A Few Hours In The Quantum Realm

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Scott had just gotten back from helping Captain America fight Civil War, and needed to get back to Hope. 

"It's only been four days and the doctors said she'd be in recovery for about a week, so she should still be here." He reasoned, walking up to the front desk. 

"I'm here to see Hope Van Dyne." He said to the receptionist. "Room 110." She said and then went back to her work. 

"That's strange, she moved rooms." He said to himself as he walked over to her new room. He went inside to find that she was asleep. "She looks tired, I'll let her sleep." He said softly to himself. 

"She won't be waking up anytime soon," Hank said behind Scott. "What do you mean?" He asked, turning towards Hank. 

"She's in a coma," Hank said, looking at Scott with contempt. "That's not possible," Scott said. 

"Yes it is, there was poison on the sword and her body couldn't handle it, you leaving was all it took." The older man replied bitterly. 

"Hank, I didn't leave, I was literally kidnapped!" Scott said feeling like the world had just turned to dust. (*cough* HINT *cough*) 

"Yeah, I'm sure you were," Hank said, rolling his eyes. "I'm serious." Scott insisted. 

"Ok, let's say you are telling the truth, then who kidnapped you?" Hank asked sarcastically. 

"Captain America and Black Widow," Scott mumbled. 

"What?" Hank asked again. 

"Captain America and Black Widow." 

"And I'm supposed to believe this because?" Hank asked not believing him for one second. 

"I didn't come back here just to get interrogated by you, so is there anything we can do to help Hope?" Scott asked, avoiding the question. 

"The doctors don't recognize the poison, therefore they don't know if it's deadly or not and they don't have an antidote," Hank explained. "So what, we just wait this out and hope she wakes up?" 

"Well, I do have an idea, but it would require another trip to the quantum realm," Hank said. He explained his theory that in the quantum realm there were these healing particles that could potentially cure Hope. But he would need Scott to go down there. 

Scott looked at Hope and he realized there was only one answer. "I'll do it." He said. 

"Great, then let's get started," Hank said, not sure if he should trust Scott. But he didn't really have an option. Over the next two months, they worked on building a quantum tunnel. But whenever he had a chance, Scott would visit Hope. At the same time, he would resent Captain America and Black Widow for taking him away from her. When the day finally came, Scott couldn't help but feel like something was wrong. 

Like something terrible was about to happen. 

                                                                       Author's Note

Sorry, this chapter was so short, but the next chapter will be pretty long. Also if you have never watched Infinity War or Endgame, you have no business reading this. Thank you!

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