The Love in her eyes (Part 12)

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The evening was very cold so you, Saru and Kanao huddled together to keep warm. The air made the hairs on your body strike up. You were the tallest amongst the two huddling up to you, your muscles squeezed together to avoid any cold from effecting your arms or legs. Saru was shivering on your lap while Kanao was at your side, barely shivering but you could still feel it. Tanjiro was working on the fire to warm everyone up. “The fire is almost done guys” he said with a reassuring smile when he looked at us. Nezuko was lying on Inosuke which didn't bother him much. Zenitsu and Kota were in their tents to avoid the weather all together. The fire lit and everyone gathered around it to warm up. You put Saru on your shoulder as you sat near the fire with Kanao. Just then a crow came flying towards you all, it was Tanjiro's crow. “Head to the village straight ahead, head to the village straight ahead!” Tanjiro's crow then flew in the direction it was talking about. “Are you kidding me? We just got warm now!” Kota complained. “I know but we have to do the mission...” you say clearly annoyed. You feel water on your cheek as you look up, it was starting to rain. “Well the rain will deal with the fire so let's go” Zenitsu said. Tanjiro put out the fire with the water in his bottle. “That's too risky Zenitsu, we can't by mistake start a fire in the forest.” Tanjiro said as he stood up again.

Everyone packed up and got fruits from the trees and bushes they knew weren't poisonous. Then they headed in the direction the crow flew, following one another. Nezuko held your hand as you walked which caused you to flinch. “Oh hey Nezuko...” you say with a awkward smile. Nezuko raises a brow at your weird actions. “Hmmmmph!” Nezuko said trying to speak through that bamboo gag of hers. You put your other hand on her head and smiled, “You don't have to say anything Nezuko...” 

Author's POV:

Nezuko blushed when Y/N's face became close to hers as they smiled. Y/N noticed this and quickly moved away from Nezuko to avoid themselves blushing. Y/N knew they could not betray Zenitsu and their friendship so they hid the blush on their face and focused their attention to Saru, letting go of Nezuko's hand. Nezuko was surprised by Y/N's choice of actions and was caught off guard by Zenitsu hugging her from the back. Y/N ignored the two, trying to avoid eye contact with either of them. They carried on walking for a good long couple of minutes and finally arrived at a village. It looked abandoned with it's boarded up or open doors and windows, some clearly showed broken down chunks of wall or roof and others were just covered in green and black mold, dark green shrubs and swarms of dead animals almost everywhere. The rain died down a bit so now they could see a more clear distance. The air felt thin as they walked past the houses, the mold made them gag as well as the dead rodents and cockroaches. Nezuko was probably the only one to not get bothered by the horrible stench. There was still no sign of any demon beings or humans even.

Y/N's POV:

“Why would a demon be here?” Kanao asks in confusion. “No idea...” you respond trying to figure it out. “I do sense something but it could be Nezuko” then Tanjiro's pupils shrink. “I have actually had the smell of demon for a few days now...” He says admitting his little secret. You stay quiet while everyone looks at Tanjiro with confusion, “I can't decide whether he is talking about Nezuko or someone else in the group” you think to yourself. “But Tanjiro said a few days not for a long time... Meaning that something else was either following them or one of the people I am traveling with is a traitor...” you focus your attention back at everyone else who were actually talking amongst themselves on possible outcomes. You look at Nezuko who was staying quiet alongside Kanao, you could rule out Nezuko immediately because she is already a demon and she can be trusted... For now at least. Tanjiro could also be ruled out for his sacrifice to save you at that river. Zenitsu could be ruled out... But then again he could be faking his weakness... And the time at the village could have been a set up to get us killed, he did scream to get the demon's attention. Kanao shows too much of a human aura, broken yet still smiling.

You suspect either Inosuke or Kota as the most possible chance to be a demon, mostly because Inosuke shows much of a wild persona and he didn't seem bothered with the cold like Nezuko, Not to mention his hostile behavior. Kota is uncomfortable to be around, he hasn't even attacked any demons since he joined the group. He was also pretty hostile to Nezuko and Saru when he first met them. You snap out of your thoughts when Nezuko nudges your arm with her head. You face her, she leans against you trying to stay awake. Your face feels warmer as you try to ignore her, but she puts a arm around your waist to hold herself up. “N-Nezuko please sleep in your box...” you whisper to her, she lets go of her grip around your waist and starts to walk away only to almost fall over, your reflexes kick in before thinking and you catch her from behind, she turns her head and looks at you. It looked like a tired expression to everyone else but to you, it looked like a form of both gratitude and love, her pink eyes with dark pupils were mesmerising as they always shone brightly in the dark, you turn your head to avoid much eye contact but you manage to smile. “Is she okay?” Kanao asks as she was the only one to notice Nezuko collapsing and falling asleep.

“She fell asleep, all the walking and lack of adrenaline must be making her body slow down” you reply as you pick her up. Saru moves to your head. He begins climbing, using your ear as a leverage to lift himself up. “What a shame...” Kanao says as she looks at Nezuko. “Let's bring her to Tanjiro then we can focus on the demon here” she continues. You nod and walk next to her with Nezuko in your arms to Tanjiro and the boys, when Kanao wasn't looking you manage to move your hand a bit to stroke Nezuko's cheek. “You are so fascinating...” you thought to yourself, hiding your blush quite well. Then memories from the hotel where Nezuko pinned you down came flooding back and your face got warmer and warmer. “What are you doing to me?”

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