Trauma (Part 4)

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Y/N's POV:

You are still thinking about the demon Tanjiro was carrying with him. “Are the others aware of the demon girl also?”
You wonder while walking next to Kanao. Inosuke would constantly get Zenitsu's name wrong just to annoy him... “What a bunch of knuckle heads” you thought. Kanao started speaking to you about the animals, the breeze and some deep stuff that made you uncomfortable, she then asked why you became a demon slayer. You responded saying, “I came across a demon when I was a child... It was just about to kill me before I was rescued by, I think was a piller by the name of Kanae Kocho, she was accompanied by another girl which I believe to be the insect puller herself... But she looked way younger.”

You finish your story short when the boys stop walking. In front of them was a human skull all bloodied and cracked... Zenitsu starts crying and screaming while Tanjiro tries to hold his vomit back. You stared at the horrific sight while Kanao just smiled in her creepy manner... Inosuke looked both disgusted and angry while staring at the skull. “We must be close...” you say as you stood forward to lead your companions away from the skull. As you carried on walking you notice Tanjiro getting weaker by gripping his stomach... The sight of the skull must have gotten to him. “Do you want me to carry the box for you Tanjiro?” you ask him. He smiles at you, “It's fine Y/N, I can manage...” he replied. You realize what you just said, “Why the h*ll did I say that!?” you think to yourself as you blushed in embarrassment. Tanjiro notices you blushing. “It's fine Y/N, you just wanted to help...” he said, you stop blushing and put your serious face back on.

Auther's POV:

The five of them reached an abandoned shack in the woods. They see a headless body laying by the entrance... Most of it was devoured, Y/N realized that Tanjiro was already shaken up from the skull they found, and the body made it worse. So Y/N ran towards Tanjiro to help him stand straight... Y/N took the box from him and sat him down by the nearest stone.

Y/N's POV:

You watch as Kanao helps Tanjiro breath... “We found the demon's den!” exclaimed Inosuke as he was right above the body. You admired Inosuke's iron stomach and his arrogant behavior, but at the same time he was a huge pain. Zenitsu was just frozen in place... Zenitsu was a nice person but he needed courage. You enter the shack, it was ransacked and there was blood everwhere... The smell of two other dead bodies made you gag. It was unbearable to stay there for so long so you came out again. “Let's make camp here” Kanao suggests, “Since the demon would only come back once it's dark”. You, Tanjiro and Inosuke agreed but Zenitsu refused to stay in a place where people got murdered. “Stop being a p*ssy!” said Inosuke in an angry tone. Zenitsu eventually agreed and he helped set up camp.

Inosuke and Kanao moved all the bodies out of the house and buried them in the ground. Zenitsu made a fire place ready for when it got dark while you and Tanjiro set up three tents. While everyone was distracted you were able to talk to Tanjiro alone.
“Tanjiro...Why are you carrying a demon with you?” You ask in a serious voice. Tanjiro looks at you with a nervous expression...“Are the others aware of her?” you then continued... He sighs and stops working on the tent.

“Nezuko works with me for then Demon Slayer Corps” he stated. “Nezuko?” You say in a confused tone. “That's her name... Nezuko” he finished, and continued working. “Has she consumed anybody?” you ask again, and he looks back at you. “No... She regains her energy and strength by sleeping” he said. You were fascinated by the thought of a non human eating demon. Tanjiro then asked, “How did you know about her?” You then respond saying you saw her when he was sleeping. He sighs and replies saying, “To answer your second question, yes they do know about Nezuko”, he then leaves you and joins the others. “Why am I so interested in her?” you think to yourself...

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