9. The Run in the Woods

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It's been a couple of months since the party, and a lot has changed between Louis and Harry. Since the party, they have been sharing a room, cuddling, kissing here and there, and all those coupley things. They have hung out with the other boys and Gigi a lot too. The main change is that they had mated last week.

Harry was in his heat last week, and Louis helped him through it. They didn't go all the way. Harry was not ready to go all the way as it would have been his first time. And he also didn't want to be their first time to be when he was in heat or Louis was in his rut. He wanted it to be special. They mated on the last day of his heat. They have talked about it before his heat started, of course.

Right now, they were having breakfast together. It had become a morning routine for Harry and Louis. Harry would wake up before Louis and would make breakfast for them. Then Louis would wake up before breakfast is ready and would make tea for them. Then they would have breakfast together, and the day will continue depending on if Louis had to go to the packhouse or not.

"Louis, can I go to the woods for a run? My wolf is getting quite restless as I haven't changed since I have been here." Harry asked Louis while he was doing the dishes, and Louis was helping him by drying them.

"Yes, of course, you can. Just be careful, yeah? I wish I could come with you, but there's a meeting about something that Liam said is quite important, so I can't." Louis said, getting a bit upset at last as he can't go with his mate.

"It's alright, Louis. We can go again some other." Harry said, trying to cheer him up again.

Louis' eyes lit up at the idea. "That would be great." He said, getting excited a bit.


"Be careful, Harry. Stay in the pack's territory. And when you are done, come to the packhouse. It's not far from here, only a minute's walk. I'll meet you there, alright?" Louis said to Harry and gave him a quick kiss before watching him turn into his wolf form. 

He stares at Harry's white wolf in awe as he is struck by his beauty. He got out of his trance when a mosquito bites him on his arm, and he realizes Harry is no longer in his sight.

He shakes his head at himself for getting lost in his own mind and started to walk towards the packhouse.

He reached there and went to his office where the meeting will take place in five minutes. He greeted his pack members on his way to his office.

When Louis goes inside, he noticed everyone is already there, and Liam had a worried look on his face. Everyone greeted him when they spotted that he has arrived, and he returned the greetings.

"So, Liam, you said you had something important to tell us?" Louis asked Liam.

"Yes, Louis. There's quite a big problem here." Liam replied.

"Well, what is it?"

"You remember the time when a group of rogue wolves, who called themselves Wilson Pack, entered our territory while we teenagers, and your father killed the group's leader Joseph when they attacked?"

"Yeah, I do remember. But what does it have to with us now?"

"The group's new leader, his son Charles, wants revenge. They have entered our territory and are hiding in the woods. And we don't know exactly where in the woods."

"In the woods? Right now?" Louis asked, panicking as he remembered that Harry is also in the woods.

"Yes, Louis, right now."

"No, no, no, no, no... Harry has gone to the woods for a run, Liam. We have to go find him before the rogue wolves. We have got to save him. Let's go!" Louis said, his voice getting higher towards the end, and he ran out of the packhouse, towards the woods, Liam and the others following after him.

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