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All Scott wanted was to be with Hope, but the doctors took her away while they insisted that he stay and get proper medical attention for his stab wound. 

"Please, just let me see her." He pleaded, but the answer was no. As it turns out Michael wasn't completely lying, there were no punctured organs, but it was infected and needed stitches immediately. About an hour later, Scott was allowed to see her. 

"She's in room 107, just down the hall." The doctor informed him as he hurried out the door. "" He mumbled as he found the room. He walked in, to find Hope still unconscious and hooked up to a bunch of wires. 

"Oh Hope....." He sighed. "What's wrong with her?" Scott asked a nurse in the room. 

"Well, we found a pretty deep cut in her side, and she's lost a lot of blood." 

"But will she be okay?" He asked, feeling his heart go into his throat. 

"That depends on if the blood transfusion works." The nurse told him. "I promise we are doing everything we can." She said noticing how worried he looked. 

Scott thanked her and sat down next to Hope's bed. Hours passed and she never woke up once, but Scott wouldn't leave her. Even the doctors left to attend to other patients. 

He realized that it was time to call Hank, as much as he really didn't want to. "Scott, where is Hope, she's not answering her phone," Hank said worriedly. 

"She's here but....." "But what?" Hank asked, pretty sure he would have to murder Scott within the next twenty-four hours judging by the sound of his voice. 

"Michael paid us a visit and Hope was injured." He said shakily. "Just come here as soon as you can." He said before hanging up. 

He put his head in his hands and thought about Hope. In fact, he swore he heard her saying his name. "Scott.." His head snapped up to see Hope awake. 

"Hope!" He felt like the weight of the world was just lifted off his shoulders. "I was so worried." 

"What happened?" She asked. 

"You passed out after Michael left and the doctors found a pretty bad cut in your side, but you'll be fine." He told her. "Also your dad is on his way here, and on that note how long do you think I have to live?" He joked, making her laugh which made Scott feel much better. It had been such a long time since he heard her laugh and it was refreshing to hear. 

Then they heard a sound from above them. 

"What's that?" She asked, starting to panic because if it was another Michael attack, neither of them had functional suits. She gasped as the vent cover fell off and two figures climbed out. 

"Who are you?" Scott demanded, stepping in front of Hope's bed. 

"You'll find out soon enough." The smaller figure said, and then pulled a sack over his head. He fought like there was no tomorrow, but his opponents must have been trained fighters because they were good. 

"Let him go!" Hope yelled, feeling helpless in her small hospital bed. 

"We're sorry Miss van Dyne, we don't want to make you stressed." The larger figure said. 

"How do you know my name?" Hope asked, starting to. Just then both intruders pulled off their masks. Scott took the opportunity and ripped the sack off his head, but he was still trapped in the larger figure's grip. Hope gasped as she saw who they were. 

"We need him to help us. Thank you for understanding." 

It was Captain America and Black Widow.

Hope stared at them in shock before they climbed back into the vents with Scott! 

"Bring him back!" Hope yelled. "Scott!" 

"Let me go!" He shouted. And that was the last thing she heard him say. 

Scott was gone and she was all alone. She closed her eyes and cried. But then a dark voice entered her mind. 

"It must make you feel sad to know he doesn't care about you." The voice said, with a slight German accent. "What do you mean?" She asked. 

"If it came down to saving you or Cassie, who do you think he would save?" The voice pressed. "Cassie, but I would make him save her instead of me." She answered. 

"Have you ever wondered why Scott has never said he loves you? It's because he doesn't, but he loves being AntMan and he knows you can open the door to all of your dad's tech, including the suit." The voice explained evilly. Hope was silent letting the voice know they had won. 

"What if he doesn't love me?" She asked herself and then she blacked out.

                                                                     Author's Note

I'm sorry this chapter was so short but these things are pretty hard to write. Anyways, I know Hawkeye sorta kidnapped him for Civil War, but I thought Cap and Natasha were better choices. I hope you enjoyed it!

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