people knowing her everyday life." I stated.

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