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hajime's pov

i walk into my home, kicking off my shoes at the entrance. i take off my jacket, hanging it on my coat hanger. then walking into my kitchen to get some water, i notice someone asleep on my couch.

i almost yelled, until i remembered kazuichi had been here earlier. after drinking my water, i lean over the couch to check if it really was kazuichi. i then throw some cold water on him.

"AH SHIT- a thief?! oh. its just you." he sits up, wiping his face. "i told you to text me when on your way back!" he scolds, looking up at me.

"i did." i reply simply, taking the now empty chips from next to him and throwing them in the trash.

"how are your clothes dry? wasn't it raining? how long have i been asleep for..." he trails off, clearly confused. legs crossed, one hand scratching his head.

"nagito dried my clothes, yes it was and you've only been asleep for a few hours im guessing." i answer, then wandering off into my room. he follows behind me, jumping off the couch leaving it a mess.

i'll make him clean it later.

"how'd the date go?" he asks casually, throwing himself on my bed again as if it was his own. i scoff both at his question and at the fact that he was now on my bed. "bad? good? i can't tell you're always scoffing." he mocks by scoffing back.

"it wasn't a date. im literally with chiaki," i remind him, with a sudden pang of guilt. "our tutoring session went well though. i understood a bit of the material."

"a bit? geez hajime."

i ignore his comment, going into my bathroom to change into my pajamas despite it not being that late. after im done, i exit while closing the door behind me. i check the time and then turn to kazuichi.

"you staying over?"

he gasps excitedly, like a child. eyes lighting up, he looks at me. "can i? really? im still your best friend?"

i almost laugh. rolling my eyes, i nod. "kazuichi, you were always my best friend. stop being dramatic." i motion for him to follow me as i walk back to the living room. pointing at the couch, he seems to understand what i meant.

as he's cleaning up, he looks up. "wanna play minecraft?"



i truly have no idea how i ended up at the beach with all my friends. really, i don't.

but here i am, in swimming shorts, arms crossed as i stare at fuyuhiko and kazuichi get a little too competitive at beach volleyball.

"that did not fucking count!" fuyuhiko yells out, throwing his arms in the air. kazuichi pokes out his tongue.

"yes it did! you're just a sore loser!"

i decide to sit next to chiaki, underneath the big umbrella. i smile at her, leaning on her shoulder. "what are you playing?"

"animal crossing," she smiles back, moving her switch so i can see better. "but i might get in the water later."

i nod. "so who else is here? kazuichi kind of just dragged me along."

"oh um, nagito's over there getting a drink," as she speaks, she points over to him. "ibuki and mikan decided to tag along, they're by the shore. and sonia, peko and gundham are making sand castles."

"huh. and you're just here by yourself?"

she shakes her head. "im with you."

we stayed like that for a while. her just playing on her switch while i watched. though she let me play a few times, knowing how much i like animal crossing. eventually, i walked off and was about to get in the water.

i almost felt bad, leaving her alone but then i noticed sonia sitting right next to her. chiaki's head now resting on her shoulder while she let sonia play.

i smiled at the sight. i was glad they were close. i noticed how everyone moved. sonia now by chiaki. gundham and peko making a new sand castle. peko seemed to like gundham's hamsters, petting them while her face showed such tranquility i had never seen before.

mikan and ibuki now laying together on beach towels, holding hands and pointing at certain clouds. kazuichi and fuyuhiko had stopped playing, now simply swimming around.

and finally... nagito was now next to me. i hadn't realized. i guess i was too busy looking around. i notice he has two drinks in his hands.

he offers one to me and as he notices my confused stare he explains: "its fruit punch, we aren't allowed to drink!" with a grin.

i smile back, taking the drink and thanking him. "have you gone in the water?" i ask after taking a sip of the drink.

"hmm not yet, would you like to get in with me?"

"oh. um- sure.. when we're done with our drinks though! don't wanna contaminate the water... you know..." i reply nervously, internally face palming. why can i never be cool around him.

he chuckles and nods. "of course, of course. gotta care for the environment."

after finishing our drinks and throwing the cups away, we got in. i immediately cursed as the water was rather cold. i felt eyes staring at my back so i turn around quickly.

nagito smiles down at me, quickly getting in and shivering at the cold. now standing next to me, he tilts his head.

i tilt my head back, as if some form of communication. he leans close, and i couldn't help but panic. i gulp.

i was confused and panicking. my brain thinking of so many things. whats he doing? why is he so close? is he going to...

and then, he cuts off my panicked thinking.

with a splash of water to my face.

"oh come on!"

aha... kinda filler chapter ?? i really didn't know what to write
also hajime . sonia and chiaki arent just "close" they're in l-
[not proof read]

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