~Chapter 25~

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{Shinya's POV}
I held Akane by the wrist as we made our way down the stairwell. I wanted to panic and punch something. I decided to hold both those feelings in and keep walking. If it came to the point of fighting I would willingly attack them and let out all this rage.

I heard Akane sigh and I could feel her cold fingers against my hand. I wanted to comfort her but if we didn't get out of here there would be no Akane to comfort. So I ignored my feelings and kept walking. We made our way out of the hotel and down the dim sidewalk. The dark gray sky seemed to reflect perfectly how I felt.

"So... Uh..." I heard Akane begin and I turned my head so I could hear her better. "Never mind" she said so quiet I had to question if I heard her in the first place.

We kept walking. I knew I probably seemed like an ass for ignoring her and just pulled her along but I didn't know what else to do. I needed her away from all this. I had pulled her into my complicated and irritating life. I knew the moment she called me I should have told her to forget about me and move on with her life... But I just needed her. I missed her so much. And I regret that I couldn't have been the stronger person. I didn't want Akane to forget about me. I needed her, she was and still is my drive. After Makishima died, I mean, after I killed him and I rushed out of the country I realized how I missed seeing her. Her nagging and her persistent questioning. That small blush she would have when she caught me with out my shirt on or her reaction to the things I said. Now that she was back in my life I realized how much harder it was to function without her. I sighed and thought at the problem at hand.

We were trapped. I had to figure out a way to get us off of Japan and to America without Sybil or Elle following us or intercepting our path. I thought of the small dingy boat we had. There was no chance that would get us across the sea. I had to be rational. I needed Akane to be safe.

I took a sharp right and Akane staggered a little confused at why I had turned. "What are we doing?" She asked " The docks are the other way" she had a very concerned look on her face. " I know. I've changed my mind" I said sounding cold. If I was about to do this I need to rip the bandaid off. I needed her to stop.

"I'm done pretending" I said lying. "What?" She said confused, "pretending?" She asked me "Yes Akane. Pretending. Pretending I love you, pretending that I can have something with you. It's hopeless" I said feeling the lies come out of my mouth, they burned and I could feel a weird feeling in my eyes. "W..what?" She asked in a whisper. I let go of her wrist. She had tears streaking down her cheeks. I hadn't noticed them and wondered when they began. "Oh. I can't do this!" I said, I cupped my hand on her face an crushed my lips against hers. Confused she kissed back. I cupped her other cheek and wiped away her tears with my thumbs. I pulled away and rested my forehead in hers.

"I'm about to do the stupidest thing I've probably done in my life" I began. "I need you safe though" I said. I kissed her one more time and tapped on the metal sheet in the side wall of the dead end dark alley we were in. It slid open and a boy about the same age as Akane stood looking at us. "Jim. I've changed my mind. You have to keep her here. Do not let her leave. You understand me? If I survive this... When I come back she better be here." He nodded. "Sure thing Kogami."

Comprehension hit Akane and she began to yell. "No sir! I am not going to let you go and get yourself killed! I simply refuse" she said. I wrapped my had around her waist. "I'm sorry, Akane. But it wasn't a request" I said picking her up. She hit my chest over and over again as tears welled up in her eyes. I walked into the hole in the building and set her down in a couch. She tried to fight me at first but knew it was pointless. We both knew that.

"Just... Just do me a favor then." She said and I nodded.

"Don't you dare die" she said.

She grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me against her. Her lips hit mine. They were so soft. I kissed her back and she pulled away. "When you come back I have a three word sentence I need to tell you" she said smiling. She was still sad and I knew she wanted to go with me. "Well I want to tell you right now" I said " I lo-" but she cut me off. "I don't think so. You need some motivation to come back and get me" she said her eyes sad. I nodded. "Good bye, Shinya" she said, "Good bye, Akane" I said pecking her lips. And I was gone.

XD It's so fun to write in Shinya's point of view! Hope you liked this chapter c; don't forget to vote and comment!
Yours truly
-Ashcookie <3

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