The Test Run

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Over the next month, Natasha had gotten Clint to join them, and Bruce had convinced Thor to help them out. 

They built a quantum...uh...platform, but they only had one spare Pym Particle capsule, and they needed to do a test run. 

"Who should it be?" Thor asked the group. "I've already gone to the Quantum Realm, it should be me." Scott volunteered. 

Hope felt her face pale, she couldn't let Scott go, she couldn't risk losing him again. 

Just then Scott realized what he had said. He looked at Hope and saw her face full of panic. 

"Are you sure?" Bruce asked. "No actually, never mind." He apologized, taking back his previous statement. Hope breathed a sigh of relief. 

"Who's gonna go then?" Natasha asked. All of them, even though they were too stubborn to admit it, were scared. No one had ever gone back in time before, and it was likely that whoever went wouldn't return. 

"Scott, we could really use your help on this."

They needed him to go, he was the only one with any experience. Hope knew this and realized that they were never going to leave him alone. They would keep asking him until he gave in. But he wasn't the only one with quantum realm-related experience. 

"I'll do it," She said suddenly. "You'll do it?" "Yes." She confirmed. 

Bruce handed her a Time-Travel-GPS and walked her over to the quantum platform. Scott ran up to her and in a slightly panicked voice, said, "Hope, you don't need to do this." 

"Scott, I have to. If I don't go, you might... I can't lose you again, I just can't." She said, slightly teary-eyed. "Promise me that you'll be careful, okay." He said, holding her hand. "I will."  

She walked onto the platform and put the GPS on her wrist. "Press the center of the GPS and the time-travel suit will form around you," Bruce instructed. "Then just put in a date and time that you want to travel to." 

She typed in the date. She didn't even look at the numbers, but she pressed the center of the GPS, and the suit formed around her. The platform opened up and Hope went subatomic. 

As she traveled through the quantum realm, she was amazed. She had never been there, and it was so beautiful. She could see thousands of lights fly by her, and just like that, she was outside. 

She had to take off her helmet to see where she was. She had landed in an old abandoned parking lot. There was only one car there, it was an old van. It seemed oddly familiar to her... Why though? 

She looked down at her GPS and realized that she hadn't even looked at the date she put in. It was October 22, 2018. 

The day everything went to hell. The day that Scott went to the quantum realm and didn't come back. 

She must have subconsciously put in the date. It had been on her mind a lot lately. Oh, who was she kidding. It was all that had been on her mind for the last two years. 

She looked at the van again and finally understood why it looked so familiar. It was the X-Con van. Scott had told her how he and her dad had built the quantum tunnel inside the van. 

If that was true, and the date was right, that meant that..... She went closer and she saw two men outside the van. 

It was Scott and her dad. They weren't gone yet. 

She ran to them as fast as she possibly could, she needed to see her dad again. She just had to. She called out to them, but they couldn't hear her. She was still too far away. 

"Stop!" She yelled. She watched as Scott was sucked into the tunnel, and she knew she was too late. Scott had told her that her dad had disappeared seconds after he went into the tunnel. 

She ran faster but it was no use. She watched in horror as her dad dusted away. It was hard for her to even imagine her dad's death, but she had just seen it. She had to push forward. If she didn't do something, Scott would be stuck in the quantum realm again. 

She ran up to the console and heard Scott through the radio. "Hank!"

"Scott it's me! I don't have time to explain. You have to listen to me." She said through the radio. 


"Listen, I don't have much time, my dad is gone. I'll bring you out." She said and started to pull the lever on the console. 

Her GPS started to beep. They were calling her back. 

"No, no, no..." She murmured. She knew that this was an alternate universe and what she did wouldn't make a difference in her reality, but she couldn't let Scott stay there. 

The machine powered up and she picked up the radio again. "Scott, do exactly what I say. When you get out I won't be here. I'll still be at the hospital. Go there as fast as you can. I won't remember anything from right now, okay." She said quickly. 

"Okay, I trust you." 

Her GPS started to beep rapidly. "I love you, Scott. Never forget that." She said into the radio and then disappeared. 

She went through the quantum realm, but it wasn't like the first time. This time it was worse because she had to deal with mourning on a new level. She had to see her dad die, and she didn't even know if she had successfully gotten Scott out. 

Tears streamed down her face, and the lights, once beautiful, were now passing her so fast she thought she was going to pass out. A few seconds later she was back on the platform, but all it took was one look at Scott's face to make her collapse. 

                                                                       Author's Note

I don't have much to add, but if you've been wondering why I've been taking so long to update it's because school just started a few weeks ago. I don't have a lot of free time to write anymore. Sorry, I'll try to update when I can! 

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