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hello! first of all i would like to thank you all for reading my story. i know i said you would get two bonuses and im sorry i didn't write another, i was considering writing one but i didn't know of what.

now, this story has a special place in my heart. maybe because its komahina, maybe because its the first story of mine i've actually enjoyed. i am saddened because this one is over but i really do want to make more, maybe even another komahina one. i had a few ideas and i was also thinking of re-writing 'things that fall' since i wrote it a while ago and i don't really like it.

i am always open to your suggestions, and open to dms! thank you all for being so patient and waiting for me to finish this story, somehow i managed to finish it without my co-author.

ah that reminds me. special thanks to prentisslovemail for helping me write this story. whenever i was stuck in a writer's block they were always very helpful. honestly they're a much better writer than i am, its a shame they don't publish their works. currently they're not active because of school but i felt as though i should credit them properly. this is our story, not just mine.

umm i think thats it? thank you if you read this far!

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