15. The Proposal

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(Louis' P.O.V.)

"Hazza? I'm back!" I called out after returning home from the packhouse.

No response.


Again, no response.

"Harry? Where are you?"

On getting no response again, I started to look for him around the house since I couldn't use his scent to find him, as it was already all around the house.

I found him in our bedroom. He was lying on the bed, wearing one of my t-shirt and shorts. He was snuggled up with my pillow, seemed as if quite deep in thought. Well, maybe he was, since he didn't reply to me and still hasn't noticed me here, even when I'm right in front of him. Which seemed to happen a lot lately, him zoning out, I mean. It's been a couple of weeks, actually. He doesn't tell me what it is that causes him to zone out that much. Whenever I ask, he tells me it's nothing or he's okay or not to worry about it.

But, what concerned me the most, was the few silent tears on his cheeks. Whatever he was thinking was making him sad and cry. And I don't like it, not one bit.

I walked up to the bed and stood there for a second, waiting for him to notice me. When he didn't, I sat down in front of him, one leg on the bed and the other dangling off, and leaned down on my elbows to get a closer look at his face.

I ran my fingers in his chocolate curls, tugging on them softly and tenderly to bring him back.

"Haz? Are you alright, pup?" I muttered softly when his eyes focused on mine.

"Lou? What are you doing here? How are you home so early?" He murmured. His voice was a bit hoarse, which I assumed was from crying and not speaking for a long time, and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"It's not early, H. I've been back for, like, 15 minutes. And it's 6 in the evening, the usual time I come back home on." I answered his question, still speaking softly and a bit more worried now.

He looked surprised with my answer and sat up hurriedly.

"B-but, how can it be evening? I came here around 2. Shit! I haven't even started on dinner yet." He said, voice still low, but it was like he was talking to himself more than saying this to me.

"Hey, hey. Calm down, H. It's alright. Relax. We'll order take out. Don't worry, okay?" I laid him back down and caressing his cheek softly.

"O-okay, sorry." He whispered.

"What were you thinking so deeply about, sun?" I asked him softly, desperately wanting to know what's causing him to zone out recently.

"I-it's nothing, Lou." He looked away.

I hooked my finger on his chin and made him look at me.

"If it was nothing, you wouldn't have zoned out for four hours. And you would not have been zoning out earlier these days too. So now tell me what it is, omega." I said sternly, but the worry was evident in my voice.

"I-I um... uh... I- Promise me y-you would not leave me or h-hate me after I tell you." He said with his eyes filled with tears.

"I promise, Hazza. I love you. There is nothing in this world you would do that could make me hate you, Haz. Even if you murdered someone, I would help you bury and hide the body." I joked, trying to lighten his mood. In which, I, somewhat, succeeded as he cracked a small smile.

"I love you too, Alpha." He replied. I smiled.

"Now, tell me what's bothering you."

"I-I have b-been throwing up a lot... " He trailed off.

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