What Is A Kiss? (Part 7)

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Nezuko's POV:

I tried to hold back my tears. "Why am I crying over some human!" I thought to myself. "I should be happy for my brother..." Just as I was about to fall asleep I hear the human greeting me, "My name is Y/N" they said. "Y/N..." I thought to myself again, admiring their name. Just then they picked me up and hugged me, and I instantly turned bright red... "Maybe I do have a chance." I thought before resting my head against their chest, I felt safe and warm just being in their arms. Our moment was ruined by Zenitsu... I was not surprised but Y/N immediately moved me behind them and closed their eyes, They were so tensed and looked so scared at that moment. Kanao came towards us and checked if Y/N was okay, I hugged them as a form of comfort but all they said to me was they were okay, but I could see the pain in their eyes.

Y/N's POV:

You take a deep breath and calmed yourself before walking away from them back to your tent. You all said nothing for a while then started walking away from the shack, paying your last respects to the people who died there. You all walk down a path that would lead you to your destination, it was still night so Nezuko was able to walk with you guys this time. She grabbed your hand and walked next to you while you were looking where your crow was. You turned your head to see Nezuko looking at you smiling, You smile back and continued looking at the sky. Zenitsu ran in between you guys while grabbing Nezuko's hand and pulling her to the front with him, you stare at them for a moment while you felt your blood boil, you felt completely empty again but ignored it and watched the crow fly just above you all.

Kanao walks next to but this time she was not smiling... Her eyes were dead serious as she turned her eyes to look at you. "Looks like we both have something in common Y/N" she says finally. You turn pale while hearing those words come out her mouth, you still stay silent. "Have you been abused Y/N?" she asks in her creepy tone again. Your pupils shrink as you heard the word 'abused'. You start breathing heavily and you walk slower as hundreds of thoughts rush in at once. Kanao grabs you underneath one of your arms and asks, "who was your trainer?", "Is she trying to make me feel like this!?" you thought to yourself. You take a while to calm down but you eventually answer, "Muichiro Tokito".

She stays quite for a bit... "The mist hashira?" she asks soon after. As she said this you realized something... "What did you mean by we have that in common?" You ask. She looks at you with her creepy smile again, "I was treated poorly as a child, but I was sold to the insect hashira" she says in a sadish tone. You stay quite but you put your hand on her shoulder and for the first time in years, you give a warm smile. She also smiles but this time it felt like an actual smile, warm and sincere.

You two had a bond that made you know you could trust her with your issues and trauma. She was quite, she knew how to talk you through anything and she taught you a few tricks she learned on how to decapitate a demon without it feeling pain. And for once you actually listened to what she had to say, she was like your best friend. You guys almost reached your destination half an hour later, You saw the buildings and the street lights on.

Auther's POV:

They all reached the town, people were walking everywhere, a perfect place for demons to hunt if there weren't other demon slayers walking disguised as normal Town folk. Tanjiro suggested that they all split up, Tanjiro with Nezuko, Kanao with Zenitsu and Inosuke with Y/N. Tanjiro and Nezuko headed to the bay, Kanao and Zenitsu headed to the stalls while Y/N and Inosuke headed to the town square.

Nezuko's POV:

As brother and I walked across the shore, I noticed two other humans. They were standing close to each other and their faces were touching each others weirdly. I tap brother on his shoulder and he looked at me, I pointed to the two humans I saw and gave him a confused look. "That is called kissing Nezuko, you do that to someone you have very special feelings towards, not family though" he explains. "Special feelings towards?" I thought to myself.

Y/N's POV:

You and Inosuke found no demons lurking the area and so you both head back to find the others. "This was a waste of time! I never got to decapitate any demon beasts!" Inosuke exclaims while you ignore him. You find Zenitsu trying to flirt with a girl that looked younger than him, and Kanao searching the area. You all group up and regroup with Tanjiro and Nezuko. Tanjiro finds the nearest hotel and once again gets us rooms to rest until day time. You were cleaning your sword since it was still kinda bloodied from the fight with the demon back at the shack, just then Nezuko came into your room, her mouth gag or bamboo was hanging down her face as you stare at her with a nervous expression. Your blow out some of the candles to avoid it desinagrating her, "Y/N..." she says just barely, you turn around and pat your mattress signaling for her to sit down infront of you. "It's nice to see you without your bamboo on your mouth Nezuko" you say politely, "W-What is a k-kiss?" she asks.

You blush a little reacting to her question. "Uhh...It's a declaration of love towards someone you have a crush on" you reply. She tilts her head a bit in confusion, and you realize that you needed to explain more clearly. "It's basically your parent's relationship with each other, if you still remember them", Nezuko instantly turns red in embarrassment and begins to crawl away. You grab her arm, "Hey... it's okay, you did not know" you then said while smiling at her. She stays still for a moment, her eyes lock onto yours, her face expression changes. She crawls back but places her hand on your cheek, her face turns red as she moves closer, pushing you onto your back. You face turns red as she moves on top of you,

 You face turns red as she moves on top of you,

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her pink eyes shone in the almost dark room. "N-Nezuko..." you stutter as she moves one of her hands and places it on the side of your neck. You did not know if you should've attacked or stayed still, she stared at you with a serious expression you were surprised to see from this 'innocent' demon, before you could think any further her lips made contact with yours... Her eyes closed as she quickly moved her hands to pin your arms down, You were in shock for a few seconds and tried to get out before closing your eyes consenting to this demon's advances.

She breaks the kiss short when she hears someone approaching and puts back on her gag making her innocent, ignorant expression again. Tanjiro walks in and looks at us, "oh there you are Nezuko!" she looks at Tanjiro and smiles. "Come, let's go to bed!" He leaves and Nezuko gets up, and stops just by the doorway and looks at you. She then walks out, while you recover from your shocking experience.

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