"... I do remember you were always where Cayena was as a baby."
"Her birth will always be the day I'll never forget."
The emperor walked back and forth as the ladies-in-waiting the doctors and nurses were inside. Mirabella's contractions started a few hours ago and he's been nervous. His child is coming to the world. His very first child. The creature that was created by him and Mirabella's love.
After agonizing hours. The cry of a new born baby was heard. The emperor froze in his tracks and turned. He head the fist sound of his child and he felt his heart flutter in joy. The doctor and nurses came out with smiles on their faces.
"How're they?" He asked with worry. The doctor smiled.
"Her majesty is well. She birthed successfully however she needs to rest in bed for a few days."
"I understand. And my child?"
The nurses smiled brightly.
"Congratulations, your majesty! It's a healthy baby girl!"
A girl. A baby girl. He has a daughter now. He smiles.
"I dare to say she's the prettiest baby I have ever seen!"
"She resembles her majesty!"
"Your majesty. Your daughter will grow beautifully." The nurses said.
The Emperor smile was stuck on his face. He thanked them and marched to the room where his beloved wife and Empress was with their child. Once he entered, the ladies-in-waiting were around the bed, gushing over the woman holding her baby.
"Your majesty." They bowed.
"Everyone out."
They left.
"Mirabella." The Emperor breathed out.
"My love." She greeted sweetly.
Even after giving birth Mirabella still looked like a goddess. Her hair messy but looked lovely. Her tired face but still held grace. Her body tired but had elegance. The emperor smiled at his lover. His eyes landed on the small being in her arms. He could see blonde hair sticking out of the blanket that was wrapped around his child- his daughter.
"Come meet your daughter, my love." She said in a soft voice.
The Emperor walked to his empress. He moment his eyes laid on his daughter, he knew he was wrapped around her pinky finger. The tiny baby girl in his Empress's arms was peacefully sleeping. Her hair matched her mother's. Her roses baby cheeks, her cute button nose and pink lips.
The nurses were right. She will grow up to be as beautiful as her mother. His mind immediately said. No one will go near my daughter unless they want to die.
"Meet your daughter, love. Prncess Cayena Hills." She said.
"Cayena." He repeated. The name sweet in his mouth. Cayena, means Created by God. This child is truly a gods art. Mirabella moved her arms to the Emperor with their baby girl in her arms.
"Would you like to hold her?"
"I-I. What if I droop her?"
"(Giggles) you can hold two swords easily. I'm sure you can handle holding your baby girl."
"Right, right." He copied Mirabella's posture and the baby girl was placed in his arms.
Cayena looked even smaller in his arms. She looked so fragile and delicate that he was afraid he'd break her. His eyes were soft on the small child. He pressed his mouth on her head, placing a kiss.

FanficWhat if Athanasia had two younger siblings? Triplets. Yes a lot but bare with me. Crown Princess Athanasia De Alger Obelia. First Prince Arthur De Alger Obelia. Second Princess Angelina De Alger Obelia. Each had a terrible ate upon them in the 'l...