~Chapter 20~

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{Akane's POV}
My alarm went off and I sighed as a felt part of me die as I crawled out of bed and got in the shower.
I looked at schedule and pulled my shoes on. I grabbed the map and stuffed it in my pocket. I turned off all the lights, locked the door and went to have breakfast. Today all we were doing was extra running. I ran and ran and ran. We were given a break to have lunch and then we ran some more.
I wiped the sweat of my face and sat down as the sun began to set. I stood up and walked into the building. I had dinner and then I went to the dorm and took a shower. I got out, got dressed and laid on my bed.
There was a weird clicking sound and then I heard "Will all medical staff come to the front of the building" and then it was quiet. Why would they need the medical staff in the front of the building? I thought but then it dawned on me. I flung my self off of the bed and hastily put my shoes on. Please be alright Shinya please I silently thought to my self as a fought back tears, I grabbed Shinya's jacket and ran down the hallway. I pulled it on and ran outside.
The air was cool and chilly, a chill ran down my spine as I saw a group of doctors and nurses by the helicopter. I pushed through them to see Shinya lying in a gurney bandages wrapped around his chest that were soaked with blood.
"Hey you can't be here!" A doctor yelled putting a hand on my shoulder. I jerked it off and ran to the gurney. I grabbed Shinya's hand, it was cold and limp. I felt hot tears running down my face as I put my other hand on his cheek. My breathing hitched and I began to ball. Then there was a warm hand on my shoulder, I turned to see Cassy. Her hands and shirt had blood all over them. I pulled my hands to my mouth, hiding my horrified expression. She looked at me with soft eyes. Then she turned and looked at the doctors. "What the hell are you doing?! Come on! He's going to bleed to death if you don't get him to surgery NOW!" She said angrily. Then she looked at me. "He's going to be fine. I promise" she said smiling. I looked at Shinya once more as I watched him be pulled off into the building.
"Come on, let's get inside, its cold out here" she said grabbing my hand and pulling me. I walked, my tears still running hot down my face. She led me to my room. And she left. I unlocked the door and pulled off Shinya's jacket. I got into bed and let my tears fall I eventually cried myself to sleep.
I woke to a light tapping on the door. I rubbed my puffy eyes and opened it. It was a nurse. "Good morning Mrs. Tsunemori" she said smiling. "Um... good morning, I guess" I said groggily. "I'm sorry to be bothering you at such an early hour" she said. "Oh that's alright, was there something you wanted?" I said. "Oh yes, sorry for the delay. I understand that you are worried about Mr. Kogami and I'd love to let you see him but... Elle ordered that no one see him." she said. I held my breath. "But since you need your stitches removed I may be able to do those in the same room that Mr. Kogami is in" she said. "Really?" I said excitedly. "Yeah" she said smiling back. "Well let's go" she said starting to walk away. I grabbed my shoes and shut the door behind me. I walked in my socks down the hall to the infirmary.
We came to a room I had never seen before the nurse opened the door, it was much similar to the one I was in but the wall facing the hallway wasn't glass and there was more heavy duty machinery. I assume that was in case he crashed. I looked at Shinya who lay motionless on the bed. I could see his chest go up and down as he breathed. There was another bed in the room along with cupboards that lined the side of the wall.
"Here sit down and I will get the scissors" the nurse said going to a cupboard. I walked over to the bed and sat down. I had a two inch incision that was on my lower stomach that was lined with stitches. I pulled my shirt up as the nurse walked over to the bed with scissors and a pair of medical tweezers.
"Lay back" she said rolling a chair over to the bed. Laying back I felt her cold hands on my stomach and I winced. "It doesn't hurt does it?" she said concerned "No not at all" I said.
She then proceeded to cut the first stitch and then the second and so on. It tickled when she pulled out the stitches and placed them in the container though. And she was soon finished. She put some gauze on it and she pulled my shirt down. "All done. You can probably get away with being in here for maybe a hour but then you should probably leave" she said cleaning her tools and putting them away. "I won't say anything about this besides the fact that I removed your stitches" she said smiling and walking out of the room. I grabbed the rolling chair and pulled it toward Shinya's bed. I looked at him in his broken state and let a few tears roll down my face. I quickly wiped them away and took a deep breath in. I looked at my watch and grabbed his hand. I put my head down and listened to his breathing. I could hear a clock faintly clicking and the steady beeping of the heart monitor.
I sighed and lifted my head up off the bed. I looked at my watch. I have 30 more minutes, but I probably should be going. I thought letting go of Shinya's hand and standing up, I looked at him once more before turning around and heading for the door. But as I walked I heard a rustling sound. I froze. I listened and didn't hear anything. Probably just my imagination, I thought taking another step but then I heard it again. I willed myself to look back at Shinya.
