Nine: Aleksander Morozova

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When they reached Darkling Manor, he could hear the birds off in the distance again. He groaned. "Damn it," he muttered as he got out of the car.

"What's that?" Alina winced at the sound, having woken up from her long slumber on the drive home.

"The Darklings," he said, "they're a bird that's near extinction. Their feathers do some weird trick that makes it so that they don't have shadows. No one really knows why. They're mostly native to Keramzin village, because they've all but died out. They're protected, but there's enough of them here it's a pain in the ass."

"That's an awful sound," said Alina, "it sounds like----"

"Like a woman dying?" he offered.

"Yes," she said, "it's awful."

"Mr. Morozova!" Baghra, his housekeeper, called from the front steps of the house. She had a wide-eyed, panicked look on her face. "I tried calling you but you didn't answer your cell phone."

Aleksander grimaced. "I'm afraid I took it off when we were at the doctors office and I forgot to put it back on. What's happened, Baghra?"

"Well," she said, "you had best come inside quickly. I was cleaning out Genya's room and well....I don't know what to make of it, or who else to tell."

"Let me come with you," said Alina.

Baghra shook her head. "No, ma'am. With your concussion, it would only upset you."

Alina frowned.

Aleksander reached out and took hold of her arm. "Go upstairs, darling and rest. I'll go check on Genya and I'll let you know what's happening, alright? She's been acting out since the death of her parents so....I can only imagine what's happened now."

"Poor dear," said Alina, "well, don't be too harsh on her."

"I won't," he said, kissing her forehead, "now, go up to our room and rest. I'll come join you when I'm done dealing with this."

"Alright," she said, "if you're sure."

"I'm sure."

He watched her head into the house and then he followed Baghra to the other side of the mansion where Genya's room was. "What was it this time?" he asked.

She hesitated. "Well, you know that room hasn't been redone in ages. The wallpaper is old and I expect....."

"Expect what?"

"Maybe she was just trying to mess it up to get something new," Baghra suggested, "but it's the nature of the message, sir."

"Message?" Aleksander said. "What message?"

"Well, you've got to see it for yourself," she said.

The two of them made their way up the stairs, down the hall to the west end of the house to where Genya's room was. It had been a long time since Aleksander had resided in the house. When he had grown up there, there had been no money to remodel it. Now that he was back, he had money, but he hadn't had the time to do it yet. It had been quite disconcerting to see the house as it still was.

He had not been there since.... had been a long time since he had been there. He and Genya had only been moved into the house for a month and a half. He would have to work on cleaning the place up. Perhaps he and Alina could work on it together, and it would bring them closer.

Baghra stopped in front of Genya's door. "See for yourself, sir. I thought you might want to do something before...."

"Before what?"

"Before the new Mrs. Morozova were to find it. I don't think she should see it. It might upset her, and I know she hasn't been feeling well since the accident."

He took a deep breath, and opened the door. The room had old, browning wallpaper. The only color came from Genya's furniture, which was all bright pink. He had purchased it on a whim for her when he had realized he was going to be her guardian. He didn't know what young girls liked or wanted, but he wanted her to feel welcome. And he knew that was the last thing that Darkling Manor was is comforting. There was a spot on the wall where the wallpaper appeared to have been torn.

The second bride will die if the truth does not make her fly.

It was written in something red. "What is it?" Aleksander said.

Baghra hesitated. "Can't you smell it, sir?"

"Smell what?" he asked.

"It's blood," Baghra answered.

His eyes widened and he stepped back from the wall. He shook his head vehemently. "No. That's not possible."

"It is sir. I checked. I don't know where she got it from either."

Aleksander reached out, about to touch the writing on the wall to check for himself. Then, there was a scream that echoed through the house. Aleksander turned to look to Baghra, and they locked eyes with one another.

"Alina!" he called out and then he broke into a run, following the sound of her screams. 

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