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hajime's pov:

after we all ate the pizza, it was pretty late so my friends decided to all stay over. they lived pretty close by so they could just walk to their houses in the morning and get ready.

i got up from the couch, chiaki following me. "we'll be sleeping in my room. there's a guest room, i don't care who sleeps there just don't make a mess."

"dibs!" i hear kazuichi yell, grabbing fuyuhiko and running towards the room. nagito and peko decided they would sleep on the couch. i roll my eyes and walk to my room.

"hey kiddos, use protection!" nagito yells out, i stick out the middle finger, then walking into my room. i closed the door behind me, a long sigh leaving my lips.

"you okay?" chiaki asks, her hand moving to grasp mine. i jump a bit, not looking into her eyes. i give her a small nod. after a second or two, i finally look at her. a reassuring smile on my face.

"wanna play minecraft?" i ask her, taking out my phone. i see her eyes sparkle as she nods enthusiastically. i chuckle at her reaction, jumping on my bed. she follows me, getting into a comfortable position.

i don't know how long we played minecraft for, but i was starting to get tired. so i requested that we fell asleep, since it was a school night after all.

3:48 am

i look over to my alarm clock. why did i wake up now? god dammit.

i sigh, stuffing my face into my pillow for a second or two. then glancing at chiaki who was peacefully asleep. i stared at her for a moment or two.

i stand up, letting out a low yawn. i stretch, then walking to my door and opening and closing it slowly. i walk towards my kitchen, not really noticing my surroundings.

once i make it to the kitchen, i pour myself a glass of orange juice. chugging it quickly.

"woow," i jump at the voice, looking everywhere until i spot nagito on the couch sitting upwards. "even at 3 am you still drink orange juice?" he let out a low laugh. standing up slowly and walking towards me.

"you scared me." i rub my eyes tiredly, giving him a somewhat playful glare. he leans against the opposite side of the counter, a playful smirk on his face as he rests his chin on his hand.

"am i that intimidating?" he looked at me and i held his gaze. honestly it felt like minutes passed by when really only a few seconds. i looked away while clearing my throat.

"do you want some?" i motioned towards the orange juice — completely ignoring his question. he nodded, a small smile on his face. i poured some in another cup and handed it to him.

"so, what are you doing up?"

i shrugged in response, "i could ask you the same question." instead of looking at him, i looked over at peko who was sleeping peacefully on the other side of the couch that nagito was on. i felt kinda bad, making them both sleep on the couch.

"im a light sleeper, so when i heard you walking towards the kitchen i woke up."

"ah. sorry about that." i scratch the back of my neck, smiling nervously. nagito shakes his head, "don't worry about it."

it was silent for a moment or two, as we both stared at our glasses of orange juice. until, nagito cleared his throat and spoke up; "i've been meaning to ask you, why—?"

"yo, ya'll better not be doin' weird shit in here!" kazuichi suddenly bursts in, accidentally waking up peko. fuyuhiko trailing behind him muttering curse words.

peko glared at kazuichi while throwing a cushion at him, then falling back onto the couch to try to sleep. nagito laughed, shaking his head. "we were just talking."

"what the hell are you two doing up?" i asked, clearly annoyed. by the looks of it, fuyuhiko was too. kazuichi gave me a large grin, "i had to pee."

"and why is fuyuhi—"

"he's afraid of the dark." fuyuhiko responded, yawning loudly. to which kazuichi whisper-yelled "am not!"

i rolled my eyes.

"whatever, im going to sleep. good night."

"don't ya mean good mornin— ow!"


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