A Fight To Remember (Part 13)

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Author's POV:

Tanjiro helped Y/N put Nezuko in the box, he put the box down on the ground, it took a bit of time since it took awhile to get Nezuko to shrink, but after a few attempts she managed to make her body small enough to fit in. Tanjiro picked it up again and carried it on his back like he always did. The group started discussing on game strategy, but then a demon came out of a missing chunk in a roof, Kanao saw it first, but what scared her was that the the demon aiming for Y/N.

Y/N's POV:

Kanao starts shouting "demon!", you turn to face her only to get pummeled by the demon, it pushed you to the ground. You grab your katana fast enough to block the sharp teeth that aimed for your head, the saliva from it's tongue drops down slowly, you try not to gag from it's nasty breath that smelt like rotten flesh and hot water. You then realize that Saru was not on your head anymore. "F*ck..." you manage to say under your breath while gritting your teeth at the weight being lowered onto you, you wanted to check if Saru was okay but you were pinned down by the demon, Inosuke kicked the demon off of you, you get up, still kinda recovering from the horrid smell, you start looking around. Saru was lying against a wall, knocked out cold. You run over to him, you picked him up gently and carried him to Zenitsu who was staring in fear. "Zenitsu please hide yourself and Saru!" you order him before rushing to the others. You hold tight to your katana as you run, just then something moving catches the corner of your eye. There was about 5-6 demons sneaking on the roof of a house. "IT'S A AMBUSH!!" You scream just as one of them pounced at Kanao from behind, you move faster then the demon and manage to slice its head off, it's head tumbled away. The others are now on their gaurd with their katanas at their hands, demons in groups of 4;3;2 came from all angles like from bushes, roofs, windows etc... "Watch each other's backs and stay hyperventilate at all times!" Tanjiro orders. Everyone worked together to decapitate as many demons as possible. "WHAT THE H*LL IS THIS!?" Inosuke shouts as the cold air made his breath visible, after a few minutes there were no more demons in sight. "I have never seen so many demons in one area" Kanao states before putting her katana back in its Saya.

"AHHHHHHH!!!" you all turn in the direction the scream was coming from. Zenitsu comes running out with Saru still passed out in his arms. "Zenitsu what happened!?" Tanjiro asks very concerned. "Kota was taken by one of the demons!!" he shouts in a reply, clearly out of breath. "Not gonna lie, he had it coming" Inosuke says in an amused tone. "As much as I agree, we have to try to save him" Kanao adds on. Inosuke scoffs and then looks at Tanjiro, "What should we do Monjiro?" Inosuke asks. Tanjiro says nothing for a bit then replies with, "Let's leave him..." you all were shocked at Tanjiro's answer. "Really?" you ask in confusion. "Kota never really pulled his weight and I wanna see what he does when his own life is in danger" Tanjiro responds in a serious tone. "We trust you Tanjiro" you say putting your head down. "Also Inosuke my name is Tanjiro, not Monjiro" Tanjiro says in annoyance at Inosuke's previous statement. "Are we done here?" Kanao asks. You look at her and put your hand on her shoulder. “For now let's just check all the houses and make sure we didn't miss anything important” you say with reassurance. “Tanjiro... What if they turn Kota into a demon!?” Zenitsu says a bit panicked. “Those type of demons can't turn humans Zenitsu, I'm pretty sure only Muzan can” Tanjiro says in a bit of an annoyed tone. “Are you tired Tanjiro?” Kanao asks while putting a hand on Tanjiro's shoulder, you saw a bit of red flood his cheeks.

You have a mischievous grin on your face while you look at the two. “Ohhh... I see” you say in a playful tone. Tanjiro and Kanao look at you with a confused look on their faces. “See what Y/N?” Zenitsu asks from behind you. “I see why you joined our group now Kanao~” you say again playfully. Tanjiro face becomes redder when he realized what you ment, while Kanao still had that confused look on her face. “WHAT THE HECK TANJIRO!? HOW DID YOU GET A PRETTY GIRL BEFORE ME!?” Zenitsu screams in anger, you quickly grab Saru out of Zenitsu's hand and give him to the now red and flustered Kanao to nurse. As Tanjiro covered his face to stop the blush, you see a something flying at Tanjiro from behind. “TANJI-” you were cut off by Nezuko jumping out of the box and body slamming the creature as she grew bigger. Nezuko brutally ripped the creature's head off and saved enough time for Tanjiro to properly decapitate the slowly regenerating head of the attacker. Tanjiro hugged Nezuko and she happily hugged back. “Adorable!” you say while smiling, just then Nezuko pounces on you. You stammer back a bit but manage to catch her, but the way you caught her made you turn crimson red, and everybody except Nezuko saw this. You were holding her by the thighs... her breast was close to your face, you could feel her breath on the back of your neck even with the bamboo in her mouth. Her arms wrapped around your neck as well, you felt hot all over, every muscle in your body tensed up, your pupils shrunk in shock.

Tanjiro laughs, “I forgot how clingy she is of you Y/N” Tanjiro calls Nezuko over to him, she jumps off of you and your able to catch your breath again. Sweat trickles on your forehead, you cover your face. “What the h*ll is wrong with you?” Inosuke asks in both confusion and annoyance. “I-I think the cold is getting to m-me...” you say while sounding out of breath. “Alright me and Inosuke will take a look in the houses then come back to you guys when everything is checked” Tanjiro says in his normal sweet and caring nature. You sit down on the nearest and biggest rock. Kanao was still looking after Saru so that just left you, Zenitsu and Nezuko with nothing to do. “Nezuko~Chan!” Zenitsu says while hugging her, you took a deep breath. “Zenitsu have you ever thought of working on your skill instead of marriage?” you ask a bit annoyed. “I wanna get married before I die!” Zenitsu replies with confidence. “Zenitsu... You need to focus on more important things, and if you want to get married so badly stop simping over every girl you see.” Zenitsu stays silent for a bit, you put your hand on his shoulder. “Nezuko looks really uncomfortable, so please make the smarter choice” you let go of his shoulder and walk over to Saru. As much as you wanted the best for Zenitsu, a part of you was boiling with jealousy when Zenitsu was close to Nezuko.

Author's note:

I wanted to do two parts to make up for not publishing in a while, I will be on another few day break to focus on home problems. The next part will be mostly the Love chapter, so you'll see more ships and more Y/N x Nezuko moments. Hope you enjoy my story btw!

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