Chapter 41

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Yeonjun's POV

Does she think I'll go down that easily? If I have to take meth until I'd have the courage to tell her how much she ruined us, I will. She's fucking insane. I admit, I ruined her, but I was supposed to stay and mend her.

She ruined me, so much than I did to her. I've put scar on her nape. I forced my way to have her but that's the most stupidest thing I've ever done. Now, she ruined me to Ryujin. The twin I treasured for long. The only girl I cared for after mom left.

"Damn you, Yeji." I slammed my hands on the steering wheel while watching over Yeji who's crossing the street.

I heavily sigh when I saw a kid jumping while shouting across the street, together with someone's company who's wearing a nurse uniform. There's a hose attached to the kid and I just realized that they're in front of a hospital.

The sound of the street started coming in as the window of my car slowly goes down.

"Mommy! Mommy!"

Yeji quickly lifted her up when their feet met.


Why would I be curious? She's a stripper. She probably got her karma.

Ryujin's POV

I look at Yeonjun who arrived here with his tensing jaw. I told him not to step his feet here anymore but here he is again. This fucking jerk still got the audacity to face me. I swear he'll get his place in jail soon.

"Why didn't you tell me that Yeji has a daughter?" he asked that's why my arching eyebrows faded, "The kid...Ryujin! That kid got her eyes but her features...Ryujin, her face..." the falling tears from his eyes were racing down his chin.

"What about her face?" I asked, showing a nonchalant expression as much as I can.

"R-Ryujin...I had something with Yeji back then—" before he could finish speaking, I hissed that made him stop.

"Do you think that kid is yours? And what if that's yours? What are you even? You're just like dad so just fucking forget what you saw." I stated and got up to get myself ready to go.

"How old is she..." Yeonjun asked with tears on his eyes.

"Come on, you really think that she's yours? You think you'd have a fruit from someone you ruined?!" I exclaimed.

It's better to keep Lucy away. Yeonjun doesn't deserve to know that he has a daughter.

"If you ever know something I hope you won't keep it from me. I hope you still remembers how my life revolve about imagining how things would be like if I have a kid already, a daughter to be specific." he stated which made my jaw tensed in anger.

"You wanna use a kid to change your life? Pathetic, Yeonjun-ah." I began walking, passing by him.

"Don't pretend that you didn't hear everything while we were laying on the same bed as we imagine things that we want in life," Yeonjun said that made me stop, "We were kids, mom left us. We got each other. I would go home after school with bruises on my knuckles or a cut on my lip, go to your room to chitchat with you and ask you whether someone's fooling around you in school. As time passes we would talk about things, our favorite music, everything that happened in school, the gifts we want, and what else? As far as I can still remember, I talked about wanting a kid as a gift for years, right? Don't pretend that you don't know. Ryujin, I just did one bad thing to you and that was because I didn't know about you and Yeji back then. Just one thing and you're shutting me out like this? Fine, I'm willing to be in jail but I just wanna say that after all I've done— how could you easily hate me? After all we've been through can you forget the good guy who I was back then, your twin who always got your back."

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