Chapter 55

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Ryujin's POV

I woke up with a smile on my face. I think I had a good dream. But nothing's better than waking up next to a tiny being.

The tent was left open and I can finally see the stars twinkling in the sky. I guess I shouldn't wake her up since she played a lot this afternoon. She'll wake up on her own later anyway.

I brushes my hair using my hand whilst I'm getting out of the tent. It surely is night already. I've read the newspaper right since the date of full moon was written there. The moon is so big and bright together with its sparkling pretty stars.

"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?"

My eyes slowly shifted down the grassy ground where she's sitting.

"Sana told that to Dahyun unnie when they were watching the moon. It was their other way to tell someone I love you in Japanese." Yeji stated so I let out a bit smile and settled myself beside her.

"I can die happy, Yeji-yah." I mumbled. Yeji looks at me that's why I gives her the brightest smile I could give.

"You think she died happy?" Yeji asked, referring to Sana.

"If you were shot in your head by your bestfriend? I think I won't be happy."

We both laugh. My laugh where my whiskers shows and her laugh where her shallow dimple appears.

"I missed Sinb..." Yeji lifts her right hand on the air, connecting the stars using her index finger. "Where are you now, Sinb-yah? I didn't know that you needed to sacrifice just for me to be in this situation right now..." she uttered.

I holds her right hand while staring at her, "Thank you, Sinb-ah. Don't worry, you can haunt my father in his jail now." I said, still staring at Yeji.

Please don't vanish.

Don't leave me ever again.

I dreamed about being happily married with Yeji. I couldn't be more happy so please...I hope this ain't a dream. I'm holding her hand tight and I won't let go. I know this ain't a dream. Please...this couldn't be a dream.

I snapped out when Yeji's lips touches mine, my eyes widens seeing her parting from me. I quickly touch my lips, surprised of what she did.

"You're not dreaming, Ryu." Yeji cups my right cheek, running her thumb on it, "You deserve this. You were always there for me, remember that. When I was close to giving up, when I'm almost giving up, when all I did was to push you away. You were there at time that no one's around to support me. So you deserve this right now...we deserve to be with each other after all the downfalls." once again, Yeji brushed her lips on mine.

I blinked a lot, not knowing what to think or feel first.

Wait. Where are we? What chapter of our lives are we in right now? How long was it since our lives was nothing but a crumpled paper?

"Yah Ryuddaeng!" Yeji cupped my cheeks while looking at me intently, "Mighty Ryuddaeng wake up! Your Princess Yeddeong is in danger—" she wasn't able to continue her words when someone jumped on her back.

Lucy circled her arms on Yeji's neck while chuckling, "I'm gonna take the princess away from you!" she said with an evil laugh.

Yeji got up, "Help me Ryujin-ah! The witch is going to take me!" she said, acting as if she's being taken away by Lucy who's clinging at her back.

"I'm gonna turn the princess into a cat now!" Lucy jumps down and points her finger on Yeji.

Yeji rolls down the grass, "Meow..."

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