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hajime's pov

"stop throwing your damn shells at me- god damn it, chiaki!"

she giggles as the game finishes, her finishing in first place. i glare at her playfully, though it wasn't quite intimidating as i had a smile on my face.

im glad we're still best friends.

we both look at our phones as we get a notification at the same time. i raise my eyebrow at it.

kazuichi has added you to a groupchat.

hangout hangout!!

the fuck is this

kazuichi 🦈
a group chat :D

...what for?

fuyuhiko 👺
read the fuckin name

nagito 🍀

mukuro has left the groupchat

kazuichi has added mukuro to the groupchat

kazuichi 🦈


peko ⚔️
speak kazuichi. mukuro be nice.

kazuichi 🦈
okay hey yall :)) i was wondering if yall wanted to hang out at the amusement park this weekend??

sonia 👑
oh my! i would love to. will chiaki be going?

chiaki 👾
👁👁 yes

fuyuhiko 👺
the fuck kinda emojis

kazuichi 🦈
OKOKOK sonia's going, chiaki is too. who else??

nagito 🍀
i wanna !!

i guess im free this weekend

kazuichi 🦈
okkk fuyuhiko's going too. peko, mukuro?

peko ⚔️
we're going.

we are?

peko ⚔️

whatever you say

sonia 👑
you two are so cute!! :((

kazuichi 🦈
plus it can be like a triple date! triple? how many couples are there??

chiaki 👾
um . hajime and i broke up

fuyuhiko 👺

nagito 🍀

kazuichi 🦈

oh yeah, we did
no biggie, we're still friends

kazuichi 🦈

fuyuhiko 👺
damn i mean, whatever makes yall happy

nagito 🍀
yes yes! as long as you're happy!

ahh, thank you nagito

fuyuhiko 👺
the fuck?? thank me too??

fuyuhiko 👺

fuyuhiko 👺
fuckin asshole


"are you excited to go to the amusement park tomorrow? i am!" kazuichi exclaimed, grinning like a kid. it was already friday, and we were walking back home from school.

i nod, giving him a small smile. "sounds like fun."

"i hear it is. and it has a big ferris wheel." fuyuhiko adds, suddenly joining in on the conversation. kazuichi smirks at him.

"its gonna be so romantic~" he makes an exaggerated face, pouting his lips at his short boyfriend.

"shut the fuck up!" fuyuhiko yells back at him, a blush clear on his face. he starts grumbling about god knows what.

"that does sound cute. its the perfect place to confess to someone." chiaki speaks up, eyeing me weirdly. she then winks at me.

i tilt my head in confusion. blinking repeatedly. she facepalms at me, leaving me even more lost.

"do you think its romantic, hajime?" nagito asks, eyes stuck on me. i shrug.

"i think its cliché. and it could be awkward. what if the person rejects you? you're stuck with them til the ride ends. i couldn't handle that." i try to explain. he simply laughs.

"so where would you confess?" he asks as he finishes laughing. he's adorable.

"well, i don't think i'd confess at an amusement park. if anything, that would be where my first date would be." i look at him, only to realize he's already staring at me.

i can't handle this.

"hmm... yeah that makes sense." he nods, smiling back at me.

"and... uh... and you? where would you confess?" i reluctantly ask. this conversation is making me nervous.

he chuckles and winks at me, "can't tell you~ its a secret."

i love my boys. im holding them gently.
[not proof read just winging it]

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