Nezuko... (Part 5)

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Author's POV:

They spent the rest of the day preparing for the night to come, Zenitsu and Tanjiro were exploring the shack once the smell of carcasses left the inside, Kanao and Y/N were talking by the tents while Inosuke was  sharpening his blades. Hours past and the sun began to set...

Y/N's POV:

You were the first person to notice the afternoon approaching and gave a heads up to your companions. You never actually realised how much you enjoyed their company... They were way more fun to hang out with than you thought they were gonna be, each one had their own individual goals, dreams, personality, passions etc... They were a goofy bunch of morons if you had to put it in the simplest way possible. “W-What do y-you think the d-demon will be l-like” Zenitsu asked while trembling. You decided to tease him... “Probably menacing, brutal, horrifically trying to tear through our flesh while we're screaming in agony” you smile at him then turn away. He turned completely white and fell over. Inosuke ran over towards you wanting another round to battle you. “THIS TIME I AM READY FOR YOU! FIGHT ME!” he demanded. You said nothing and walked away, you could not afford to waste your energy when a possible lower moon ranked demon could have attacked the people here.

Two hours later Tanjiro lights the fire, it was dark enough for demons to start hunting so he put down the box. The demon girl crawls out and grows to her normal height again. Zenitsu starts screaming “Nezuko~Chan!!!!” and proceeds to chase her, you watch in amusement while Inosuke and Kanao watch the surroundings. Tanjiro trys to stop Zenitsu from getting near the demon or 'Nezuko' if you remember her name correctly. As Nezuko looks back she trips on one of the stones placed near the fire and lands on top of you. You both fall to the ground with you cushioning Nezuko's landing, her face was almost touching yours as she opens her eyes, you and Nezuko stare at each other for five seconds before she starts smiling. You get flustered so you look away, Nezuko just carries on staring at you. She starts to get up and you are relieved so you follow. She stops midway and rotates her body, laying the back of her head on your chest while sitting, You turn red instantly.

Zenitsu and Tanjiro stare at you both, with Tanjiro looking both pleased and angered while Zenitsu just floods with jealousy

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Zenitsu and Tanjiro stare at you both, with Tanjiro looking both pleased and angered while Zenitsu just floods with jealousy.

Nezuko's POV:

I heard brother put the box down again, he opens it and I crawl out. I immediately notice the human I saw a while back. They were staring at me again but this time they looked serious... Then Zenitsu started running for me. “Not again...” I thought as I ran away from him, as I stared back at the person they were smiling in amusement and I don't know why but I felt very warm on my face... I realized that I was flustered, but why? As I looked back at Zenitsu I tripped and fell on the person. We stared at each other for a short time then I decided to make a good impression so I smiled at them, they turned away so I guess they were upset. So I decided to lay against them as a sign of friendship, but as soon as I did I felt their heart racing and their body getting warmer.

Y/N's POV:

You take deep breaths and calm yourself. “What are you doing demon?” you asked it in a annoyed tone. She gets off and faces you while tilting her head in confusion, you grab her shoulders and move her away from you. She then crawls back to Tanjiro and he Pats her head. Zenitsu walks straight towards you and starts shouting at you. “I saw her first so back off!” he states then continues with “I have known her longer so find your own girl!” he then walks angerly to his tent. You were amazed at how serious and confident he spoke towards you, which was WAY different then how he normally talks to people.

Why did you feel hurt when he made the comment though?

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