Who Are You? (Part 8)

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Nezuko's POV:

I followed brother to his room, he opened the box for me and I shrunk to my small form to crawl into it. He closed it behind me, he said goodnight to me then probably left to head to Inosuke's room. I was lost in thought for a moment then immediately turned red realizing what I just did. I couldn't believe what I just did to Y/N... I began tearing up a bit, realizing that I probably ruined the relationship between us. “What have I done...” I think to myself.

Auther's POV:

When the sun began to rise they all set out to explore the town again to look for the demon's lair, Nezuko still being in the box at this time. They noticed a house that was more gloomy then the houses next to it with its windows boreded up. The door was jammed shut but Inosuke knocked it open and they went inside. It was two stories high, the inside of the first story was dark, cold, chilling and the air was thin. Almost immediately the smell of a corpse drifted the air, Tanjiro took the lead this time, holding in his breath, obviously learning from before. Walking slowly and quietly up the stairs they immediately see a demon feasting on a child about 6-7 years old. Zenitsu screams and the demon turns its head, Inosuke kills it immediately, slicing it's head off.

Y/N's POV:

“Zenitsu what the h*ll is wrong with you!?” you shout, Zenitsu begins to cry. “I-I'm sorry...” he stutters, you sigh and calm yourself. “Look at this...” Kanao calls out while in the other side of the room. You walk over to see two little boys, still breathing while having a few bruises and cuts on their legs and faces, they were unconscious but alive. You and Tanjiro picked them up and left the house with Kanao following with the dead one and Zenitsu and Inosuke after. Crowds came around you all staring and gasping at the sight of the boys, while some began crying at the sight of the dead kid that Kanao was carrying. A man with a Saya (seith) at his side walked up to you. “A demon?” he whispers in your ear, you nod. “Come with me” he said and led you all to an infirmary while crowds followed, The doctors took the boys in and asked what happened.

Your companions looked nervously at each other then Kanao replied saying that you guys found them in an abandoned house but could not find the parents. One of the doctors took the dead boy and went inside. The crowds started dissapearing as you guys waited for news from the boys. The man that helped you find the infirmary sat next to you with his hand out, “I'm Kota!” he exclaims in a more happier tone then when you first met him, but you could not blame him, there was two unconscious boys and a dead one when he first saw us. You shake his hand and greeted him back, “Y/N...” you say in a tired voice. Kanao scooches closer to you, “I don't trust him, keep your guard up” she whispers then turns to face Tanjiro. You and Kota talk for a bit but you notice him moving closer towards you every time you looked away, and it made you uncomfortable. “What time is it?” you ask him and he replies, “Noon I think”, just then one of the doctors came out and called you, Tanjiro and Kanao in. “I'm saved...” you thought to yourself as you get up and walk towards the room the doctor was in. The two boys were there, they had bandages all over their legs and a few plasters on their faces. One of them looked at you and smiled, you smile back awkwardly, “Thank you for saving us!!” they say in sinc to all three of you. You look at Tanjiro and Kanao and you could see the tears coming from Tanjiro's eyes, the same with Kanao. You chuckle at them then walk in between the two boys's hospital beds. You put your hands on their heads while saying, “No problem kids... But it wasn't just us” you then walk back towards Tanjiro and Kanao.

As you walk out the room you see Zenitsu, Inosuke and Kota at the door waiting for you guys. Tanjiro greets them, “Can I join your group?” Kota asks just as you guys were about to leave, Tanjiro agrees and he walks with you guys. “Any sign of the crows?” You ask, Tanjiro looks up. He shakes his head, just then Nezuko jumps out the box and Kota immediately takes out his katana to slash her, but you intervene by clashing your katana with his, pushing him back. Nezuko grows to her full height and looks at him, she then looks at you and then turns her head. “Why are you protecting a demon!?” Kota shouts while getting up. Tanjiro stands in front of him, “that's my sister!” he shouts back, but Kota scoffs and carries on walking ahead. A few hours later he starts walking next to you and puts his arm around you, “So... You seeing anyone?” he asks. You turn red and turn away. “I guess...” you say in an embarrassed tone. He then asks in a more serious voice, “Who?” you take his hand off your shoulder. “I have a small crush on someone, that's it...” you say again.

Nezuko's POV:

*Sees Kota put his arm around Y/N* “I hate that guy already...” I thought to myself. *hears Y/N has a crush* “I guess I really don't have a chance with Y/N then huh...” I ignored the rest of the conversation since I felt kinda hurt by Y/N's statement.

Y/N's POV:

You notice Nezuko looking gloomy so you run over to her and hug her from behind making her stop walking and look at you, you could see her eyes brightening up as she looked at you. “I'm not mad Nezuko...” You whisper to her in a sweet tone while smiling. The others stare at you two in confusion and you let go to avoid getting too embarrassed. “What was that about?” Tanjiro asks you still having a confused expression. “Nezuko looked sad so I just wanted to make her feel better...” You say still a bit embarrassed. “Next time tell me when she is sad and I'll confort her!!” Zenitsu shouted. You wanted to mess around with Zenitsu again so you grabbed Nezuko by the waist and lifted her up onto your shoulders, “Catch us if you can you simp!” you shout as you start running with Nezuko, “HEY!” Zenitsu screams while running after you guys. You start running into the woods to hide from Zenitsu, and hide behind a tree. He runs past you both and you laugh as soon as he disappeared deeper into the woods. You put Nezuko down again and she hugs you, you hug back and start blushing a bit.

She pulls down her gag to try to speak to you, but just like before she struggled, you put her gag back on and take her hand. You lead her back to the others and they looked like they were waiting for you. “Where's the coward!?” Inosuke asks angerly. Zenitsu comes back dripping wet. Everyone except Kanao and Nezuko start bursting out laughing at Zenitsu's state. “I hate you guys...” he says obviously annoyed and embarrassed at the same time. “Awww... We love you too Zenitsu” you say trying to embarrass him. Nezuko nudges your arm, and you turn to face her, you put your hand on her head as you kiss her cheek. “Let's go!” You say as you begin walking forward. “Did you just kiss my sister!?” Tanjiro shouts as you walk past him, “She started it...” you say while smiling, Everyone looks at Nezuko.

Nezuko's POV:

*Red as a tomato* D-Did they just kiss me!? As I recovered I heard Y/N say... “She started it...” I almost fainted from the embarrassment. I looked at Kota to see him mad as heck... I give him a death stare telling him to back off.

Auther's Note:

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Auther's Note:

Hey guys! I made this one longer than the others because I am taking a two day break to focus on school. But when I come back I will make a 3000 word chapter to make up for it. ♥️♥️♥️

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