His once closed eyes were now looking at me. And he had a thin smile across his face. He looked sickly. He was pale, really pale. I couldn't help but smile back, pushing my worry aside. I walked back over to the bed and sat back down grabbing his hand. He squeezed it reassuringly. I took a breath in about to say something but all my words were taken right from my mouth and I was speechless. All I could make my body do was move my free hand to his cheek and after I had placed it there he pulled up his other hand to cover it. I swallowed and tried to talk again. "What the hell happened?" I asked "Well" he said in a rough voice "They thought I was a spy for sibyl and took me down before I could explain" he said grunting as he shifted in bed. "They have never been so wrong" I said laughing a little. "So what happened after that?" I asked, "How did you escape?" I said. "Well Cassy explained that I killed Makishima and became a person on sibyls hit list" he said "They had access to sibyls records so they verified that she was tellin' the truth so they gave us a car to get back to our helicopter and now we are here" he said breathing in deeply, but then he winched. "I got shot twice in the back" he said looking into my eyes. " Did either hit your spine?" I asked afraid of his response. "Nope, I can still wiggle my toes" he said "See" he said wiggling them under the sheets. I grabbed them and he smiled bigger. "Mhm" I said looking at my watch. "I'm sorry" I said letting go of his and and standing up. "Why?" He said confused, "I'm not supposed to be in here... I got my stitches out so the nurse was nice enough to take them out in here, but she said I should leave after an hour or so..." I said walking towards the door. "Wait. Why are you not allowed to be in here?" He asked "Elle" was all I said. I walked back towards the bed and then I kissed him on the forehead. "This really sucks" I said as I walked back to the door to leave. "Yeah it does... I'll make sure to pester everyone about me being able to see you. Especially Elle" he said laughing a little but then he winced and put his hand on his chest. "Sounds good" I said laughing nervously wanting to stay, "I will see you later" he said closing his eyes, breathing heavily. "Yeah bye" I said walking out of the room. As I made my way to the cafeteria I couldn't help but get angry with Elle, but I shoved those feelings aside and had breakfast. I sat alone eating bland oatmeal, but soon Cassy walked up to me. "Is this seat taken?" She asked "No" I said smiling. "Sweet" she said setting her tray down, taking a bite of her toast. "I think a thank you is in order" I said in between mouthfuls. "You saved Shinya's life, so thank you for doing so" I said. "Oh it was really no problem, some people these days point there guns at you before you or even they know what's happening" she said drinking some milk. "It just makes me mad how reckless people are" she said, I nodded in agreement. "Have you seen him yet? I heard Elle doesn't want anybody seeing him" she said. "Yeah actually, he woke up and I got to talk to him" I said smiling and blushing profusely. "And I bet he wants to thank you" I said before drinking my milk. "Yeah..." she said finishing of her food. "Well I guess I will see ya" she said standing, taking her tray with her. I finished up my food and dumped my try. As I ran I felt empty. Like something was missing. No, not something, someone.
As I did my fitness I couldn't help but feel lonely. At lunch I sat alone and played with my food.
"Is this seat taken?" I heard a familiar voice say next to me. I looked up to Shinya sitting in a wheelchair next to me. "What are you doing here?!" I asked surprised. "Well I decided if Elle's not going to let you see me then I'm going to see you" he said smiling. "They just let you leave?" I said "Well... I mean..." he said hesitantly. I raised an eyebrow, "They don't know your gone do they" I said taking a bite of food. "You got me" he said laughing but then regretting it because he winced and grabbed his side. "You really should go back, you're in no shape to be up and about and I bet it hurt like hell to get into that wheelchair" I said feeling like my mother. I stood taking my tray to the drop off.
"Let's go" I said as I started to push him out of the cafeteria. "Okay mom" he said taunting me. "Oh shut up" I said messing with his hair. He grabbed my and held it on his head, I squeezed it and pulled it away pushing the chair down the hallway.
I hummed as I pushed Shinya down the long hall. My hum echoed off the walls and bounced back. I stopped, feeling embarrassed.
I pushed his wheelchair up to his room door. I stopped and walked around to open it. It opened and I walked back around to push him into the room.
I pushed him up to the bed and offered my arms as support. He stood grunting and wincing in pain. His hospital gown hugging his tight muscles.He stood and pulled him self into bed, hurting the whole time. He laid back and took a deep breath of relief but then grabbed his ribs in pain. I moved his IV bag back to the stand by his bed and sighed. "Yeah let's just have me sneak in instead of you sneaking out" I said sitting down. "Agreed" he said exhausted. "Besides what's the worst thing that could happen if she caught me" I said realizing I probably jinxed it. Great now she's going to do something awful to me. I took a deep breath in and scratched my head. "Well hate to be a Debby downer but I have to go. I guarantee Elle's going to have her eye out for me, I have fitness in 5 minutes and if I'm not there she will know I'm with you" I said looking down at the ground. "Okay but I want to tell you something first" he said signaling for me come closer. I leaned in and put my elbows on the bed. He put his hand on my cheek and felt my them get hot. "I love you" he said looking into my eyes. "I love you too" I said. He pulled me into a kiss and I kissed back.

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