~ Chapter 6 ~

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{Akane's POV}

The darkness consumed me as I drifted off into what seemed like the cold dark depths of purgatory where all the dark weary monsters came after death. My body is being ripped into peices... aching as blood seemed to drip from every pore of my body. The endless pain and suffering that would never stop. I feel lonely and cold at the heart like weights have been tied around my fragile feelings and my hope... It was gone.

All hope was obliterated along with my body. For all I know Shinya is probably dead... I will never see him again.... His embrace never felt, along with his hair. I never have felt that silkly hair and probably never will. Warmth. Seemed absent and forein in these dark reigons of my mind. A blank sad cavern that I will be forever stuck in as my body decays and withers into nothing... Gino... He would never know were I went. Vanished just like Shinya, into the thin air. He would be stuck with that bitch ass Mika who killed my grandmother.

Oh grammy... Why did you have to die. Especially the way you did. Sibyl has to be taken down. Has to. There is no other soulution to fill this void in my chest. This feeling the last feeling I will ever have is the thumping of my cold ice heart. Never to burn with love agian. Lost in the barren depths of my once jubalant mind.... I drift back into the solitary of my cruel mind.

{End of POV}

{Shinyas POV}

There was noise coming from the other side of the wall. Secluded in the dark, isn't very fun. I mean sleeping is fun but sitting here in raw pain is the worst thing thats happed to me in a long while. I just came back from America... Lets just say Im not to good at speaking English... I can skid through a breif conversation but there are many words that I still dont understand... and don't even get me started on writing. It is a nightmare.

There is comotion out side the door. I hear the woman whispering... and the mans deep voice carrys but all I hear is murmers. The larger man opened the door, the woman no where to be seen. " You going to behave?" he asks me retorically. He has a syringe in his hand... which ment that I was going on a drug trip. " Yay did you bring me some acid so I could OD and die?" I said trying to sound light hearted and excited but failed since my jaw was on fire." I guess you can find out if you are going to pull through from this or not... But it isn't going to a pleasant ride" the man sneared and chuckled.

He came toward me, immoble I didn' t resist, knowing it was useless to even try. The needle peirced my forearm. It felt like someone was stabbing me with a red hot pin. He slowly pushed in the meds, it felt like I literally had fire in my veins and I was burning from the inside out. I was not met with the ease of unconsousness.

I sit burnning in agony as the man leaves the room. He comes back in with another chair and the same thin rope that binds me to my chair. He places it facing me... The woman walks into the room with someone half undressed in her arms.I try to force out her name, but the drugs had kicked in more so that I sat in a glazed stupor. Aware of everything around me I sit paralized in an agonizing daze.

" OH it looks like you know who this is... "Inspector" Akane Tsunemori. She sure did put up a hopless fight, trying to get me with her dominator, but I hate sibyl so I know a jamming tricks so even if Georga wasn't there to help me she wouldn't be able to shoot". The large man named Georga smiled and knoded in agreement.

Akane had blood dripping from her mouth as she sat slumped over. She had grown since I last saw here, and definately looked like she had been through some tough shit. I was going to bring Akane with me when I went to America but somethings came up and there was only room for me to be taken away safely from Japan. The sibyl systm is hated and despised in America and I was welcomed and put into trianing imeditely. I worked for what was called the Military and went on many missions across the world. I can understand english but reading, writing and speaking it was a different story.

"Well shes sound asleep so Im going to leave you two to mingle in the dark." the woman said, she switched off the light and walked out. The large man followed behind. I was again in the dark as I tried to yell Akanes name but nothing would come out and my body frozen.

{End of POV}

{Akanes POV}

I have feeling in my body once again, a cold flat surface on my back and butt. A metal chair. My arms and legs are tied to the cold chair. My body throbs from the pain as I spit what tastes like blood from my mouth.

The fear begins to eat at me, I open my eyes in the dark room. There is something in front of me moving. In a steady breathing pace, the object becomes more clear. Its Shinya! all my fears of him being gone, vanish, but new fears of us dying together increase/

His narrow eyes are fixed on me but he doesn't speak a word. " Shinya?.... Is that really you?" He blinks."Whats the matter? Is something broken so you can't speak?" He softens his gaze and looks at me. He is emotionless. No smile or raise of his fine eyebrows. I want him to hold me and I want to go somewhere where sibyl doesn't exist and we can make a happy family. Just looking at him makes me happy, like all my problems are solved. " Are you drugged? did they cut your tounge?" I said. Expecting an answer I knew I wasn't going to get.

I smile and say " blink once for yes and twice for no, Okay?" Shinya blinked once. " Okay, so I was attacked by 2 people one male and female. Are they the only ones here?" He blinked once but then blinked twice. " So you don't know?" He blinked once. " Okay well we should hold tight and wait for your drugs to wear off and take action. I will pretend to be unconsous still so if they come in they don't drug me up too. Sound good?" Shinya blinked once and I closed my eyes and listened to Shinya breathe. A sound I would never be ungrateful for.


Okay well this chapter was a little longer, I hope you enjoyed it! So Georga looks like Alex louis armstrong but not as glorified. And lets just say he has like a beard or something. I don't really know, Georga is about the size of Alex... So yeah. Thank you for reading and I will try to make a new chapter soon!

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