Loss And Discovery (Part 19)

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Y/N's POV:

You place your hand on his side, there was no sign of breathing or movement besides the thin fur moving in sync with the cool breeze. Saru... The little monkey you found all alone and put personally under your care and supervision, laid cold, battered and motionless in front of you. The feeling of guilt flooded your whole body and your tears felt warm against your now pale skin. You clenched your teeth and tightened your fists. “I need some time alone...” you say as you seclude yourself from the group. You keep on walking, ignoring the pain you were in until you feel you are far enough from the rest as possible. You sat down near a tree that seemed comfortable to lean on and closed your eyes, you stayed like that for a couple of minutes while you regained your composure and calmed down.

You came back to the others, still feeling the guilt, but you kept your tears in. Nezuko was not seen amongst them, probably in her box since the sun was pretty high now, enough to burn any demon in the area. Tanjiro seemed to be burying a hole in the ground and you knew right away he was burying Saru, he stayed low to the ground and prayed silently near the 'grave'. You had no words to give to this, so you stayed quiet. Inosuke was the first to notice you were back so he ran over to you. “WHERE DID YOU GO?” he asked in his regular loud tone. You couldn't help but smile at him, “Had to be alone for a bit... That's all” you say in low, tired tone. That's when you realized something... “Where's Kanao...?” you ask with a concerned look on your face. “She wasn't with us when we were fighting that demon on the train, she just vanished somewhere when you passed out” Zenitsu replies with a surprisingly calm yet worried manner. “You have to get bandaged up before we go look for her” Tanjiro responds right after with a stern voice. You nod and walk over to Tanjiro for him to inspect your injuries. After what felt like hours, you were satisfied to have cleaned up most of the blood from the fight and made sure that the injuries were not gonna be deadly in the near future. Thankfully the train was stopped near a visible village up along the train tracks. You, Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke walk together towards it, you stop halfway while grabbing Zenitsu's arm. Tanjiro and Inosuke face towards you with confused looks on their faces, “What the hell are you doing?” Inosuke asked with annoyance. “I forgot something and I want Zenitsu to come with me incase of emergencies. Tanjiro doesn't respond but nods and turns back towards the village,Inosuke close behind him.

You drag Zenitsu back to the train, at the moment, a bunch of people were standing outside of it, either still recovering from the sight of the demon or figuring out how to get to their destination without transport. You signal for Zenitsu to follow you around the other side of the train where no one cane out yet from. You jump on top of the train, turning around and extending your arm for Zenitsu to climb up. “W-Why are we back here Y/N...?” He asked eventually. “Tanjiro is probably looking for a place where we can eat before we start looking for Kanao, so I wanted to look for clues in the train itself” you reply. He gives off a calmer expression and sighs before walking next to you. You both eventually reach your cart with the open ceiling window and with Zenitsu's apperently good hearing, you jumped down into the now emty cart with now scratched up and destroyed seats, wall lamps, and carpets. “Tanjiro was the closest to Kanao correct?” You ask, Zenitsu nervously nodded. You walk over to the seats you remember Kanao was sitting either on or near. The first thing you notice is the broken open window, you just assumed Kanao must've joined the fight coming out of the window, you investigate under and on top the seats as well. “A-Anything unusual?” Zenitsu finally asked. “Nothing but the window...” you reply clearly pissed. Zenitsu looks at the window for a moment then looks back at you. “Kanao wasn't t-there during the fight, why is her window b-broken?” he says with a nervous expression.

You walk closer towards the window, inspecting it. You poke your head out a bit, scanning the outside. You look towards the ground, the green grass swayed ever so lightly as the cool breeze swept pass. You examine the window frame outside as well, it looked normal until you saw huge dents just outside the rim of the window frame. “What...?” you thought to yourself, there were five dents in total, one being a bit bigger then the others, one shaped like it was being bent a bit to the side and the other 3 just looking like holes. “Did Kota climb up here when he boarded the train?” you continued thinking, “No... He clearly snuck in as that cloaked figure. Then what made this?” you were snapped out of thought when Zenitsu asked if you saw anything. You signaled for him to walk over to you. As soon as he was next to you, you showed him the marks, “Be careful how you stick your head out, don't want to slit your throat on the glass” you warned, causing him to back away from the window. “What if she was kidnapped?!” he exclaims. “Zenitsu calm down! Remember our training...” you say while looking at him dead in the eyes. He took a deep breath and seemed to have calmed down. You looked at the window again. You thought what if Zenitsu was right...? “But who would kidnap her?” you stay silent while glaring at nothing. Zenitsu didn't say anything either which made the silence a bit awkward.

You then remembered the dents by the frame of the window. “A demon...” you thought as a chill went down your spine. It couldn't just be any demon, Kanao wouldn't have a problem killing it...” your train of thought finally came to an end when you realized what could've kidnapped Kanao. “An uppermoon...”

To be continued~

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