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hajime's pov:

the day went by pretty quickly, it was last period and the teacher was rambling about something i couldn't bother paying attention to. and soon enough, it was time to go home. i quickly put my belongings into my bag and left the classroom to go find my friends.

after a bit of walking, i found kazuichi and his short boyfriend. i smiled at them, "where's everyone else?"

"peko went to talk to her girlfriend, she said she'll get here soon. as for chiaki, she's finishing off a game with ibuki. and i have no idea where nagito is." fuyuhiko answered, looking up at hajime.

"should we walk to my house or should we wait for them?" hajime asked, pulling out his phone to check the time. "also what are we even gonna do at my house?"

kazuichi shrugged, "watch movies, play games. normal teen stuff." he showed his sharp teeth in a grin. "eh but i think we should wait for 'em. just so we can all walk there together."

"oh, peko just texted in the groupchat."

shsl dumbasses 😎

peko ⚔️
i may be late to hang out, mukuro wanted to train with me. apologies.

kaz 🦈
no worries! have fun training with your girlfriend wink wink

peko ⚔️

@chiaki 💕 where are you?

chiaki 💕
on my way. sorry, ibuki wanted a rematch.

fuyuhiko 👺
@nagito 🍀 where the fuck are you?

nagito 🍀
one of the upperclassmen wanted a favor, where are you guys waiting at?

kaz 🦈
who would want a favor from you?

nagito 🍀
😤😤 answer the question, sharky

kaz 🦈
just outside the school, damn 😭 i ain't here to get hated on

fuyuhiko 👺
grow up dude

after texting for a few minutes, chiaki and nagito arrived and we started walking towards my house. we chatted while walking, kazuichi cracking jokes and everyone laughing at him, not at his jokes though.

i opened my door and let them all in, "take off your shoes and put them on the mat." they all did as told. kazuichi then ran up and jumped on the couch. i sighed, rolling my eyes.

chiaki put on some random movie, it actually seemed pretty interesting so i decided to watch it. i sat next to chiaki, wrapping an arm around her. she smiled softly, resting her head on my shoulder. although we've been dating for a while, i still felt quite odd having her so close. we've shared kisses and we've cuddled before but this feels weird.

i decided to ignore my feelings though, and looked over at kazuichi and fuyuhiko, who were whisper-yelling who was gonna be big spoon. i could faintly hear, "fuck you im gonna be big spoon." and then, "dude you're too fuckin' short." i lightly chuckled then turning to see nagito hugging a cushion, and i felt a slight pain in my chest. probably pity.

i turned back to the movie, resting my head on chiaki's. everything was quiet until the doorbell rang, making everyone jump. nagito laughed, "i'll get it, you guys keep cuddling." he said, "i feel like im 5th wheeling." he muttered, walking over to open the door.

"hey, peko brought pizza!" nagito yelled. kazuichi, who ended up being little spoon, jumped up. "pepperoni?!" he yelled back, earning a 'mhm' from nagito. "hell yeah! peko you're a real one!"

i have nothing better to do so here's another chapter

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