I'm Sorry... (Part 20) [Last Part]

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Y/N's POV:

“We need to go find Tanjiro” you tell Zenitsu as you grab his arm and led him back and out of the train. “Y-Y/N! If it is a uppermoon, wouldn't it have already eaten Kanao!?” Zenitsu cried in fear and sadness. You didn't respond, the grip of your hand on his wrist was enough to tell him to stop talking. Your mind was filled with thoughts about what you should do next and what to tell Tanjiro. You knew Tanjiro and Kanao had some sort of feeling for one another, and having to tell Tanjiro that Kanao might be dead made you want to throw up in disgust. You found the town where Tanjiro and the rest went to awhile ago and walked towards it. It was quite small... Some houses, some a little run down or had peeled off paint. There was a few fenced off areas with animals inside, but there was very little people, so finding Tanjiro and the others were quite easy. Tanjiro wasn't acting like himself either. He was probably still upset about Kanao, so you chose to not talk about your findings until he was thinking properly.

Tanjiro and Inosuke were in an inn when you and Zenitsu found them. “We're staying here for the night?” Zenitsu asked at last. “Yea... We need to all rest after that fight” Tanjiro answered. You nodded your head and followed after Inosuke who rushed up the stairs. The room was quite small but all 4 of you and Nezuko's box could fit and sleep for the night. “I'll be out” you say as you exit the room immediately after, not waiting for a response. You exit the building to the now early morning of the sky. You wanted to see what the town had. Most of the stalls were closed with only a few stuff that were being sold. You scan the area and found a closed stall with a few old stuff on a bench, one of them being an old journal. You pick it up and scan through the blank pages. You decided to keep it. You went back to the inn, now feeling the exhaustion from the fight. Tanjiro had closed the curtains to avoid sunlight getting into the room and lit a torch. The flames crackled and hissed as you sat down. Tanjiro then opened the box and Nezuko crawled out, blinking the sleep out of her eyes. Inosuke ignored her and focused on his two blades, taking off his boar head. Zenitsu was talking with Tanjiro, who seemed to have calmed down a bit. You were just about to talk to him about your findings on the train before you were pounced on by Nezuko.

You fell back a little, adjusting yourself to hold her by putting your hand on her back. She grew back to normal size and lay her head on your chest. You couldn't help but blush a little at her sudden cuddly action. You moved the hand that was on her back to her head and stroked it gently, feeling her long, soft, silky dark brown hair. You then turned to face Tanjiro. “Tanjiro... We need to talk.” Tanjiro looked at you with a confused look on his face before responding, “Hm?” Zenitsu looked at you with a confused expression before realizing what you were gonna talk about. “Inosuke! Let's go out and eat!” Zenitsu said with a smile on his face, Inosuke completely lost interest in his blades and focused his attention to Zenitsu. “YEAHH!! LET'S GO ZERITORO!!!” He exclaimed before grabbing Zenitsu's arm and running with him out the room. “Well that's a new one...” Tanjiro said as he sighed in an amused tone. You chuckled a little before looking him dead serious in the eyes.

“It's about Kanao...” you begin, trying to get straight to the point. Tanjiro's face expression instantly looked cold. “Zenitsu and I went back to the train and... -” your voice breaks, you don't know how to tell him that Kanao might've been attacked by a possible uppermoon. “And what?” he asked. You take a deep breath in before continuing. “Kanao... Might have been attacked by a demon while we were fighting with Kota” you say with a sick feeling in your stomach. You wait for a response... The tension was there, and you felt it. Tanjiro took a deep breath before finally answering. “Well we're going to have to make a plan to track this demon... My nose is really good at smelling for danger and I can smell underground, Inosuke's beast breathing is good for longer distance tracking of entities. Zenitsu has good hearing for screams that seem too far away...” he carried on talking but you focus your attention back to Nezuko. “If this is an uppermoon... Then maybe it can help turn you back Nezuko” you thought to yourself. The night time seemed to have come pretty quickly, all of you were sound asleep at the time since being worn out from the train fight.

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