BONUS - in the future

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hajimes pov

"nagito get the fuck off the bed, im trying to keep this shit organized." i throw a pillow straight at his face but he catches it and hugs it close to him.

"but its plenty organized, hajime! you can't just kick your boyfriend out of your shared bed, its cruel!"

ah, here we are in my — well, our new apartment. basically, i decided i needed my own place for college so i moved into this apartment. its nice, i wont lie, but only because nagito insisted on paying more than half of the rent. honestly he was down to pay all of it, i had to stop him. he decided to move in with me since he claims i was far away — it is only a 15 minute drive away from his house, by the way.

although he didn't really need to apply to college, considering how wealthy his family is, he decided to anyway. its actually quite nice having him around, but you would think living with your boyfriend made things easier, right? because one of you can cook, the other can clean and such, right? wrong. we are both terrible, terrible cooks. we've been surviving off of takeout and whatever we buy until nagito learns how to make decent food.

as for our friends, kazuichi and fuyuhiko moved in together into this new house — i guess fuyuhiko makes money with his yakuza stuff but kazuichi also works as a mechanic, obviously. sonia originally was going to go back to her parents however she decided to stay and live in a nice house with her fiancée chiaki. did i mention they're getting married? when we were still in high school, we expected kazuichi and fuyuhiko to get married first. considering they've been together the longest, i guess sonia and chiaki beat them to it, despite us being young still. though currently, sonia and chiaki are back with sonia's parents. peko and mukuro are actually moving in together soon, into an apartment complex not too far from ours.

"hajime come here and give your boyfriend affection." i hear coming from the bedroom. i roll my eyes but oblige, heading towards nagito.

"you're unbelievably clingy." i mutter as i lay next to him and i see him grin at my comment. he immediately hugs me once im close enough, arms around my neck as he gives me a quick kiss.

"you love me, you said it yourself so you can't take it back." he says playfully and i attempt to hide my smile. "hey love, i was thinking." he then says, looking me in the eye.


"lets get a pet!" he announces, a little too loudly considering how close we are. i shush him and grumble. a pet?

"don't shush me, hajime. so what do you think?" he caresses my hair in a way that almost makes me fall asleep. that is until he speaks again; "hajime don't ignore me."

"what type of pet do you want?" i groan, hiding by burying myself in his neck. he laughs for a moment but then shrugs. "a cat, a dog... i dunno, a bunny? be specific, nagito."

"a cat would be cute, no?" i grimace at the thought of having to clean out a litter box but nod. "whatever you want." is all i say.

"no no.. does this building even allow pets? i'll have to check." he starts rambling about god knows what. i honestly don't mind whichever pet we get, as long as it makes him happy i guess.

"how about a fish?" i hear him ask at one point.

"a fish?" i mean sure, its a pet but it doesn't really... do much.

"agh, i don't know! you're not exactly helping." he groans and tries to move away. i cling onto him, humming in content.

"and you say im clingly." he scoffs but holds me anyway as he scrolls through his phone probably in search of pet shops nearby.

"we're both clingy, i guess." and with that i fall asleep.

. . .


my god, can't a man get any sleep? i groan, trying to hide in the pillows as nagito keeps shaking me. he scoffs when i don't reply now hitting my head, not exactly hard but it's still annoying.

"go away."

"wha- no. i found a pet shop nearby! lets go check it out, please?" he asks, sitting on the edge of the bed while looking down at me. i narrow my eyes, grabbing his arm and pulling him in.

"hajime!" now laying on my chest, he whines. "seriously, i want a pet! and i already checked and pets are allowed. now get up."

i shake my head, holding him in place. "or, alternatively, we can stay in, sleep and hold each other. sound good?" he rolls his eyes at my words, managing to break free and stand back up.

"i expect you to be ready by the time i come back" and with that he leaves the room. i groan, rolling off the bed. why can't we stay inside? surely there has to be some way to buy pets online. like, animal amazon or something. does that make sense?

eventually, we're both ready. and can you believe my darling boyfriend makes me drive? after forcing me out of bed? the audacity. so i reluctantly get in the driver's seat, grumbling thousands of curse words. "shh, love, it'll be fun.

"if you love me as much as you say you do, can you drive?"

"ah you're so cute, hajime. so, so cute."

so i ended up driving all the way to the pet shop. the pet shop was fairly nice, there were all sorts of animals; cats, dogs, hamsters, bunnies and more. nagito seemed to find them all cute, unsure of which one to pick.

"hajime what do you think?" i think i'd rather get a fish.

"whatever you want." he groans at my words, glaring at me. i give him a sarcastic smile and then blow him a kiss. "whatever my lovely boyfriend wants."

time passes and it feels like an eternity. i move to hug nagito from behind as he's looking at a oddly aggressive yet tiny dog. huh, reminds me of fuyuhiko.

"nagito its been like three hours, can we go?" i pull him closer by the waist. trying to convince him with as much affection as possible. hell, i even give him a kiss on the neck. he shakes his head, pointing at the dog.

"kinda looks like fuyuhiko, right?" he says with a smile. i chuckle and nod, "i was thinking the same thing."

"but seriously, its been hours. lets go, yeah?" i nuzzle into his neck and he laughs. "hajime, love, its been like 30 minutes."

"what?" and as those words escape my mouth, he gasps. running over to an enclosure, seemingly excited. i follow him, intrigued.

"he's perfect. oh my god!" he exclaims and now im really interested. what i find was very unexpected.

"... a fucking turtle?"

just a quick look into hajime and nagito's life now. what'll they name the turtle? gimme ideas pls
[not proof read, sorry if theres errors]

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