~Chapter 17~

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{Shinya's POV}
We walked down the hall to the cafeteria as soon as Akane and I walked in Elle was waiting for me. She pointed at me "In my office. Now" she said walking away down to her office. "That can't be good" Akane said getting in line for food. I stood next to her hesitant to leave. "Well go" she said "Let's not keep the queen waiting" she said smiling but her agitated tone showed her true feelings.
"Okay, I'll be back soon" I said walking out of the cafeteria and down the hallway to her office. I knocked on the door, "Come in" she said. I swung the door open.
{Akane's POV}
I watched Shinya leave the cafeteria, I stood in line and got breakfast. "Hi, you're Akane Tsunemori right?" I heard a girl say behind me. I turned around to see a perky white haired teenager. "Yeah... I am.." I said with my tray of food in hand "Who are you?" I asked. "Oh how rude of me! I'm Cassy, I'm American if you couldn't tell, sorry about my poor Japanese" she said twiddling her thumbs. "I can mostly under stand what you're saying, so no worries" I said smiling. "Okay, I just wanted to say that's I'm sorry" she said looking down at the ground. "What do you mean? You haven't done anything wrong... That I'm aware of..." I said looking at her. She looked up at me. "You haven't heard yet?" she said "Wait where's Mr. Kogami?" She said looking around. "He got called into Elle's office..." I said looking at the door. "Well this is awkward..." She said looking around. "What's the problem?" I said feeling my stomach plunge. "Well..." she said tapping her boot against the ground. "The thing is..." she said. "Just tell me. Please" I said pleading. She took a deal breath in and was about to say something when Shinya walked through the cafeteria doors.
I set down my tray on a near by empty table and sat down. Cassy rubbed the back of her head. "Well he can explain... I'm leaving. Bye!" She said running past Shinya and out of the cafeteria. Shinya's expression wasn't normal, he looked off. "Who was that?" He asked walking up to the table, sitting down. "That was Cassy" I said looking at my tray of food. "Hey what's wrong?" Shinya asked. I looked up at him and smiled. "Nothing I was just thinking" I said moving some food around on my tray with a fork. "Akane I need to tell you something..." Shinya said trailing off. "Okay. What's up?" I said looking at him. "Want to go out for a smoke first?" He asked "Yeah let's go" I said. I got up and dumped my tray and we left.
We headed outside and sat down on the bench. We sat there in silence for what felt like forever."Akane..." Shinya said "I'm being sent out in the field, I'm just going to go to the British rebellion group to gather intell. I will be gone a week max. There here in Japan so all we have to do is confirm here help in the rebellion. Cassy is going with me as backup in case anything happens..." he said "There so many other people who are qualified to do that. Why did they choose you?" I said tapping ash off my cigarette. "We both know why I'm going and not someone else" he said with a hint of anger. "When do you leave?" I asked feeling my chest get tight. "Tonight." he said looking into my eyes. "Well that sucks. Hurry back, I might be talking to myself before to long" I said as a joke but it came out in a desperate way. "I don't want to go either... I have to speak english... And I suck at it" he said with a horrified expression. "You lived in America for 2 years Shinya, you should be fine with speaking english" I tried to say reassuringly. "What are we going to do for the rest of the day?" I asked standing "We could go on a walk around in the forest. The weather seems to be a lot better than yesterday. I don't think I've ever been out past the holographic trees and things before" he said standing up next to me."Mh that sounds fun" I said smiling. "Alrighty I have to be back at dark so we can be out here all day" he said as we started to walk down a path that was arched in low trees like a tunnel. It was Late fall almost winter so the weathers been sucky, all the trees were naked or in the verge of, so there wasn't really much cover from them. The bushes on the other hand where over grown,tall, and concealed the whole mountain side.
Shinya and I awkwardly walked down the trail, his hand brushed mine and he apologized. "It's fine" I said perkily, we walked for a little while longer before I had to get something off my chest
{Shinya's POV}
Akane walked a little slower and I slowed down to her pace before she stopped all together. "Shinya there's something I need to tell you" she said hesitant. "What's the matter?" I asked. "Okay so when you left Gino became and enforcer, right?" She said, I nodded. "Okay so we needed a new inspector and 2 new enforcers to replace you and Kagari... So, the new enforcers name are Mika and the two new inspectors where Togane and Kunizuka. Of course they did their work and were well behaved, that is until I found out that Togane is Joshu Kasei son... and that sibyl was corrupt and that they were behind the crime we were inspecting. They wanted to test me and see if they could break me by killing my grandma..." she said looking down at the ground. Saiga had said something about her being more connected with her grandma. "Akane... Im sorry" I said clutching my fists. "The worst part is Mika was the one who was really arrogant and hated the enforcers... She's the one who killed my... And the thing is her hue should have been clouded but Sybil brain washed her into thinking that it was okay to torture my grandma, cut her ear off and in the end kill her..." she said crying. "I've boxed these feelings up. I made a wall so that I wouldn't have to think about you or anything that could make my hue cloud. But now that I don't have to worry about my hue, I feel like it was only fair to tell you" she said with her face cupped in her hands. I grabbed her and held her in a tight hug. She grabbed my shirt and started to cry even harder. "Hey it's okay now. I'm here and it doesn't matter if you're hue is clouded." I said running my hand through her hair. We stood there for what felt like seconds but the sun was soon over head. "Huh, thanks for listening to me..." Akane said wiping her tears away. "Yeah anytime" I said helping her wipe her tears.
"How does lunch sound?" I asked putting my hand on her head. "Sounds great" she said pulling my hand down and held it. We walked back holding hands and watched what few birds that were around, fly and flutter from tree to tree. "Ahh, Saiga would love being out here" I running my free hand through my hair. "Yeah... it's to bad that he's locked away in the middle of sibyl" Akane said looking at the sky. "I figured as much when he helped me find Makishima... he said his hue was already murky so it was only a matter of time" I said looking at Akane who was still looking at the sky. "You know he's a pretty good person and he's helped me on many occasions" she said blinking and then looked at me. "Yeah" I said still looking into her eyes. I got lost for a split second in her brown eyes. I completely forgot I was walking and tripped. I was falling and mid-fall Akane grabbed my hand and pulled me back to my feet. "Careful" she said laughing a little. I felt my cheeks get hot. "Thanks" I said, my hands still interlocked in hers.
We walked back to the base and had lunch, after that we walked around the base.
"Okay, I think I know mostly the way around here... But I might get lost..." Akane said as we tried to navigate around the building so she could get a feel for the place. "You'll do fine. If anything I can draw you a map" I said smiling. She looked at me. "Could you?" She said looking into my eyes again. "Yeah" I said as we began to walk back to our dorm.
Once we got there I ripped out a piece of paper from my notebook and drew an basic outline of the main wing then drew in the best routes to everywhere she needed to be or should know just in case. When I finished it I gave it to her. I looked at my watch and realized it was time for me to leave. I grabbed the paper and wrote something on the back and handed it to her again, she read it and smiled. "I gotta go" I said looking into her eyes. I put my hands on her lower back and she put her hands on my cheeks. We kissed. For the first time in a long time I realized just how much I loved Akane.

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