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hajime's pov

"i think you should speak to chiaki about this. she will surely understand."

yeah its easy for you to say that peko, you don't have to confront your damn girlfriend and most likely break up with her.

well shit. might as well get this over with.

chiaki 👾

can we talk?

chiaki 👾
sure! i can call you in a sec

no no, i meant in real life?

chiaki 👾
sure, i actually have been wanting to talk to u too


chiaki 👾
its best if we speak about it in person
my place?

yeah.. see you in 10

oh my fucking god that was so awkward.

and now i have to see her in person. oh god i feel terrible. how the hell could i just go to my girlfriends house, tell her 'hey i dont love you anymore, i love-'

i groan and reluctantly slip my shoes on. after grabbing my phone and keys, i walk out, locking my door behind me.

the walk to chiaki's wasn't long. but i really wish it was. i tried to take my time, i really did. i walked slow, stopped at random times to 'check my phone.'

and yet here i am, stood in front of chiaki's house. i huff, knocking on the door.

chiaki opens the door slightly, peeking her eye through just a little. once she looks up and realizes it was me, she opens it completely. with a warm smile, she invites me in.

i nod, as i enter i slip off my shoes and leave them by the door. and after we both sit on the couch, theres an awkward silence. i knew i should have done this through text. but then again... it would be an asshole move to break up with someone over text. plus i still want to be chiaki's friend. but thats all i want to be. her friend. hell, best friend. god this silence is killing me. is the air conditioning on—

"hajime. you've been staring at nothing for like two minutes." she speaks up, patting my shoulder.

"right. sorry... um," i pause. what the hell do i say? "i don't— um." i take a deep breath.

"chiaki. for the past few days, i've felt... different. i'll just come right out and say it, i'm not in love with you... anymore." i speak and feel immediate regret. was i too harsh? what if she hates me?


"... yes?" i look up from my lap, my hands almost shaking.

"i feel exactly the same way."


my eyes widen at this, mouth falling open. i shake my head, closing it. i huff in utter confusion. "you— huh?"

"hajime. i think i like girls." she says. and i can tell by the look in her eyes shes scared. does she think i'll be angry? no no... im proud of her.

"i, uh, think i like boys. but maybe girls too—?" i explain, truthfully im not sure what my sexuality is.

"bi with a male lean?" she tilts her head, then shrugs. "i just know i like girls."

"so— you're telling me i stressed and panicked over nothing?" i groan, now realizing how stupid i was.

"you're not alone. plus i felt so guilty. all this time i've been falling for—" she pauses suddenly, face completely red.

i smirk, "for?"

she whispers out a name, so quietly i couldn't hear. she's now covering her face with her hands.


"i like sonia! she's so pretty and she gives me butterflies. how is she so pretty? and she's so gentle. and her hugs are heavenly." she blurts out, her words muffled due to her face being covered.

i chuckle, finding it amusing. "have you told her?"

she shakes her head, "i didn't want to until i talked to you."


"well now you have." i smile at her, and she smiles back.

"who do you like?" she asks. i feel like i should tell her. she told me who she liked. i can trust chiaki. we're friends.

"nagito. i like nagito." i finally admit. it feels good to get that off my chest. i gulp as she stares at me with a teasing smirk.

"so nagito~"



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