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hajime's pov

i let out a satisfied hum as i hold their hand, resting my head on their shoulder. they lean closer, kissing my head. i smile, closing my eyes and enjoying the moment.

they hold my chin gently, moving me so i turn to them. my eyes open and im met with their soft smile. i reach up to their white hair, running my hand through it.


white hair...?

i wake up with a gasp. sitting up rather aggressively, i rub my eyes harshly then resting my head on my hands.

"the hell was that dream..."

i felt... different. maybe even ashamed. that person in my dream... definitely wasn't chiaki. the white fluffy hair did not match chiaki's pink one.

maybe i saw wrong? maybe it was pink?

yeah. it definitely was pink. definitely not white and fluffy... with a soft yet playful smile...

no. snap out of it.

i shut my eyes tightly, trying to imagine my girlfriend. with a groan, i throw my head back on my soft pillow. hoping i could sleep again.

i scoff when the sleepiness leaves me completely. i decide to check my phone, to see if i had any messages. apparently, kazuichi had texted me hours ago. some stupid meme of a lady laughing at a cheez-it.

i open my chat with chiaki, typing in a message.

are u awake?

chiaki 💕
morning, hajime :)


i look over to my alarm clock. 6:58 am. i groan as i realize my alarm goes off in two minutes.

i didn't even realize... shit.

chiaki 💕
ahh me neither, i stayed up late

playing games

chiaki 💕
maybe >:)

knew it
hey, did you wanna walk to school together?

chiaki 💕
oh im sorry hajime,
sonia wanted to walk with me today :(

no worries. have you eaten yet?

before i can see her reply, my alarm rings making me drop my phone. i huff and get out of bed, getting ready for the morning.

eventually i run out of home, a small bottle of orange juice on my hand. as im checking in my bag, i fail to notice someone coming up behind me.

"good morning, hajime!"

i let out a yelp, spinning around to see nagito behind me. with a sigh of relief — and maybe happiness? — i give him a rather awkward smile.

"good morning." i reply, twisting open my orange juice and drinking from it.

"ahh typical hajime. can't go anywhere without his orange juice." he laughs, winking at me playfully. yet the action made me flush.

"right... shall we, um, walk together?" i blurt out, internally groaning as i regret it immediately.

"oh so we are friends! then sure, let's walk together." he smiles, and starts to walk. i slowly follow him, a small smile on my face as well.

hello! look at my boys :')

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