Real Feelings (Part 14)

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𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕤 ℂ𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕒𝕚𝕟𝕤 𝕊𝕠𝕞𝕖 𝕃𝕚𝕞𝕖!

Y/N's POV:

You kneel down next to Kanao to look at how Saru was doing, he was thankfully awake but he wasn't moving that much. His pupils shifted all over the place, you could hear small groans he was making because of the obvious pain he was experiencing. You could not do anything but watch and hope that he only had minor head injuries. Tanjiro and Inosuke still weren't back yet so that left you and Kanao in charge. Zenitsu was sitting on the rock you were previously sitting on, Nezuko was lying on the ground using her legs to move up and down against the dusty ground. It made you laugh a bit at her natural ignorance to actually human activities. But then again she wasn't exactly 'human' so it was kinda cute. You decided to talk to Zenitsu again, but to apologize for how you acted. You walk up to him, he looks up at you, “Zenitsu... I'm sorry for how I spoke to you, I know your sensitive and I am dreadfully sorry I made you upset”. You then kneel down with your head facing the ground as you bow and wait for his response. “No Y/N... Your right! I need to be stronger and stop being such a coward!” he says while he stands up putting his hands on his hips in some sort of superhero stance. “Teach me how to be brave please!” he asks while he moves both of his hands to place on your shoulders.

You give him a blank stare for about a few seconds before speaking again. “Try breathing to relax yourself, it also helps with your breathing technique when you have enough air going through your lungs!” you say with a small smirk. He smiles and let's go of your shoulders but then immediately frowns at you after. “Y/N I never got to ask you, why did you look so scared when I raised my hand at you and Nezuko a few days ago...” he says with serious tone. Your smirk fades immediately and you turn a bit pale as your memory returns to that moment. “It was nothing Zenitsu! Just reflexes kicking in ya know” you say nervously while rubbing the back of your head. His expression doesn't relax or change at all. He suddenly grits his teeth, “GOD DAMMIT Y/N! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH GUILT I FELT WHEN I KEPT THINKING THAT YOU WERE SCARED OF ME!?” You stay quiet, he takes a few breaths then carries on. “I can't get over the fact that I possibly triggered someone's trauma, not to mention you have been so nice to me!!” you could see tears forming in his eyes. You knew that his break down caused the other two to stare but you ignored it, you pulled Zenitsu into a hug. “Zenitsu it was my fault for overreacting... You didn't cause any harm and you were just being protective over the girl you liked...” You knew that you had to lie about him not triggering your trauma. You still blamed yourself for being weak at that moment that could of easily been avoided. You remember Kanao being your personal therapist to help you recover from that situation. That insect hashira must have taught her well. Disregarding everything else, you still felt bad that you gave Zenitsu a mental breakdown. Feeling bad for someone was something you felt rarely, but when you did feel it, it made you feel horrible inside.

You let go of Zenitsu and wipe some of his tears away. “Don't feel bad Zenitsu, alright?” you say in an encouraging tone. “I still want my answer Y/N... If I didn't trigger any kind of trauma? Why did you react like that?” he asks again. You didn't know what to say. You suddenly feel someone's arms around your waist and it causes you to flinch as you turn your head immediately. It was Nezuko, she had a worried expression on her face. You put a hand on her head. “No need to worry about us Nezuko!” you say with a fake smile. She didn't let go, and she was frowning. “I'll leave you two be... Y/N we will talk about this later” Zenitsu said as he left. You guessed he probably went to explore a bit, but he wasn't the one you were focused on right now. Nezuko let go of you as soon as Zenitsu left, she stares at you with a still serious look on her face. “Nezuko I'm fine... Stop worrying about me, focus on trying to remember any past memories alright?” you move your hand that was on her head then you put it on her shoulder. You only then realize how short she is compared to you, the top of her dark silky hair just reached your chin. (Sorry to those short people). You then look in Kanao's direction to see Saru sitting down instead of lying motionless and it filled you with a bigger relief.

Nezuko's POV:

I don't like Y/N's answers at all! Not to mention that creature she brought with is stealing Y/N from me. How do I get their attention? I get lost in my thoughts before I suddenly came up with an idea. I grew larger till I was taller than Y/N, they removed their hand from my shoulder then gave me a confused look. I move fast... Picking up Y/N before they could react, then I started running with them in my arms. If they won't tell me what's wrong, then I'll force it out of them...

Y/N's POV:

“N-NEZUKO WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?” you shout while holding tightly around her neck to avoid falling off. She was running very fast, she moved twice the speed of a normal human. She stopped when she came to a stream, a very small one. She loosens her grip signaling you to get down. You get off and immediately fall down sitting, legs spread out trying to regain your breath back, your head was spinning, Nezuko shrunk to her normal size again and just stared at you with that same serious expression. “Nezuko, what's up with you?” you say in an annoyed tone, she came and kneeled down in between your legs. She takes off her gag again, trying to speak but only small groans, grunts and growls came out. “Nezuko, don't force yourself to speak... Your condition is not the best right now, considering you wasted a lot of energy” You say while putting a hand on her cheek and giving a warm smile. You felt bad that Nezuko is forcing herself to speak despite her condition and just to comfort you. “Ughhhh... Good thing she ran pretty far” you thought to yourself, just then your memory trails back to the hotel and the 'incident'. You turn red, “God stop thinking about that! She was obviously just confused and curious. Then again...” Nezuko was still trying to speak, her fangs were visible and you turn a darker shade of red... “Nezuko, why did you k-kiss me?” she gives a surprised expression. “Y-You said...” she manages to say. “I said?” you reply in a confused tone. “You k-kiss person y-you have s-special f-f-feeling for” she says with a shade of red on her face, her grammer was not the best but you understood what she ment. “W-What?” you say with a surprised yet flustered face. She couldn't say anything else, it exhausted her to speak. You knew what you had to do, her face was pretty close to yours as she was sitting in between your legs. She wasn't facing you. Probably because she was embarrassed.

You caress Nezuko's cheek with the same hand. She faces you again, her pupils shrink into a more demonic shape. The same pupils she had during the 'incident'. This time was different though... She acted more calm like, she leaned into your hand, closing her eyes and enjoying the feeling of your touch. You stop caressing her cheek and just move your hand to her chin, you take your other hand and wrap it around her waist to pull her closer. This time you make the first move and connect your lips to hers while closing your eyes, her body tenses up immediately but you feel it relaxing as she brings both her hands to your neck gently. Your heart races, you can feel the blood rush faster to your cheeks. Her one hand moves to your chest as she holds herself up right. The moment you end the kiss Nezuko moves forward causing your lips to connect again. After about a few minutes she moves away, your a red mess right now as you turn away and cover your mouth. Nezuko's tounge slides across the top of her mouth with a satisfied smirk. Just then you feel Nezuko move forward again, she tries to bite your neck. You cover her mouth just in time. “Nezuko... I'm sorry but your fangs will go straight through my flesh. And you can't be in contact with human blood remember?” you say while panting. She takes the opportunity to move your hand away and brings you closer to her as she kisses you again but more passionately, your a blushing mess but you manage to move away. “Nezuko, That's enough...” you say trying to avoid anything else from happening. Her pupils change back to normal as she lays down on your lap, she must have ran out of energy. You look down at her and kiss her on the forehead before lying down yourself. “I guess I can't leave you alone now demon...” you think to yourself while blushing a bit, you fall asleep with Nezuko at your legs.

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