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hajime's pov

i smile as i cuddle into their chest, nuzzling them. i can hear them chuckle, petting my head and i almost purr at the contact.

i could get used to this.

they hum, a nice little tune before speaking.

i hum back, my eyes still closed. barely paying attention.

"hajime..." they repeat, speaking louder this time. i shut my eyes tighter, whining. "what?"

"hajime wake the fuck up!"

at this, i jump. eyes wide, mouth open. i panic as i look around, only to see my stupid friend.

"what the fuck, kazuichi?!" i hiss at him, trying to fix my hair and look more presentable. "why are you here?! i gave you my keys for emergencies!"

"this IS an emergency. im bored." he pouts, sitting next to me. "and we barely have any bonding time! its always either chiaki or nagito with you." he scoffs, almost jealous.

"im your best friend, not them!" he adds.

"dude. i do not care. get the fuck out."

"but hajimeeee-" he starts, immediately being cut off.

"i can't hang out with you anyway. i have plans." i stand up, walking towards my closet while rubbing my eyes. i start looking for clothes.

"the hell? with who? who is more important than your best friend?!" he whines, crossing his arms. he looks like a child.

"nagito." i reply simply, walking to the bathroom.

"wait so nagito is more important than me??"

"thats- not what i meant!" i scoff as i shut the bathroom door. i hop in the shower and finish getting ready. hoping kazuichi had left. unfortunately, he was still laying in my bed when i left the bathroom.

he was smiling at his phone, like a school girl with a crush. i roll my eyes. "talking to fuyuhiko?"

he smiles wider, eyes full of love. "yes."

now im curious. surely he said something cute to him for kazuichi to have such a reaction. "what he say?"

"he said he'd kill me if i keep calling him cute" he replied dreamily, sighing. "he's adorable."

"you're weird."

"leave me alone!" he glares. "anyway, can i join you and nagito? i got nothing to do. fuyuhiko and peko are busy and chiaki has plans with sonia!"

"no you cannot. he's tutoring me." i scowl at the smirk he gives me, throwing a pillow at him hitting him right in the face. "so now you won't be able to make fun of me for not knowing geometry!"

"i'll find a way, hajime. i always do." he smirks mockingly as i throw another pillow. "but fine! i'll stay here."

"no i didn't say you could stay-"

"too late. you got any food?" he walks off, probably going to the kitchen. i roll my eyes and grab my phone.

nagito 🍀
hello hajime!


nagito 🍀
are you ready? i started some coffee if u wanted some

ah thank you. i'll be there soon, there was a minor inconvenience.

nagito 🍀
alright! just text me so i can
open the door :)

i walk into my living room, noticing kazuichi is now laying on the couch with a bag of chips in hand. i sigh as i know there's no way im getting him out.

"im leaving now." i tell him, he turns to look at me and smirks.

"getting all pretty for nagito?" he snickers and turns back to the tv. "see ya! text me when you're on your way back."

"yeah whatever"

i walk out, heading towards nagito's. i hum as i simply enjoy the walk. but of course, something always goes wrong.

it started raining.

i grumble as i realize i didn't bring an umbrella and i mentally curse as i remember fuyuhiko's rant on how i should always bring an umbrella.

i start running to nagito's, almost slipping a few times. i slowly realize i could have just stayed home but...

no. i want to see him for some reason...

after running some more, i make it. to his very large home. almost forgot he was rich. i pull out my phone and tell him im here. i expected a reply back but he simply opened the door with a smile.

"hajime!" his smile immediately dropped as he noticed i was dripping wet. "oh no. come in, come in. you're going to get sick!"

i snort, replying with a short: "okay mom" as i step in. i almost gasp at the inside. it's gorgeous.

"ahh you're so silly. we could have cancelled. i didn't even realize it was raining!" he shakes his head, taking off my jacket. i tense at this, but let it happen.

"here, i'll get you some warm clothes, yes? while yours dry." and i found that i couldn't say no to him. i nod, watching him look for some clothes.

"these are mine, but they're clean so no worries. i'll take you to the bathroom."

i simply follow behind him, barely processing whats happening. we arrive at the bathroom and he hands me the clothes. i thank him and go inside.

cursing at how nice this whole place was, i begin to change clothes. his clothes were quite nice... not in the weird way i just- damn it.

i grab my wet clothes, clearing my throat awkwardly as i walk out and hand them to him. "thanks again."

"no problem. you look nice, um-" he takes the clothes, looking away. "i'll be back. but please head into my room!"

i do as he says, walking towards the door he pointed at. i open it and groan at how nice his room is. seriously. damn rich people.

i simply stand there, not knowing if i can sit on his bed or not. thankfully he comes back, and puts a hand on my shoulder as he points to his desk. "please, sit! unless you want to sit on the bed, or my other chair... wherever you're most comfortable." he says with a smile and i can't help but smile back.

i sit next to him, on the chair next to his by his desk.

"alright, lets begin! what do you know so far?"

"um.. numbers?"

"oh boy."


after a few hours of tutoring, i manage to understand a bit of what he explained. i nod as he finishes speaking, writing down what he said.

"okay i kind of get it now..." i say as i write. then looking at him, im surprised when i notice he's already staring at me.

"im proud of you! geometry is not easy." he smiles, standing up. "do you want something to eat? i could-"

"no no- um, i don't want to bother you. i've been here long enough and-" he interrupts me. i usually hate it when people do that.

"nonsense! you're eating before you leave now come on."

im getting so into this story im sorry for all the sudden updates,, also im a sucker for cliches [not proof read!]

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