Chapter Thirty-One: I'm sorry

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The two sisters waved at their father and brother. Claude and Arthur wore their best outfits and took at least 50 royal knights and 20 maids with them. Gifts were taken for Cayena and had planned their best way to put Rezef and other disciple faiths that dared to harm her.

The ride took 5 hours. However it didn't seem long since they were planning their grand entrance to the empire and how to make sure Rezef knows his place. As the carriage entered the empire. They looked around. The kingdom was indeed colorful thanks to the previous empress.

"Dad, did you knew Cayena's mom before she died?" Arthur asked. Claude nodded.

"She was known as the most beautiful woman in most of empires. She was the daughter of the most powerful family in the kingdom. Emperor and her had an arranged marriage since they were children. They were known as the 'ideal' couple."

"Wow. What was her name?"

"Empress Mirabella De Lavienna. Cayena is a copy of her."

"She was family so you knew her well right?"

"She would visit regularly in Obelia. She had babysat me and Felix when we were young. However she had died after giving birth to Cayena."

"How did she die?"

"An assassin. She was allergic to nuts so they used it on the day of a the moon festival. It was when no had checked up on her until morning."

"They were late ... that's horrible."

"Indeed. However her presence is I never forgotten. Most of the empire's beautiful placed were constructed by her."

"Wait by herself?"

"She was an Architect. The locals school and hospital were build by her for everyone in any statues to come."

"Humble. Kind. Beautiful. Smart. Wow."

"It's saddening that Cayena doesn't have many memories of her. That lowly emperor doesn't even try to talk to her about it."

"Did he love her?"

"Once upon a time, yes. However when she died, he fell in love with his current lover that is held hostage."

"Oh ... ."

"We've arrived."

"Blessings and Glory to the Sun and Star of Obelia!" The knights said and the head butler of the Palace.

"I hope your travel was comfortable." The kind old man said.

"It was good-"

"We'd like to se Princess Cayena this instant." Claude cut off Arthur."

"Yes, your majesty. Follow me."

Way to be make a good first impression, dad. Arthur grumbled. They walked inside the palace and every maid or knight would bow down when they walked past them.

"Her highness is taking a walk in the gardens." The butler said as they stepped outside.

Claude saw his cousin walking around and he hummed.

"You may leave."

"Enjoy your stay, your majesty. Should I inform-"

"Not yet. I'll see him myself after I see the Princess."

"Alright." The butler bowed and left.

"Dad, this place gives me bad feelings." Arthur shivered.

"The palace reeks of Rezef's authority. Not for long."


As they walked they saw a man with black hair and red eyes shield Cayena from a creepy man. Claude's eyes narrowed, he can see how terrified and uncomfortable Cayena was by that man. Arthur grit his teeth.

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