~Chapter 27~

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(Akane's POV)
Jim finished telling about some war story's and I retired myself to bed. I knew it was still early and I would be too worried to sleep but I really needed to be alone.

I plopped my self down on the firm and cold mattress. Closing my eyes I listened to the silence. It was eerie and some what comforting at the same time. Jim said the walls were heavily insulated so that they were sound proof. My ears were slightly ringing as I chilled in the dark room. For a moment I wondered if Gino and the others were okay. I figured they were and rolled over on the bed. Plopping off my shoes I climbed under the comforter and closed my eyes. I forced myself to calm down. I took in a deep breath and let sleep consume me.

(Shinya's POV)

Jim opened the door, smiled at me and said "So he lives" and I laughed. "Did you really underestimate me?" I said stepping inside and he closed the door. "No. I just would have thought you would be in the same clothes..." he said to me looking down at my clothes, "Why did you change?" He ask obviously dissatisfied "Oh. I didn't want to be recognized while I was shooting people down, from the trees. Ya know. In case they saw me..." I said rubbing the back of my head. "I see. Well I, have clothes that aren't a sin against humanity." he said gesturing towards the door that was opened. The one beside it was closed. "Normal pants?" I asked wanting out of theses restricting pants. "Yes. Normal pants" he said laughing.

"You are a life saver." I said following him into his room "It's really the least I could do" he said throwing a pair of pants. "Oh shut up. We've both helped each other out in times of need" I said "Do you think I need a belt. Cuz I gave mine away" I said looking at the waist of the pants. "Yeah. We are about the same size but if you need one just tell me" he said and I nodded. "Okay. Where can I change?" I asked. "I'll leave, you can change in here," he said "The belt is on the bed if you need it." he said "Thanks," I said over my shoulder. I heard the door click shut and I changed. Deciding I didn't need the belt I left the room, carrying my shoes in hand.

"That was quick. Want some food?" he asked from the kitchen. "Sure," I said dropping my shoes by the 'door' and going over to him. "What is it?" I asked, "Just some rice with chicken. Nothing fancy" he said popping open the microwave after the beep and grabbing a pair of chopsticks. Handing it to me I thanked him and we went to the living room. 

"There's books in the bookshelf if you want to read something while you eat" Jim states sitting back down grabbing his book. Going to his book shelf some of them were in Japanese but the others were in English. I grabbed one and just mindlessly read as I ate. After I finished I washed my dishes and put them in the dish drainer. "Hey, Jim?" I asked finally becoming impatient.  "Hmm?" he hummed in question, looking up from his book. "Where, Where is  Akane?" I forced out. "In the bedroom over there," he said pointing to the closed door on the right. "I think shes asleep. She's been in there a while though. It's 3 in the morning and she went in there around 7" he said. A smile grew on his face and he gave me a look. I just stood there and looked at him for a second. "Well? She's been waiting for you all day. You might as well go and tell her you're here." he said lecturing me. "Okay, okay. I'm going" I said walking closer to the door. I could feel my heart beating faster as I touched the cool metal door. Trying to keep calm I gently opened the door and went inside. Closing the door behind me. 

It was dark in the room. The light from the digital clock on the bedside table gave off enough light so I could see where I was going. I could see a lump on the bed. It was moving up and down. In a rhythmic up and down pace. She was asleep still. I hadn't woken her. I was so tired. I wanted to sleep beside her but I felt wrong since she didn't know I was here. I saw a chair in the corner and I gently  moved it to the side of the bed. Yawning I rested my head on the edge of the bed. My arms tucked under it. I closed my eyes and I was asleep. 

(Akane's POV)

The time in between sleep and consciousness was a strange place. I was still laying down but when I looked over I see Shinya. Asleep. Right there, on the edge of the bed. I could reach out and touch him. I was afraid to though. I didn't want it to be fake. I looked at him until my eyes burned afraid to blink and have him vanish. I involuntarily blinked. He was still there. Gasping with joy I carefully sat up. I looked at the clock. 5 am. It was still really early. I was feeling much better from being drugged and all that but I was still missing out on hours of sleep. We both were. Slowly I reached for his hair. Going about the speed of a snail when I became only a hair away from his head I shied away. Internally yelling at myself I went in for a second try. This time my hand made contact with his silky soft hair. He flinched awake and grabbed my hand. Oops. 

I let out a shy gasp. He shot upright and let go of my hand. His blue steel eyes looked into mine. he had a very serious look on his face and then his lips formed a smile. I smiled too and got up off the bed standing. He stood and we embraced each other. "I'm glad you're okay" I said into his chest. "Please. That was nothing" he said teasingly. "I'm glad you listened to me and stayed here." he said and I nodded. "I knew I wouldn't have been any help if I insisted going with you." I said. "You would have been a help but I didn't want to put you in more danger than you were already in" he said. "Yeah" I said agreeing. I was just happy to be in his arms again. "When did you get back?" I asked wondering how long he had been sleeping at my side. "3 am" he said. "Ew. We really need to go back to sleep then. I know I've been sleeping for a very long time but I still need to sleep longer"  I said and he nodded in agreement. He went to sit down again int he chair. "What are you doing?" I asked pulling back the covers and sticking my legs under them. "Sitting down?" he said pausing in a weird squat over the chair. "I can see that. But why aren't you joining  me in the bed?" I asked patting the empty space beside me. "It's small, but I don't mind being so close to each other" I said trying to reassure him it was okay. 

"Okay." he said getting into the bed next to me. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulling me against his chest. I curled up and took in his aroma. His skin was the only thing that smelled like him. It was to dim in the room to notice he was wearing different clothes. Just by smell I knew they were Jim's. I smiled.  I'll have to ask him about that I thought before falling asleep. Warm and relieved in Shinya's arms. 


Hey guys! Thanks for reading ^-^  I felt inspired. Sorry this wasn't a very exciting chapter. I mean. REUNION! But that's it. No bad ass fights or any of that. It's coming tho so expect it in a few weeks. 

I wanted to dedicate this chapter to GreyMistLehWolfeh. Her book: When you go to a Delinquent School, is an amazing book and doesn't have nearly the amount of votes it deserves. So if you could just go check her book out that would be awesome and you would make me really happy. 

Thank you for reading! Don't forget to vote and comment. 

Also go check out my other Psycho-pass fanfiction. It's Shinyaxreader and is coming along nicely. 

Okay BYE :D

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2017 ⏰

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