Head Pat (Part 3)

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Y/N's POV:

While you were trying to sleep you hear a sound coming from Tanjiro's room, you heard a thump and immediately got up. You entered the room and a small child like being was sitting next to the opened box. She began to grow and you immediately realized she was a demon. But she was not attacking and instead wandered the room with bamboo covering her mouth. She noticed you and froze, her light pink eyes brightened in the dark. Her eyes looked human and she had no demon features except for her hands.

You wanted to attack but she backed away. She looked harmless but she also looked scared, and for some reason you felt like you could trust her but at the same time you were scared she was gonna devour Tanjiro and you could've stopped it. She came towards you and put her hand on your head, you then leave, trusting her. Early morning you wake up and immediately head to Tanjiro's room. He was still alive and the box was closed, you open it and the demon girl was a child again and sleeping. You close it and walked back to your room.

Demon's POV:

I wake up from my nap, the box was not moving so I wanted to see where we were. I open the top of the box and tried to get out but fell and hit the ground, I was stunned for a quick minute but got up, and grew to my normal size. I wanted to explore the area where brother was sleeping in. I turn around to look at brother but I notice a human staring at me. They looked fascinated but scared by the sight of me, they had their sharp demon stabber with them.
I backed away because I was scared they were gonna attack me, but they did not do anything, so I approached with caution and told the human I was friend by doing what brother always does to me. Their hair was very soft, and fun to play with,They soon left and I got back into my box, closing the top.

Y/N's POV:

You ate some of the food you packed for this trip. You wait a while before everyone wakes up, Kanao was awake first which did not surprise you at all... Inosuke woke up second, and for the first time you see him without his boar head. You hold in your laughter at the sight of his feminine features, he notices you holding in your laughter and you start running.

Zenitsu and Tanjiro both come out of their rooms to see you being chased by Inoske. They burst out laughing while Kanao observed the stupidity in front of her. We stopped and started packing our things, You look at Tanjiro's box again and then carried on packing, "we need to find the demon" Kanao said as she finished packing, they all agreed and left the hotel.

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