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Ryujin's hands are shaking from so much anger upon seeing her girlfriend on the hallway of their school. There are no other students as if the fate wants them alone together.

"Why did you cheat on me?" the raging look on her eyes disappeared when it laid on Yeji's cold eyes. It was as if Yeji took her anger away—because Ryujin can't deny that she's still in love with the girl whom she once had.

"You ruined me..." Yeji said with her cracking voice tho her eyes tell nothing, just a pair of void Ryujin can see.

Ryujin stood up with her clenching fist, "it's you who ruined me." she said, telling what she's feeling and if ever she could explain how Yeji's tearing her apart by now, she will.

"You're just clueless of what you've done to me, Shin Ryujin."

Yeji attempted to walk pass by her but Ryujin quickly grasped her arms. "Then how! In what way did I ruin you? Because I couldn't remember doing things as much as you did! I loved you with all my heart, I nourished you with my genuine love, Yeji..." this time, the tears she's been holding for too long streams down her face but Yeji's face didn't change at all. Her expressive eyes and facial expression became a total void.

"By not coming the day I told you to." with that, Yeji removed Ryujin's hand from her and began walking away with the hope of not running into Ryujin once again.

Ryujin cried alone, with the hope of Yeji, coming back to her arms.

hi, welcome to my new story, prepare yourselves for another roller coaster ride. thanks for reading the prologue and please read this until the end!

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