5. The Move In

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(Larry's House^)

The next morning, Harry was ready to go to his new home with his bags already in the car. He was fixing his hair once again, when he heard a few knocks on the room's door followed by Louis' voice, "The car is ready, Harry. Hurry up."

"Coming." He replied, walking over and opening the door.

He looked up, feeling eyes on him, to see that Louis was staring at him with car keys in his hand.

"What? Is there something on my face?" He asked while touching his face to feel if there is something on his face.

"You look good." Louis blurted out, making Harry blush a bright red and look down.

" Louis blurted out, making Harry blush a bright red and look down

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(Harry's dress^)

Louis cleared his throat and said, "Let's go. We have to get back here early to prepare for the party tonight," and turned around, heading downstairs, harry following behind, still blushing.

They get in Louis' range rover, Harry taking the passenger seat, and drove to their new home, which only twenty minutes away by car.

Once they reached the house, Louis went to unlock the front door while Harry took his two suitcases from the car trunk. They both entered the house, Harry placing the suitcases in the living room to look around.

"Alright, Harold, That room is yours. (AN: the one near the kitchen in the picture above) Do whatever you want but stay out of my room and keep your nose out of my business. Are we clear?" Louis said gesturing towards the room before walking forwards, stopping only a step away and looking down at Harry.

Harry didn't answer, too distracted by the closeness between them and also feeling a little disappointed by the fact that they won't share a room despite being soon-to-be mates.

"I said, are we clear, Omega?" Louis said sternly, stepping forward breathing down on Harry's face.

"Yes, Alpha." Harry whimpered, looking up into Louis's eyes. Louis smirked at the effect he had on the younger omega in front of him.

"Good. Now, go do whatever you want but be ready at 6 p.m., we have to go to the party tonight." Louis said, before turning around and going into his room, leaving Harry in the living room.

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