True Powers, Deep Secrets (Part 6)

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Y/N's POV:

You and Tanjiro were training together. Clashing swords together as you both dodged and blocked each other's attacks, Zenitsu and Inosuke were arguing like always about how Inosuke could beat him in a fight and Zenitsu just getting annoyed. Kanao was admiring the flowers and the green plants growing from the trees and bushes, while Nezuko was sleeping in her box saving up her energy.

Tanjiro manages to catch you off guard and shoves you backwards towards the tents, you stop just before hitting them. As you were about to charge at Tanjiro again you notice a darker shadow above Nezuko's box, you stop and look up. You saw two bulging red eyes staring at Nezuko and a tongue drooping with saliva came down and hit the ground. It jumps from it's hiding spot hoping to land on Nezuko. You immediately jump at it knocking the hilt of your katana on it's chest sending it flying back into the bushes. Everyone soon looks at your direction while Nezuko gets up and walks to your side, claws out and veins showing around her face, she growls slightly and sprints towards the demon, kicking, punching and clawing at it, it falls to the ground after getting punched and spews blood from it's mouth. You start running back to the others, "Stay back, I don't wanna hurt you!" you shout as you run past them. You stop running, you hold your katana ready in front of you, grabbing it tightly by the tsuka (handle), You take a deep breath and start sprinting towards the action, gaining more and more speed with each step you take.

Your body starts feeling light as you dissappear into a thick cloud of wind... You wizz past your companions at higher speeds before reaching the battling demons, you sweep up the demon threat, as you do so you say under your breath, "Spinning worldwind..." You immediately start slashing the demon on every angle at too great speeds for it to regenerate its injuries, while all it could do was try to stay balanced in the air. You deliver the final blow to the neck and you fall to the ground as it decinagrates into nothing. You braced yourself for the impact, but you were caught by someone. You open your eyes to see Nezuko carrying you, while smiling. The rest come over to check for any injuries on both Nezuko and you. Nezuko had a huge scratch on her forehead but it was not lethal, plus she is a demon.

Nezuko's POV:

As I watched the human battle the demon they were able to cut the demon's head off in a very short time. I watched them fall and immediately tried to help, since they saved me. As I caught them I smiled trying to hold back my blush because I was so close to the human's face.

Y/N's POV:

Your crow comes back, telling you to investigate the dissapearence of three young boys in a nearby town. Nezuko puts you down and you, plus the others walk to the camp to start packing your things up.

While packing Tanjiro walks over to you with a smile on his face, he thanks you for saving Nezuko. You were always curious about why he was attached to this particular demon, or just a demon in general, yes she did not attack humans but even then you wonder why they were so close. "What is your relationship towards this demon Tanjiro?" you ask him. He looks at you with sadness in his eyes... "Nezuko is my sister" he said, you immediately realized why he looked sad, "I AM SO SORRY!" you say while bowing. He gives you a hug... You awkwardly return it, since you never felt a hug before. As you look over Tanjiro's shoulder you see Nezuko staring at you both from her box, with a weird look in her eyes.

Nezuko's POV:

*Sees Tanjiro hugging the human*
*Instantly jealous*
"Who am I kidding..." I thought, "why would anyone ever like a demon."

Y/N's POV:

Nezuko stops staring at you and Tanjiro and goes completely in her box. You let go of Tanjiro and he walks to his tent to grab his things. You walk over to Nezuko's box... "Hello Nezuko, my name is Y/N" you say, but she stays silent. You grab her underneath her arms out the box. Her eyes were watery and you immediately pulled her against yourself. She grew to her normal height but did not hug back, but instead she put her head against your chest, you found it weird but said nothing... You felt warm, safe and happy. Zenitsu looked at you both and immediately ran over screaming raising his hand, you instinctively moved Nezuko behind you as you closed your eyes.

Everyone stares at you as you open your eyes again. "Uhh... Y/N are you okay?" Tanjiro asks. Kanao was the only one looking sorrowful while the others looked confused including Nezuko. Kanao walks up to you and puts her hand on the side of your neck, "You look terrified and your pulse is racing" she said then let go of your neck. Nezuko hugs you from behind which causes you to flinch a bit. "I-I'm fine Nezuko" you stutter as you catch your breath.

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