Life Or Death (Part 9)

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Y/N's POV:

You all walked a bit further to reach a nearby river. Kota was right next to you, bragging about all the demons he killed, “Don't you think that's cool Y/N?” he asked you. “I never found death something to brag about...” you reply in a distasteful manner. He turned away, knowing he was not winning you over. You feel someone grabbing your arm, they pulled you with one tug, it was Nezuko. She wraps her arm around you, causing you to turn red as she growls at Kota, you all reach the river.

Nezuko sat down a few meters from the water while Tanjiro, Kanao, Inosuke and Kota washed their faces and some of them even put your feet in the water as they sat down, you were standing up observing the surroundings. Zenitsu was with Nezuko, hugging her. You chose to ignore them and carried on looking across the landscape, it was a very calm place. Birds singing, the leaves of the trees and bushes rustled as the wind swept across them, wood creaked aswell. You still felt uneasy, just then something grabbed your legs. You fell down, landing with a thud as you were being dragged into the water. You instinctively grabbed your katana and dug it into the ground as a form of leverage to hold yourself on land. Everyone came to help, Tanjiro sliced whatever grabbed your leg while the others helped pull you further to land. You stagger up while Nezuko guarded you from another attack, The creature grabbed Tanjiro by the waist and pulled him into the water. “TANJIRO!!!” Zenitsu screamed while beginning to tear up, Nezuko started running towards the river, you grab her arm. “I'll save him Nezuko, Just look after these guys” you say, trying to both comfort and encourage her.

You take off your haori (I think it's called that, if not then just call it a outer vest) and run into the water taking a deep breath before plunging under the surface. The water made it kinda difficult to see but you were able to adjust your eyes to it. You turn your head to see a massive demon with fish like features, but with long tenticles. You immediately see Tanjiro using his katana to block all the attacks from the demon beast. It's tenticles lashed out everywhere, you were relieved to see Tanjiro's breathing style was useful underwater since it is literally water, but he was exhausting himself out and he needed to breath. “Will my attack work underwater?” you think to yourself as you swam through the ocean currents as fast as you could. Your lungs started to feel heavy as you were swimming, you quickly swam back up taking a massive gasp for air. You look back over your shoulder to see the others staring at you with anticipation and others with relief. “TANJIRO IS ALIVE!!” you shout out to them, you close your eyes, you take a deep breath before turning into your cloud form again and wizz through the water at great speeds. You could not use your swirling worldwind move on a creature this big, and you could hurt Tanjiro in the process of trying, you had to think of something quick. You knew 8 breathing techniques and you had to think of the one that could stall the creature at least. You pick up more speed, “whizzing blinds!” you say as you started circling the beast causing it to start lashing out its tenticles at you. You saw Tanjiro swim to the surface, you try to dodge as many attacks as possible. But the creature manages to force a tenticle through your side, you instantly throw up blood, causing you to suck in water.

Nezuko's POV:

I saw brother reach the surface and I was relieved, but Y/N wasn't with him so I started to become worried. He reaches the shore and Kanao and Zenitsu help him up, he coughs. As everyone was focusing on brother I saw blood in the water, I immediately pushed brother, pointing at the water. Everyone stared, “Y/N!!!” Everyone shouts, but there was nothing. Kanao takes off her haori and jumps into the water, I could only wait.

Y/N's POV:

You feel your lungs getting filled with water as you helplessly dangle from the demon's tentacle, the creature let you go and left, like it was not hungry at all. You close your eyes and wait for yourself to die. Just then you feel yourself being lifted, and you could breath again, you then black out. You wake up to see a lady treating your wound. You could tell she was a demon because of her eyes and her fang, she looks at your face before going back to the wound. “Who are you?” you ask weakly, still recovering from your life threatening experience. “Call me lady Tamayo” she said, her voice was soothing yet you still felt uncomfortable around a demon that you have never met before, and you hoped that she was at least like Nezuko. “W-What are you gonna do to me miss Tamayo?” you ask politely, trying to not get on the demon's bad side, in this state at least... “I am doing this for Tanjiro and Nezuko since they trust you to not hurt a demon without reason” she says. You weakly sit up, all the pain from your wound rushes through your body and you start groaning in agony. Nezuko and Kanao walk into the room, they stare at you for a bit before Nezuko rushes towards you, hugging you. “How is Tanjiro?” you ask, still in pain. “he's fine, way better then your state Y/N...” Kanao replies. You take a breath of relief before laying back down, Lady Tamayo leaves the room.

The boys come into the room, Inosuke first. He runs towards you, jumping on you, Nezuko quickly moved out the way. “Don't ever f*cking do that again idiot!!” he shouts, you blush a bit because you felt both embarrassed and happy that this self centered hog was worried about you. You grab the back of his head and leaned your forehead against his as a way of letting him know you are fine. He does not smile but only scoffs before getting up and leaving the room. “Thank you Y/N, but please don't risk your life again for me...” Tanjiro says from the other side of where you were laying, “That was pretty brave of you Y/N!” Zenitsu exclaims after. “It's no biggy honestly!” you say, trying to stay humble. After everyone left the room, you started reading one of the books from the shelf. Reading always calmed you down whenever you felt down or just irritated, either reading or training with your katana. As you were sitting up you notice a lot more bandages around your waist then you remembered seeing when you first woke up from the impaling you received from the fish like demon. The book you were reading was very entertaining and interesting, each page had information about different types of Demon and human blood. The weak points, information about what demons eat, what they do during the day etc... You hear the floorboards creek just outside the room you were in, you grab your katana, and wait.

Nezuko, in a her baby form, came crawling in. You relax yourself, “Why are you still up Nezuko?, it's pretty late to be up... ” you tell her. She comes closer, observes the book you were reading then looks at you. “I can teach you how to read Nezuko, if that's what you want” you then state. “Hmmphh!” she muffled, it was hard for her to speak in that gag, but you knew what happened last time it was off. She cuddles up next to you, still in her baby form, she grew to her normal size, then you began reading and showing her basic words and spellings.

Author's POV:

They all left lady Tamayo's house the next morning, Tanjiro, Kanao, and Y/N were the ones who were mostly tired because of the events yesterday. They all said their goodbyes to lady Tamayo, just then Y/N noticed someone else standing near her. A boy with light hair and demon looking eyes...

Authors Note:

I am so sorry for being 3 days late for publishing, I never expected myself to be this busy. I will hopefully publish part ten sooner. And sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes! I only read through it all once.

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