14. The Date

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It's been a few days since Harry is out of the hospital, and he is getting better and better. He just needs to rest a day or two more.

Right now, they are cuddled up together in the room, which was Louis' earlier. Louis was lying on his back with one hand rubbing Harry's back and the other hand's finger running through his chocolate brown curls gently. Harry's head was on Louis' chest, listening carefully to his heartbeat, their legs tangled together.

"Harry, love?"


"We've never been on a date before. So, I was wondering... will you go on a date with me?"

"Really!?" Harry yelled out excitedly.

"Don't yell, sun. You are still not fully recovered. And no, I won't believe you are until the doctor says so. And tomorrow is your appointment at 1 in the afternoon, by the way."

"You're going off-topic, Alpha," Harry whined.

"Well, your reaction was all excited, so I took that as a yes." The older of the two shrugged.

"Obviously. I won't go out with Liam while you are my Alpha, now would I?" Harry rolled his eyes.

"Shut up and sleep, pup. Oh, and be ready at 7 pm tomorrow."

*time skip to date night*

It's now 6:59 pm when there was a knock at the front door. Harry was patiently waiting for Louis as he's been since 6:30. He rushed to the door and opened it.

Louis was stood there with his back to the door. At the sound of the door opening, he turned and was met with a sight of glorious-looking Harry.

 At the sound of the door opening, he turned and was met with a sight of glorious-looking Harry

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(Harry's outfit^)

Harry turned a bright shade of red when he noticed that Louis was staring.

"Is this outfit not okay? I'm sorry. I've never been on a date before, so I didn't know what  should I wear. I'm sorry, I'll just go and chan-"

"Hey, hey. No. It's perfect. You look absolutely stunning, pup."

Harry blushed a bright red again. "T-thanks."

"Let's get going, yeah?"


Louis leads them to the car and opens the passenger seat's door for Harry. Harry blushed while muttering a 'thanks'.

Soon, they were on their way in comfortable silence with the radio softly playing.

"Where are we going, Lou?"

"We're going to Mc Donald's, actually. I'm sorry, but there weren't any reservations left at such short notice. I hope you don't mind." Louis replied, glancing at Harry and reaching to intertwine their fingers together.

"I don't mind at all. I love Mc Donald's." Harry said excitedly, bouncing in his seat a little.

Louis smiled at him with fondness clear on his face.

After that, the drive was silent again. Louis could feel his omega's eyes on him, but he was not complaining.

Louis heard Harry giggle slightly after some time of staring.

"What is it?" Louis asked, glancing at his mate confusedly."We're matching!" Harry exclaimed and bursts out in a fit of giggles.

Louis glanced at his and his mate's outfit once and chuckled.

Louis glanced at his and his mate's outfit once and chuckled

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(Louis' Outfit^)

After that, the date was going perfectly. Except that Louis was becoming more and more possessive of Harry. And his scent was also getting stronger by the minute.

Harry was a bit confused by this. But he realised what was happening when they were taking a walk in the park after dinner.

Louis growled loudly at a passerby when their arm brushed with Harry's.

Harry's eyes widened. He gasped and stopped walking, causing Louis to stop.

"What is it, Love?" Louis asked confusedly.

"L-Lou, when is your r-rut starting?" Harry stuttered out with slightly pink cheeks.

"Next week. Why?" Louis replied.

"U-um... I think w-we should head h-home." Harry said, avoiding eye contact.

"Harry? What is it?" Louis asked firmly, not liking that Harry's hiding something from him.

"Um, uh, D-do you feel any d-different?" Harry asked, trying to get Louis to understand without saying it.

"Oh. I'm feeling a bit turned on, yeah." Louis got closer to Harry and whispered in his ears. Louis slipped his hands under Harry's thighs and tapped once, signalling Harry to jump.

Harry jumped and wrapped his legs around Louis' waist and arms around his neck.

"A-and your s-scent is getting s-stronger," Harry said again, pushing Louis to understand.

"Oh yeah? What are you trying to say, Omega?" Louis smirked, already knowing that his rut is kicking in slowly and now teasing his mate.

"You know what I mean, Alpha," Harry whined, hiding his face in the crook of Louis' neck, inhaling his scent.

"Let's get going before my rut fully kick in, yes?" Louis asked, still smirking.

Harry only nodded his head in response, too busy taking in his alphas scent. Louis smiled fondly at his omega while making his way to the car.

[Hey everyone :)

So, I wanted to thank you all for 2K reads and nearly 100 votes (95, to be exact). It truly means a lot. When I started to write this story, I was doing it just for fun. I never thought this story would this much reads and votes. Thank you so much for all the reads, comments and votes.

Love ya <3]

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