Advice... (Part 10)

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Y/N's POV:

You would normally be walking in front so you could be the first alarmed when danger arrived. But you stayed at the back with Kota as he was helping you walk, your muscles ached and your head throbbed with every step. You eventually feel your muscles relax as you were able to move independently again. You still had that annoying headache though, and it felt worse. It was daylight so no demons would be out by now, which was a relief for you. Your crow comes over to you and perches on your shoulder, you notice that Zenitsu was carrying a small bag tied up. “Zenitsu what's that?” you ask in confusion. “I get hungry on the road, so I pack a few nuts, fruits and seeds with me” he replies.

“Can I have some?” you ask again. He looks at you for a while before untying his bag and taking out a few  seeds and an apple. You take a bite of the apple while giving the seeds to your crow, it ate all the seeds under a few seconds so you did not need to keep your arm up for long. It soon flew away and you were able to eat your apple without the crow pecking at it. “What should we do today?” Kanao asks, everyone stays silent for a bit. “A game maybe?” Kota suggests, everyone except for you smile at the idea. “I'll beat all of you hahaha!!” Inosuke shouts as he starts waving his arms in the air and grunting as he walks. “I forgot how arrogant he was...” you think to yourself. “I have an idea for a game” Tanjiro says with confidence, “Let's play a game where we answer each other's questions” he continues. “That's a great way to learn about each other!” Kota replies. You scoff at the idea but didn't say anything... “Sooo Kanao~? ” Zenitsu asks with his wierd face he makes to every other girl he sees. She turns to face him. “Who do plan to marry?”, you roll your eyes not surprised by the question. Kanao takes out a coin from her pocket, you stare at it in confusion. She flips it and it lands on heads. “I am not interested in love at the moment Zenitsu, I am focused on making master proud” she says after. Zenitsu looked like he was about to cry, but not serious crying. You turn your head to face Tanjiro, and he looked displeased. “Kanao what have I said about following your heart and not the coin?” he says. You immediately realized something was up, but before you could think further Kota starts talking to you. “Y/N, you never really told me your gender, everyone calls you by they or them, so what is your gender?” he asks, you tilt your head a little as you look at him. “I am a they or them because I am both male and female” you reply. “Or I am gender less” you add on, turning your head back to the trail ahead.

“That makes no sense!” Inosuke shouts, “How can you be male and female?!”. “I have to agree with pig face” Kota states. “Let them be what they want!” Tanjiro says in a angry way you have never seen him in before. “Thank you Tanjiro” you say in a sweet tone, trying to sound genuine as possible. He smiles back at you, with his warm smile. You realized that you actually considered these people friends, in a way at least. You actually realized that you could ask Tanjiro a question that you were too scared to ask when you first saw him with Nezuko. “Tanjiro... How did Nezuko turn into a demon?” you ask, trying to not sound rude with the statement. He frowns while looking at you but the sighs and tells his story... “I had a normal life, living with Nezuko, our mom and younger siblings” he says. Everyone stays quiet and Tanjiro continues... “As the eldest brother, it was my job to be like a father figure to my family”. He stops, and you could see the sadness in his eyes beginning to show, he starts speaking again... “I sold coal or charcoal to the village we lived nearby...”. He didn't stop this time and carried on... “One afternoon as I was coming back from the village, an old relative of mine offered to let me stay for the night because he was scared I might get attacked by demons”... “I did... And the next morning I headed back to my house, thanking the man before departure” he took a deep breath and started speaking again... “As I was walking up the mountain I smelt blood...” Just then Tanjiro covered his face, trying to stop the tears from flowing out. “Let's just say... Nezuko was the only one alive” it appeared he finished talking and you immediately bowed your head, “Gomen nasai! ” you say. Tanjiro smiles again... “It's not your fault Y/N” and just like that, the game stopped.

“That would explain why he had the worst reaction at the shack...” you think to yourself. Just then Kota wraps his arm around your shoulders, smiling. “Are you okay Y/N?” he asks, you did not know why but you always felt uncomfortable around him. You notice Zenitsu looking sad so you took it as an opportunity to avoid Kota for a bit. You walk next to him, “You okay Zenitsu?” you ask. “What am I doing wrong...?” Zenitsu says, trying to not cry like he always does. You feel sympathy for this boy, as much as you hated to admit it, he did help you. “Stop thinking your gonna die...” you say at last. Zenitsu looks at you in confusion, “Your problem is you think that your gonna die 24/7, not to mention you think getting married before you die is a good thing”. “Stop acting like your 5 years old and stop trying to get with every girl you come across...”, you sigh... “When the moon is out and Nezuko can walk, try just being her friend” you say. You stop talking to him and ignored him. He says nothing but smiles a bit, clearly grateful for the advice.

Author's Note:

I will be making a Mha fanfic along with this so if you want to check it out please do. You can either follow me to know when it comes out or wait a couple of days for me to let you know when it is out. It will be a Tsuyu Asui x Reader fanfic. (It will also be an improv script, meaning different events and times) Anyways Part 11 coming soon ig + a new companion will be joining the squad lol.

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