The Dark Figure (Part 16)

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Y/N's POV:

You sit down with Zenitsu as you two both watch the sun rise higher. It wasn't long before you both headed back to the others. Your eyes first shifted to the box, it still looked the same as a sigh of relief filled you. You get instantly startled when you hear Inosuke screaming. You turn your head to see he was screaming at Tanjiro to wake up. You had a small smirk on your face in amusement as you watched the two argue in unison. Zenitsu just face palmed himself as his head faced the ground. "SHUT UP!" he finally screamed as he caught the two's attention. "Let's pack up and head out!" you say to assist him. Inosuke scoffed but did as he was told. Tanjiro just smiled with gratitude and got up to pack up his own stuff.

Your stuff was already packed up since you didn't sleep with the others. Zenitsu was talking with Inosuke so that just left you and Tanjiro alone together. There was always something about Tanjiro that amazed you, his smile, his determination, his bravery and his kindness. Yesterday really had you rethink that last part... Since he didn't bother to save Kota from demon clutches, it confused you if  his kindness was like a time bomb ready to go off at the wrong or right times. Even if his reasons for abandoning Kota are what he said, that didn't explain why he let a bunch of demons go freely. You didn't really know what to say about him then, and you definitely don't know what to say now while he was still packing. He looks at you with a smile on his face. “What can I help you with Y/N?” he finally asks you. You snap out of your train of thought and focus your attention on him.

“Oh nothing Tanjiro!” you laugh nervously hoping he would lose interest in starting a conversation. Unfortunately for you he starts talking, “Where did Nezuko take you?” your heart dropped as he finished that sentence. You had to think of something fast, “She just kept on running until we reached a stream!” you replied hastily. He raised an eyebrow in confusion but shook his head and turned his attention back to packing. You had a silent breath of relief and walked away from him. Inosuke and Zenitsu were still arguing but at least their stuff were packed. You slapped Inosuke in the back of the head making them both stop, you just then noticed that Kanao was also awake, she looked packed, she also had Saru with her, healthy and strong which made you happy. Saru climbed down Kanao and ran towards you, you cupped your hands and knelt down, Saru jumped into them. You stood up straight and then your little monkey friend moved forward to your shoulder. You stroked him behind the ear, “Zenitsu got any food for Saru?” you asked as you turned to face him. He gives you his small bag with the seeds and apples, you take two apples and five seeds from the bag. You give Saru two of the seeds, he ate them quite fast, you gave him the apple and it took him a while to hold it right without making it almost fall off your shoulder but he managed and started eating. You took the opportunity to have a bite out of the other apple while you waited for everyone to finish packing.

After everyone was ready you all went South from the abandoned village. You all walked for about 2  hours before reaching another town, it was way bigger then the one before and there were more people walking through the stalls and children running around, either playing tag or just talking to one another. You couldn't help but smile as you remembered your old childhood friends. You remember one of them being very annoying yet funny at the same time, another one being shy yet a complete angel, and the last being the eldest, yet the most childish one out of the group. Your smirk fades as you see one of the children's parents call for one of the kids to follow them. Any memory of your parents made you gag in disgust, they are the last people you ever wanted to see, hear or even mention. You turn your head back to the others, they were pretty far ahead so you began to walk faster. Just then something catches the corner of your eye, a man with dark hair, some patterns on his face that immediately caught your attention. You couldn't see his face that well so eye color was not visible, he was standing in a dark alley, staring with his back facing you. You look back at your friends before looking at the alley again... He was gone, you separated yourself from the others and walked straight to the alleyway.

You had your hand at your katana incase of an attack or ambush. The air felt thin, you realized that Saru was with you, almost finished his apple so you had to turn back to avoid putting him in danger. You walked in the direction you last saw your friends head to and was able to catch up with them. Your mind drifted back to that alley as you walked, the misty, dark area made your body tingle at the thought of what could have been in there. The figure in that alleyway creeped you out, yet he also had a familiar aura that made you even more uncomfortable. “You seem tensed...” a voice said, you almost jumped back in fright as you saw Kanao look at you. “Just worried...” you say in a calm yet kinda shaky manner. She just looked at you with a blank stare, trying to make eye contact with you. “Since it's still early we can explore this place a bit before sunset” she replied. “Why here?” you asked trying to pay attention and avoid knocking into someone walking past you. “We're waiting for a train to arrive at sunset...” she continued. You looked at the sky, the sun seemed to be still a few hours until midday. You sigh before looking back at Kanao.

“I'll go buy some snacks for Saru and I” you reply before walking away from her. In the distance you could hear her say, “Sayonara.” You spend at least an hour looking through the stalls and buying a few fruits and a small bag similar to Zenitsu's to hold them in. You also had to detain Saru from stealing anything. Your little shopping trip was interrupted by someone walking in the crowd, the same figure in the alley was walking just a few meters away from you. He was talking to a few people that were young women and a small child about 6 years old. You were about to walk over when you heard Zenitsu call you from a distance away. Your annoyance left you to just ignore the figure and walk towards Zenitsu. He led you to the rest of the group, “How's Nezuko?” you ask Tanjiro. He just smiled and replied that she should be fine. Your eyes caught a glimpse of the figure walking past you, you clench your fist as you try to ignore him. “If he follows us to the train... I'll attack him” you thought to yourself as you waited for the sun to set while talking with your friends.

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