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hajimes pov

"hey hajime? can we stop to buy some snacks?" nagito speaks up after a few minutes. he's still hugging my arm closely as he smiles at me. i shrug, "i have snacks at home."

"right, but i want to buy some more. i'll pay."

and thats how we ended up at a gas station not too far from my neighborhood. he goes through every aisle, and it seems like he's grabbing something from each aisle. he has too much in his arms for him to carry on his own, because of this a few bags of chips fall to the ground.

i go to pick them up with a sigh. "do you really need these many snacks?" he replies with a nod, handing me more food. eventually, he goes over to pay and the employee gives us bags. however im left to carry most of them.

"i need these for something, alright? so don't judge." nagito eventually speaks up as he goes back to hug my arm. i nod, not pressuring him anymore. we get back to my house and he sets the bags on the counter. i tell him im going to go change, and i give him some extra clothes so he can do so as well.

when i come back, he's already sat on the couch while looking through netflix. i sit next to him and he immediately leans against my shoulder. not that i mind but how is he already so comfortable around me?

he hums as he finds the movie and i wrap my arm around him like last time. the movie restarts and he plays it around the time we left off.

"you know, nagito, we can't just eat a bunch of junk food right? we gotta get some actual food."

"shh i'll order takeout later." he mumbles, now wrapped around a blanket. something tells me he's going to fall asleep again.

"or, we could make something—"

"hajime do you know how to cook?" he speaks up, moving away so he can stare at me right in the eye. when i don't reply, he leans back against me with a satisfied hum, "that's what i thought."

"well do you?"

"absolutely not. so takeout it is, now be quiet. this is the good part." the good part? the main character is literally on the verge of death. i still shut up though.

some time later, the movie ends. i enjoyed it, though i wasn't exactly paying much attention. the credits are now on so i speak up.

"hey nagito? movie's over." unsurprisingly i don't get a response. honestly i had a feeling he'd fall asleep but i didn't mind. i took this opportunity mostly just to be close to him again. to me, he's unbelievably warm despite only having a single blanket over him.

i decide to move him, as he did with me. this time, however, he is laying on my chest. he mumbles out a noise, turning his head to now look at the couch. he cuddles in closer and is it weird to say he smells good? i don't know how to describe it, but nagito always smells good. anyways, despite the fact that we haven't eaten, i decide to fall asleep along with him.

giving him a kiss on the head, i linger for a moment. his hair smells nice, it really is as soft as i thought. this brings a smile to my face as i give his head another peck before settling down and falling asleep below him.

hours must have passed because when i wake up, the sun is almost gone and — im very hungry. my stomach says so audibly. wait, there's something missing.

someone missing.

"nagito?" i ask, rubbing my eyes. i don't find him anywhere near me. i groan and throw the blanket off of me before getting up, almost stumbling over the coffee table.

"nagitooo?" i walk over to the counter to find the bags gone. did he leave? and as im about to go down the hallway..


oh jesus fuck.

"what the hell?" i look at him, now in front of me coming from the hallway. i squint my eyes, confused but still tired. "i thought you left."

"you are so cute. did you miss me that much?" he leans close, arms around my neck as i move mine around his waist. "i bet you did. no worries, i was just in the bathroom."

i hum in response, resting my head on his shoulder, burying my face into his neck. "where'd all the bags go?" im still tired, my voice reveals as much. and my hearts beating quite fast but i ignore it.

"can't tell you that, hajime. its a secret." he sways us from side to side playfully. i nod, almost not listening to a word he says.

"will you tell me later, then?" i ask, the swaying making me feel relaxed. his arms, now around my waist, hug me tighter. i feel him nodding.

"soon, okay?"

"mhm." is all i reply with... "nagito?"

"yes hajime?" i pause for a second, and he pauses our swaying. he tries to look at me directly but i stay buried into his neck. im hungry and tired, which makes me finally admit;

"i love you."

😨... did yall hear that. ALSO!

this made me happy :] not proof read enjoy

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this made me happy :] not proof read enjoy

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