Seventeen: Aleksander Morozova

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 There was nothing more torturous than waiting for test results. Aleksander took Alina to the doctors office in the city, and they had her x-rayed to make sure that everything was okay. Then he put her on the train and sent her back to Darkling Manor. He did, after all, have a company that he had to run. He'd been avoiding the office. He hadn't want to explain Alina to anyone yet.

When he got into his office, he found Zoya sitting on his desk. He groaned when he saw his receptionist there. "What are you doing in here, Zoya?"

"What's this I hear about you getting married?" Zoya demanded. "You were single a few days ago, and you were pushing me out of your office, telling me that you weren't the marrying type."

"Yes well, it turned out that there was someone worth changing my rules on the subject for."

"Who?" Zoya asked.

He laughed. "What does it matter to you?"

"We were fucking each other up until a few days ago. It matters. If you screwed me over----"

"I didn't touch Alina until we were married," he said.

"Alina?" Zoya hopped off the desk. "You mean that wretched girl that came in here for a job interview?"

"Yes," he said, "and that wretched girl is my wife, so I would recommend that you start treating her with respect. Otherwise I will have you fired."

Zoya laughed. "You're going to fire an employee that you were fucking? You're dumber than I thought, Morozova. How did you become a billionaire? Did you sell your soul to the devil or something?"

"What are you talking about?" Aleksander asked. "Did someone tell you something?"

Zoya tilted her head to the side. "Are you paranoid? What the fuck are you talking about?"

"Nothing," said Aleksander, "nothing, just get out of my office. You're my receptionist and if you're in my office that means that you're not doing your job. So go and do your job, why don't you?"

"Fine," she said, "you know, I feel sorry for your wife. You're nothing but a hot asshole. Hope she leaves your ass when she finds out that you---"

"You won't talk to her," Aleksander snarled, "if you go near my wife----"

"You'll what?" Zoya said. "Kill me like you did the last one?"

"OUT!" he shouted. "GET OUT, NOW!"

"Gladly," she said, and then she stormed out of the office, slamming the door behind her. Aleksander took a deep breath. Then he went to his desk. He didn't know what he was going to do. Everyone was spiraling to take Alina away from him. He wasn't going to let that happen. He had lost the love of his life once. He wasn't going to let that happen again.

He took out his phone and called a name he hadn't contacted in a long time. "Van Eck?" he said.

"Morozova," one of his old college friends answered, "what are you doing calling me? I thought you went on the straight and narrow."

"I need a favor, Wylan," he said, "you still know that guy that does forgeries? Caspian or whatever?"

"Kaz Brekker," Wylan said, "yeah, I'm still.... associates with him. What do you need?"

"IDS," he said, "Passport, drivers license. And two copies of a marriage license."

"What's the name you want on them?"

"Alina Morozova, on the passport and the drivers license," said Aleksander, "her name and mine on the marriage license."

"Alright," said Wylan, "I can do that for you. When do you need them by?"

"As soon as possible. I'll pay top dollar for them."

"Good to know. Alright, I'll get them to your office as soon as they're done."

"Thank you," he said. Then he ended the call. 

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