1. The First Meeting

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Harry was getting ready to spend the rest of his life with a stranger at the command of his father with tears silently sliding down his cheeks. He doesn't want to marry a stranger, he wants to find love, get married, have children and then grow old together with his lover. But now that can't happen as he has to marry and mate with a stranger. He doesn't even know the name for God's sake. His father told him yesterday that he was engaged with the son of the Tomlinson pack's alpha when he was four and it's time for the alpha's son to take over the pack, so he has to get married and mated with him and they are coming today to get him. He's only sixteen for the love of god. And why doesn't he even have a say in his own marriage?

Here he is now, waiting for an alpha to come and get him with his packed bags sitting near the door of his room.

He is startled by the knock on his door and looks up to see his mother standing there.

"Don't cry, love." She said, coming in and wiping his tears. He just sits there looking at her.
"He's a good lad. You are going to love him when you'll meet him."

"But why mum? Why? Why do I have to marry and mate with a stranger? Why can't I just find love and then marry them?"

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. But it was the only option left back then when both the packs were fighting and killing each other. It was the only option. I'm sorry. Just- just give him a chance. Yeah? He's a lovely boy. Please just give it a try?"

"Okay, I'll give him a chance." He nodded and forced a smile. She smiled back and held him close to her.

After a while, there was a knock on the door and his father's voice could be heard outside the door.
"Come on, Harry, he's here to pick you up."

He took a few deep breaths and checked himself in the mirror one more time. He was wearing a cream-coloured floral dress.

He smiled at his reflection, looking and feeling pretty

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He smiled at his reflection, looking and feeling pretty. And just like that, his mood was good again.

His mother helped him carry the bags down.
He could hear a few voices, talking, while going downstairs, walking behind his mother.
His mother took the bags from him and placed them near the front door. He just stood at end of the stairs, nervous and anxious to meet his 'future mate'.

His mother returned, giving him a reassuring smile and took his hand leading him to the living room where his father, his supposed 'future mate' and two people from his pack were talking amongst them.

They looked up at the sound of someone entering the room. And Harry looked down to his feet to avoid making eye contact with his 'future mate'.

"Ah, here you are, Harry. We were just waiting for you to come down here. So, this is Louis Tomlinson, soon-to-be alpha of the Tomlinson pack." He looked up to see his father smiling at him and gesturing towards a very beautiful and hot lad, with blue eyes and feathery brown hair, standing up and walking towards him, looking at him with a smile that seemed to be forced.
"Hello, love." He said, extending a hand to shake.
"H-hi," Harry replied shyly while shaking his hand. A jolt of electricity run through his hand, a shiver going down his spine and he quickly pulled his hand away, looking down, shyly. Louis smirked.

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