New Friend (Part 11)

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Author's POV:

As Y/N was talking to Zenitsu, Kota heard them and he smiled. Now that Zenitsu would take care of Nezuko, he could have Y/N to himself. The thought of it made his face brighten up, and he could win at last.

Y/N's POV:

Zenitsu walked ahead of you as you looked at the ground. “I have no time for relationships anyway... So why do I care?” you thought to yourself. You stopped walking and everyone noticed you. “What is it?” Kanao asked, you stay quiet for a bit. “Let's set up camp for a bit since we didn't get a lot of sleep and we could at least rest” you say at last. Everyone looked at each other but agreed, some were hungry anyways. It took everyone a couple of minutes to find a spot and set up but it was worth it when we could all rest. Your headache grew worse as you laid down. “Argh... Dammit!” you thought to yourself as you got up again. “Maybe I can try walking it off...”. You got up while everyone was distracted and walked deeper into the forest, with your katana of course. You took a deep breath and laid back against a tree. As you were resting your eyes you hear rustling coming from a nearby bush. You put your hand on your Saya incase it was danger. You slowly get up and walk towards the noise. You move some of the small branches from the bush to see a little creature, bloodied by the one arm and it was struggling to get up. You pick it up to reveal a baby ape, or a Nihonzaru, You were confused.

“Nihonzarus are snow apes

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“Nihonzarus are snow apes... So why is a baby here in a forest” you thought to yourself. Then you realized that people were selling animals at the stalls you and Inosuke past earlier when you guys were at the town, so maybe this little guy was abandoned. “I'll call you Saru!” you say to the little  primate. You carry it with you back to the others, when you got there everyone looked panicked. “What happened?” you ask in confusion. Everyone looked at you with a sigh of relief. “WHERE THE H*LL WERE YOU!?” Inosuke exclaims clearly p*ssed. “I heard noises so I went into the woods and found this little guy” you say while looking at Saru in your arms

“So cute!” Tanjiro says while looking at Saru in your hands. “What happened to his arm?” Zenitsu asks. You almost forgot about the poor ape's arm and you looked at Kanao. “Do you think you could help Kanao?” you ask, Kanao stared at the ape for a bit then spoke, “I need a big leaf”. Tanjiro started walking around and pulled out a reddish, yellowish leaf that looked pretty big in your opinion. Kanao reached for something in a bag she brought with that you never saw before. She took out a bottle with some sort of pills inside. “Lady Tamayo gave these to me incase of any serious injuries involving broken bones or torn muscles. She gave it to Saru and he ate it. You put him on the ground again and he was able to move the injured arm, you sigh in relief and pick him up again. “Great... another mouth to feed” Kota said in annoyance. “Can you shut up?” Inosuke said in an angered voice, Kota scoffed and walked to his tent. “It's still a while before night time guys... Let's eat” Tanjiro said. You did not pack anything and you already ate an apple so you were fine

Author's POV:

The day pasted slowly and everyone just talked, practiced their moves or laid down to rest. Y/N was playing with Saru, the new add on to the team. The others shared their fruits with him so he would not go hungry when the night came. He would climb on Y/N's head when ever they would lie down or sit down talking to the others. Y/N was actually scared for Saru's safety when the afternoon was approaching. Nezuko finally came out the box.

Y/N's POV:

You look at Nezuko. You completely forgot about her ever since you found Saru. She stares at you and smiles, you didn't smile back. “Zenitsu your girlfriend is out her box” you say when you focused your attention back to Saru. Saying that sentence made you feel weird inside, like something just ate your guts. It was a horrible feeling, You ignored it while Zenitsu was hugging Nezuko. Tanjiro knocked him away. “Zenitsu leave my sister alone!” he shouts. Kanao walks over next to you and sits down, stroking Saru. “Is something bothering you?” she asks. You stay silent for a bit, but then you reply, “Just my headache heh...” in a nervous response. Kanao does not say anything afterwards and just leans on your shoulder. Kanao was like a little sister to you, so you let her lean on you.

Author's Note:

Sorry this was short! I am studying so I will have to make the rest of this part of part 12. Enjoy the rest of your day!

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