Defense Or Offense? (Part 17)

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Author's POV:

As they all entered the train Y/N felt very unsure about the situation they were in. The air felt warmer as they all entered the long rows of seats. Y/N didn't feel safe at all and they didn't know why.

Y/N's POV:

You find an empty seat and sat down, Zenitsu sat vertically opposite from you and waved. You wave back before turning your head to see Kanao and Tanjiro sitting next to each other a few seats away from you. “They are so cute” you thought to yourself before realizing that Inosuke was sitting next to you. “O-Oh hey Inosuke! You scared me...” you say nervously, he scoffed but didn't look at you. You sigh before turning your head away from him and to the back of the chair in front of you. You feel the engine starting to cause vibrations on the train before you heard the gushing of smoke leave the train. It began moving, it somewhat startled you for a split second before you finally adjusted yourself.

You luckily picked a seat next to a window. You stared out of it and admired the lights of the town in the misty darkness, it felt calming and reassuring for better outcomes. You then start feeling weight on your eyelids as you start yawning. You rest your head against the seats before closing your eyes and drifting off. You wake up to the sound of a horrified scream. You look to the front of the train to see a woman's decapitated head in the hands of a demon. Adjusting your eyes you recognized the creature's posture as the figure you saw in the town, you quickly get up, Inosuke was still asleep. “WAKE UP!” you order in an annoyed state. His eyes flew open almost immediately and grabbed his jagged tooth katana. “WHAT TYPE OF FOUL BEAST IS THAT!?” he shrieked when he saw the demon in front of him.

Before you could think of a strategy, Inosuke jumped at the creature only to be flung to the back of the train. Everyone on the train were in a panicked state, as you could hear heavy breathing and commotion going on behind you. Tanjiro was also awake and was drawing his blade from it's seethe. You studied the creature's look, It looked like a lower moon because of it's strange patterns on the head and left arm. It's hair was  messy and long, black in color. It's mouth was covered by what looked like a mask, it had a normal human looking body. It wore a cloak over so you couldn't see it's kimono. It's eyes glowed grey in color, showing only a burning pure hatred. It still had the familiar aura from earlier, but you didn't focus that much on it. It was charging at you, Tanjiro jabbed his sword against the creature's side to knock it away.

The demon spewed saliva as it hit a few seats it was standing next to. It let out a vicious growl that caused you to inch backwards a bit. Tanjiro went in for another attack but the demon was prepared this time and blocked the attack with it's hands. It grabbed Tanjiro's face and put pressure on his skull. You instantly rushed in and cut the demon's arm off, freeing Tanjiro from his probable certain death. He rolled out the way to feel for any injuries. You dodged, jumping from seats, ducking from punches, and blocking with your katana. Most of the attacks you received from the demon were thwarted by your agile reflexes. The bad news was that you were using most of your energy dodging rather then attacking, every time you tried, the creature was able to hit almost fatel blows. It made weird gargle noise when there was a few seconds of silence, your chest started to pull inwards as your energy was depleting.

From the corner of your eye you saw Zenitsu hiding behind his chair. Realizing you distracted yourself the demon punched you straight in the stomach, causing you to be flung against one of the seats. You covered your mouth as you started coughing, you felt warm on your face. You looked at your hand and saw blood, you started to feel dizzy. You look up to see Tanjiro and Inosuke fighting the demon, with very little luck. You turn your head to see Zenitsu staring at you with a worried and shocked expression. “Y-Y/N? Are you okay?” he asked in a soft yet frightened voice expression. “Zenitsu... You have to f-fight” you manage to say as you clench your teeth to deal with the pain you were having. “I- I don't w-wanna die Y-Y/N!” he said while gripping tighter to the chair he was hiding behind. “Zenitsu... I can't teach you how to braver” you say while gritting your teeth before continuing, “You can't teach someone to be brave... You can only help them get better at it.” You could feel the train coming to a hault, you grab tighter to your katana, trying to stand up again.

You turn to face Zenitsu again, he had passed out, probably from the stress of dying and guilt. You sigh before using the seat to pull yourself up, your arms and legs still rung from the impact. You look up to see the creature staring at you with a evil, sharp toothed smile. His hands started showing bulging veins as he was about to deliver the final blow. You close your eyes, waiting for the impact of the fist. After what felt like forever, you open your eyes. You were still crouching in the same area on the same train. You started feeling all over your upper body and then head. You felt everything still in place and normal, besides the blood and few cuts and bruises. You look around, the demon was not there. Some of the people on the train ran over to you to see if you were okay.

They helped you stand up. You thanked them before grabbing your katana, walking towards the front of the train. As you looked back, Zenitsu was also gone, the only thing left was Nezuko's box. You turned around and ran to grab the box. Just as you stood up you heard the sound of clashing swords coming from above. You look up to see a roof window smashed open. You throw the box over your shoulder and steadly on your back. Then leaping up through the window, you grazed your leg in the process but it was mostly deflected because of your uniform. You realize you are on top of the train, staying low to the ground, you look up. What you saw ultimately shocked you.


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