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hajime's pov

"don't puke in my car you idiot." i scowl at kazuichi as i seem him practically hanging out of the window, clearly sick.

"help me. im gonna die, hajime." he gasps.

"oh my fucking god shut up already! if you get so motion sick why the fuck did you want to go to an amusement park?!" fuyuhiko barks from the backseat. which now has me wondering.

"yeah, why did you?" i steal a glance at him, then focusing back on the road. he groans, pulling himself back into the car.

"i wanted to spend time with you all." he mumbles and then harshly covers his mouth. "HOW FAST ARE YOU GOING?!"

ignoring his question, peko pushes her glasses up. then asking, "where's chiaki?"

"she's with sonia and nagito. she wouldn't have fit in the car anyway." i reply, stopping at a red light.

"i am sorry." mukuro mumbles.

"what? no need to be sorry, stupid. don't worry we would have put chiaki in the trunk or something." fuyuhiko smirks at the thought, finding it amusing.

"i am still sorry for taking up space."

"what did i just say?!"


"FREEDOM AT LAST." kazuichi practically jumps out of the car — well, falls out of it. face planting right on the ground. i snicker at him as i walk towards him.

"oh thank fuck. seriously why did i have to go in the middle?" fuyuhiko groans, stretching.

"because you are the shortest...?" peko tilts her head with a smile. fuyuhiko glares and then rolls his eyes.

"hello everyone!" sonia waves, driving by us. chiaki is laying in the back of the car, her phone in her hands. nagito in the front, smiling widely at me.

after they park, we all make our way to the entrance. and as im about to take out my wallet, nagito stops me.

"ah, i'll pay for you. alright?" he gives me a closed eye smile, money in hand. i shake my head.

"no, you don't have to—"

"but i want to." he pouts, "please?"

"ah well... i—"

"nagito, can you be my sugar daddy too?!" kazuichi yells from behind me, hand in hand with fuyuhiko.


"where are we going first?" fuyuhiko, who ended up paying for kazuichi, asks. we all shrug.

"well the map says that there's a rollercoaster nearby, how about that?" kazuichi replies, staring down at the map in his hands.

"by that you mean, we ride and you... wait for us?" nagito asks kazuichi.

kazuichi huffs but nods. and after walking for a minute or two we make it to the rollercoaster. and after waiting in line for a bit, we make it.

nagito and i sit next to each other, with fuyuhiko behind. the girls went somewhere else so its just us.

"are you excited?" i turn to nagito, smiling as he's putting on his seatbelt.

"yes, i like rollercoasters! are you?" he replies, making eye contact. i look away anxiously, but shrug.

"a bit nervous. its, uh, pretty tall." i chuckle. nagito smirks back at me teasingly. i raise a brow, confused.

"well you can always hold my hand~" he says, a blush evident on his face. and i swear my heart jumped out of my chest.

staring at him in awe, i can't even speak. "i- well... i can-"

and then the rollercoaster starts. it starts slow, as it goes up and up. my heart is hammering in my chest.

and as we're at the top, i shut my eyes closed and think.

screw it.

as we drop, i hold on tightly to nagito's hand. fingers intertwined. i hear him laugh, clearly enjoying himself. i reluctantly open my eyes wide, looking at him.

he's looking ahead but for a second his eyes meet mine. he gives me a wink, squeezing my hand.

once the ride stops, nagito lets go of my hand to take off his seatbelt. which, for some reason, makes me upset. i frown at him, but turn my head away.

"whats with the frown?" fuyuhiko asks, standing next to me. he has an annoyed look on his face.

"uh," i look at nagito and then back at him. "nothin'"

"i should be the one frowning! i got sat with a stupid kid and he clung to me like a fucking koala!" fuyuhiko complains, throwing his hands in the air dramatically.

"ugh he's acting so innocent but the little shit almost puked on me!" i barely listen to fuyuhiko's rant, brushing my hand against nagito's.

he never takes his eyes off fuyuhiko, listening to him as he grabs my hand again. intertwining our fingers. with a content smile, i squeeze his hand.

(not proof read simply vibes)

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